
Tatra chosen as most traditional Czech brand.

Czech brand: Success has Kofola, Tatra and Favorit

November 28, 2016 | Marketing


Among the Czech brands are etched in the memory of most Kofola, Tatra is the most traditional and most proud we Favorit.

According to a study Czech brand in 2016,which implements the association Czech Top 100 in cooperation with the research agency GfK, he took the last 12 months Czech Kofola brand most consumers. It is in their memory enrolled especially its positive marketing communications. Behind her were placed Skoda Air Bank, Czech Savings Bank and T-Mobile. The top ten also appeared FIO Bank, CEZ, Moneta Money Bank, Klasa and Alza. Results are based on a representative survey on a sample of 1,000 respondents of the online population older than 15 years.

Czech brand that most impressed in last 12 months
First Kofola Československý
Second Skoda car
Third Air Bank
4th Czech savings Bank
5th T-Mobile CR

Most traditional Czech brand Tatra by the respondents. Other places occupied Čedok brand, Hame, KMV and Favorit.

Traditional Czech brand
First Tatra Trucks
Second Čedok
Third Hame
4th Carlsbad Mineral Water
5th Favorit Czechoslovakia

Favorit is also brand, which people are most proud of. Second place in this category was awarded Čedok. The third ranked company Dermatol. The top five also figure Tatra and mineral water.

Brand, which the Czechs are most proud
First Favorit Czechoslovakia
Second Čedok
Third Dermatol
4th Tatra Trucks
5th Carlsbad Mineral Water

“Project Czech brand for the first time maps Czech brand at the time, češství’, origin and return to the roots growing in importance. And thanks to these aspects, Czechs are increasingly aware of their wealth and are proud for him. Some traditional companies that for some time even disappeared from the viewfinder Czechs enter again in full glory on the market with known, trusted and quality products that we often accompanies since our childhood, “says Lenka Harmon, Sector Leader Consumer Goods GfK .

Original page: https://www.mediaguru.cz/2016/11/ceska-znacka-uspech-ma-kofola-tatra-a-favorit/

Fidel Castro passes away


Cuba’s former president Fidel Castro, one of the world’s longest-serving and most iconic leaders, has died aged 90.

His younger brother and successor as president Raul Castro announced the news on state television.

Castro toppled the government in 1959, introducing a Communist revolution. He defied the US for decades, surviving many assassination plots.

His supporters said he had given Cuba back to the people. Critics saw him as a dictator.

New Hanzelka-Zikmund (coffee-table) book. 272 pages


November 9, 2016

Traveler Miroslav Zikmund christened on Monday, November 7 at the Museum of Southeast Moravia in Zlin new book called Zikmund and Hanzelka. Publication subtitled Tatra around the world wrote Frantisek Emmert, who in writing the book drew mainly from the Archives of H + Z.

In the book, which was created with the active cooperation of Miroslav Zikmund, you will find two hundred documents, such as maps, personal correspondence or documentation of the studies, and more than five hundred photographs. A large part of these documents and photographs, mainly from the personal lives of the two travelers, has not been published, “Magdalena Preiningerová presented the book of the Museum of Southeast Moravia in Zlin, curator of collections of travel.

So readers may know, thanks to the book of life and ways the most famous Czech travelers who managed to realize his boyish dreams, overcome countless obstacles and his courage, faithful friendship and the desire to see the world and inspire the next generation.

Inseparable couple, Miroslav Zikmund and Jiri Hanzelka, drove almost the entire world at a time when it was almost impossible to leave from our country and when you have taken photos to black and white film.

“The book refers to their books. Additionally, the publication has not forgotten the summaries of their lives in several important stages – for example, after 1968 or 1989, “explained Magdalena Preiningerová.

The book of 272 pages is one of the first achievements, which binds to the 70th anniversary of the first trip Zikmund and Hanzelka to the world. In 1947 they had jointly embarked on a tour of Africa and South America. And this anniversary is not only a museum reminds in the coming year. The publication can be purchased at the reception at 14 | 15 Baťov INSTITUTE.


With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences of cest.

Its author Frantisek Emmert. The book is called Zikmund and Hanzelka with Tatra around the world. The publication has 272 pages and is related to the 70th anniversary of the first journey of the famous pair of travellers. Monday’s book launch was attended personally and sedmadevadesátiletý Miroslav Zikmund.

Frantisek Emmert in writing the book drew primarily from the archives and find a pair of H + Z. “Much of documents and photos, primarily from the personal lives of both travellers, has not been published,” noted curator of collections Magdalena travel Preiningerová.

The book contains two hundred documents. They include maps, personal correspondence or documents from studies. Text completes more than 500 photographs.

“The book refers to the books. Additionally, the publication has not forgotten the summaries of their lives in several important stages, such as after 1968 or 1989, “said Preiningerová. Miroslav Zikmund to the emergence of new publications actively participated.

“All the texts underwent reviewing Mr. Zikmund, because to get texts and a lot of new information and facts,” said Frantisek Emmert.

“Mr. Emmert was prepared this book immensely. The idea in my mind for three years, having studied all our books and all available literature. When proofreading, I evoked lot of things that I never said or wrote. I found a lot of documents and photos that I’ve ever seen, “he said Monday during a book launch Miroslav Zikmund.

“Many things I learned long after the departure of Jirkov and after we had provandrovali world,” said Zikmund Hanzelka with, for example, in 1947, embarked on a journey through Africa and South America.

The first trip was adventurous (Interview by Jarmila Kuncova)

Zlín / INTERVIEW / – “We have a whole range of smart young people, on which will depend the fate of this country,” he said in an interview with Daily sedmadevadesátiletý traveller Miroslav Zikmund. On Monday attended the baptism of a new book Zikmund and Hanzelka subtitled Tatra around the world. a vital champagne, likeable and respected Czech traveller clinked glasses with author Frantisek Emmert and curator travel collections of the Museum of Southeast Moravia in Zlín Magdalena Preiningerová.

Q: Mr. Zikmund life you proved to be a very brave man with an adventurous spirit. How do you assess the current state of Czech society? It may grow as strong personalities like you and i was Mr. Hanzelka?

Of course, they can. You can not throw a generation into one bag. We’ve got a lot of young, intelligent, hard working and diligent people who excel above normal. And they are the ones on which will depend the fate of this country.

Q: With his fellow travellers Jiri Hanzelka you meet at school. How do you feel about today’s youth? Issued you with someone of the representatives of the young generation on the road Africa?

This is not just about the issue with someone. That question would have to know something, know something. It would be the same blood group as me.

Q: Which of your previous books you value the most? And what passage of the new book by Mr. Emmert you readers the most interesting?

Most appreciate the two titles, which I think we paid enough attention. It was secondly Ceylon paradise without angels and the book The headhunters. Which passage from the new book will be most engaging, it must judge for himself the reader. I do not know.

Q: If you could go back in time, which of your many journeys would love to live again?

First. First love is always the right one. The first trip was more adventurous than the other. We were only two, then it was an expedition, and that’s not it.

Q: What would you advise us as a cure for longevity and zest for life?

In both by genes play a role, dad lived to be ninety-one years old. That is the main but moderation in all things. I’m a non-smoker, I quit smoking more than eighty years ago. I live happily, do not destroy your life a cigarette.

Source: http://zlinsky.denik.cz/kultura_region/70-let-od-prvni-cesty-zikmund-pokrtil-knihu-20161109.html

Photos: http://zlinsky.denik.cz/galerie/70-let-od-prvni-cesty-zikmund-pokrtil-knihu.html?mm=7340769

Original text:  http://zlinsky.denik.cz/kultura_region/70-let-od-prvni-cesty-zikmund-pokrtil-knihu-20161109.html

Video of book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB935kf7UdY

FOREIGN BUYERS: order your book at http://www.kosmas.cz/info/objednavky-ze-zahranici/

November 9, 2016 SHARE:
With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences from trips.
With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences from trips.
With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences from trips.
With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences from trips.
With the Tatra. As is evident from the subtitle of the new book, with the Tatra Miroslav Zikmund, has linked many experiences of cest.Foto: 14 | 15 Baťův Institute
Its author Frantisek Emmert. The book is called Zikmund and Hanzelka with Tatra around the world. The publication has 272 pages and is related to the 70th anniversary of the first journey of the famous pair of travelers. Monday’s book launch was attended personally and sedmadevadesátiletý Miroslav Zikmund.
“We Jirka during his travels nacvakali somewhere around two hundred and fifty thousand photos, at the time it was something completely unheard of. In the book are photos, which I did not even know that they exist and the first time I saw them up in this publication. For example, in the conclusion to the two sides are able to see rare photos of the gardener and grower Jiri Hanzelka.
After he could not find normally remunerated work has been for some time engaged in seed gardens in Prague. Then he photographed at work unknown student photo and the photo got to know him through his teacher, which he then handed over images, “said Miroslav Zikmund.
The book was created in a short time. “I admit that when the author of the book Mr. Frank Emmert spoke to our museum, so I totally believe that it works out for the ten months since the idea. But he managed, we were honored that we could contribute to it, “commented Magdalena Preiningerová of the Museum of Southeast Moravia in Zlin, curator of the local travel collection.
Frantisek Emmert in writing the book drew primarily from the archives and find a pair of H + Z. “Much of documents and photos, primarily from the personal lives of both travelers, has not been published,” noted curator of collections Magdalena travel Preiningerová.
The book contains two hundred documents. They include maps, personal correspondence or documents from studies. Text completes more than 500 photographs.
“The book refers to the books. Additionally, the publication has not forgotten the summaries of their lives in several important stages, such as after 1968 or 1989, “said Preiningerová. Miroslav Zikmund to the emergence of new publications actively participated.
“All the texts underwent reviewing Mr. Zikmund, because to get texts and a lot of new information and facts,” said Frantisek Emmert.
“Mr. Emmert was prepared this book immensely. The idea in my mind for three years, having studied all our books and all available literature. When proofreading, I evoked lot of things that I never said or wrote. I found a lot of documents and photos that I’ve ever seen, “he said Monday during a book launch Miroslav Zikmund.
“Many things I learned long after the departure of Jirkov and after we had provandrovali world,” said Zikmund Hanzelka with, for example, in 1947, embarked on a journey through Africa and South America.
The first trip was adventurous
Zlín / INTERVIEW / – “We have a whole range of smart young people, on which will depend the fate of this country,” he said in an interview with Daily sedmadevadesátiletý traveler Miroslav Zikmund. On Monday attended the baptism of a new book Zikmund and Hanzelka subtitled Tatra around the world. a vital champagne, likable and respected Czech traveler clinked glasses with author Frantisek Emmert and curator travel collections of the Museum of Southeast Moravia in Zlín Magdalena Preiningerová.
Mr. Zikmund life you proved to be a very brave man with an adventurous spirit. How do you assess the current state of Czech society? It may grow as strong personalities like you and i was Mr. Hanzelka?
Of course, they can. You can not throw a generation into one bag. We’ve got a lot of young, intelligent, hardworking and diligent people who excel above normal. And they are the ones on which will depend the fate of this country.
With his fellow travelers Jiri Hanzelka you meet at school. How do you feel about today’s youth? Issued you with someone of the representatives of the young generation on the road Africa?
This is not just about the issue with someone. That question would have to know something, know something. It would be the same blood group as me.
Which of your previous books you value the most? And what passage of the new book by Mr. Emmert you readers the most interesting?

The T 603 by the French daily “Le Monde”

Tatra 603, a state-of-the-art limousine for apparatchiks


The legacy automobile of democracies is not limited to the sickly East German Trabant or monumental Soviet ZIL who aped American. Among the cars designed on the other side of the Iron Curtain, it is one that was impressed by his poise and the boldness of his technical choices as aesthetic. The Tatra 603, a Czechoslovak limousine that appeared just sixty years ago, occupies a special place in the Pantheon of esthetics.

Text continued:


Original French text: http://www.lemonde.fr/m-voiture/article/2016/11/18/tatra-603-une-limousine-d-apparat-chic-pour-apparatchik_5033289_4497789.html#xtor=AL-32280515

U.S. T 87 sold at ebay


Needless Czech automotive hobbyist who would not know Tatra T87, a renowned aerodynamic cars from Kopřivnice. Its chief designer was Hans Ledwinka and T87 is basically the second generation model T77. It was shorter, lighter and more powerful version of the Tatra T77 and had a better driveability. Inside the T87 has a three-liter eight-cylinder air-cooled OHC, which offered 85 horses and drove the car up to 160 km / h. That’s because it was amazingly aerodynamic – drag coefficient of 0.36 is a good result today, and here we are talking about the car, which first appeared on the market in 1934.
In his time with the Tatra T87 produced about three thousand, but today most of them very likely to exist. This car has barely meet on Czech roads and of course even more rare in the United States, where he also is one of the prized pieces of automotive history. In connection with the June sale of a piece in perfect condition we talked about 10 pieces T87 on US soil, and such information is not hard to believe.
The beautiful, renovated and dark blue was one of them. Second, about which we hear now is in much worse shape, as you can see in the photos below. It was recently found in Virginia in the abandoned premises of the company, dealing with car repairs. The Tatra was once entrusted to bring it back to perfect condition, for some reason, but also other steps “by cage ‘cars was left fallow. Reportedly, after decades, so instead the renovation got her just the opposite – the gradual decay.

Details on this finding us a lot of sellers did not communicate, it is not even certain that the car production year 1947 or 1948, one of them but it will be. With regard to the above mentioned car is available a number of new parts that are still in very good condition and could be used. However, what of the car itself, we do not know – the vendor talks about that except unflattering parts of the state around the left rear wheel of the car is still in usable condition and suitable for renovation.
There is no doubt that this car will need a lot of work before getting into a state in which the owner wanted him to present in shows or rallies, but beyond a point of no return, definitely not. Evidenced by the price at which the weekend were sold at auction on eBay . The selling price was a nice round $ 50,000, in the crowns it was about 1.28 million.
That includes the car in such a state really a lot of money and Americans remember how 10 years ago as 50,000 USD bought two T87 good or at least fully driveable condition. In this regard, the market really is mad, and Tatra which obviously are not spared. On the other hand, look at her – even in this state is a charming piece of technology that you simply renovating deserve. So a big thank you to anyone who is not afraid to plunge into millions of such cars to be chic again …




Miss Saigon was built in Czechoslovakia

Antique Tatra in exclusive restaurant

There are long, the Tatra T87 (produced in 1940) are all adorned car in front Restaurant Saigon’s downtown area left many passersby glanced always. Because there are not a few other restaurants also showcase classic cars, but not where there are fancy cars such shares.

Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_1

Tatra T87 display at City CBD international friends and fans.

As senior Tatra cars – the company only produces automotive and heavy truck special car for the head of state (the two first president of former Czechoslovakia were selected this ride), Tatra T87 is kind of limousine luxury is produced in limited quantities, it looks much more prominent (first 3 motorcycle headlights, tail high pointed dorsal fin shark varieties …). Compared with existing models antique cars in Vietnam, Tatra T87 style aristocratic design, refinement in from the curving lines of the front wheel fenders until sunroof (sunroof) greater than 1 m 2, belongs to the oversized compared with the same type of car.
Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_2Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_3Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_4Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_5
The order of the steps to be a challenge even for the fluent drive.
In addition to interior and exterior condition of 95% original, the classic cars equipped with gasoline engines still operating well with the label sheet (name-plate) attached to the main manufacturers of engine room. Look out world, this model is also very rare due to the total number of vehicles produced starting from nearly 80 years ago has little to strong fluctuations over time, especially due to the war. The car is a testament to the high level of development of heavy industry Czech Republic, especially in metallurgy, machine tools with high quality technology and precision metal cutting.
Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_6Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_7The label (name-plate) originally attached to the engine compartment.
Tatra T87 sample car is one of the industry’s typical cars Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia), produced at the factory Tatra from 1936 to 1950 with a total of 3,023 units due to Dr. Hans Ledwinka design – one of the leading experts in the field of car designer. This car impresses with powerful styling and aerodynamic standards staging famous hanging V8 engine capacity of 2.9L 85 bhp power, cooling completely in the air, can reach speeds of over 160 km / h (a record at the time).
Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_8Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_9Ngo Hong Chuyen vehicle owners in the Tatra Museum.
Tatra T87 hold a special position in the Tatra vehicles Series7 not only because of the unique appearance but also by contemporary celebrities have been close, loved, appreciated and used. If you have the opportunity to refer to the site as www.tatra87.cz, www.auto.idnes.cz or video clip in English introduced this model on www.youtube.com, really classic car enthusiasts will be attracted innovative spirit by the beauty of the car once the mobile office of president more: Tatra T87.
According to Ngo Hong Chuyen vehicle owners – owner of Hoa Vien beer hall, the classic car hobby as he wanted to share with everyone the unique, perfect quality, enduring beauty of the time … strange and rare models such as Tatra T87.
Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_10Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_11Ô tô cổ Tatra 3 đèn pha hàng độc tại TPHCM_12
Photos and documents are all Tatra vehicle car sharing with everyone.


Streamline exhibition in Friedrichshafen

Bild 102-14151


German text: http://www.zeppelin-museum.de/de/ausstellungen/ausstellung.php?event=106

603 engined Tatraplan for sale



Czech T 87 stamp

Historical means of transport – car Tatra 87

Release Date: 21st September 2016
Name of issue: Historic Transport: Tatra 87
Nominal value: CZK 16
Catalog number: 903
Graphic design: Vaclav Zapadlík
Print sheets: 50 stamps in a check register: 25 + 25 pcs car biplane
Image Dimensions stamp: 40 x 23
Type of print: full color offset

Historické dopravní prostředky - automobil Tatra 87

Mark Story:

Tatra 87 car is higher grade manufactured by Tatra Czechoslovakia from 1937 to 1950. It is a luxury aerodynamic car, the successor to the Model T 77 A. Its quality demonstrated Tatra 87 in 1947-1950, when this car silver undertook Jiri Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund trip to Africa and South America. According to the US newspaper The New York Times is a collectible car of 2010, beating strong competition 651 cars. In 1936 they produced the first two prototypes of the T-87 for tests and in 1937 another five cars test series. Tatra 87 was officially introduced in 1937. Since 1938 he has produced T-87 series. In 1940 they were produced and two convertibles for possible use in the military. After the war he continued serial production of T-87 with minor changes to the bodywork until the 1950s.
(Source www.cpost.cz)

FDC – first day cover:

The stamp is issued a first day cover and a special postmark.
(Source www.cpost.cz)

Historické dopravní prostředky - automobil Tatra 87

Historické dopravní prostředky - automobil Tatra 87

Historické dopravní prostředky - automobil Tatra 87

Editor’s Note:

You’ll notice a new way of publishing news. Our goal is to have the broadest possible information and images all available philatelic material.Let us know how you are new articles about news glossed over.

News for nominal:

new in our shop, we offer a new postage stamp CR for nominal. This particular stamp purchased here at this link.

Author: Zdeněk Jindra | 3. 10. 2016


Behind the wheel of Tatra 2-603: Admired and Damned

Tatra 603 Charismatic representative cars from the 50s to 70s.While some remember him as technically avant-garde designed car, others are associated with one-party rule and everything connected with it. Let’s ride!


Meeting with Tatra 603 was always a special event. During the time of the previous regime, if you’re not leaders “of his party,” then you might just think that you ride this car, forget about. The only exceptions were “panští coachman,” or personal drivers, whether in companies or administrative spheres of the state.

In doing so since 1959, Tatra 603 available on the open market, thanks Mototechna, a firm which had at times šestsettrojky except Tuzex or car dealership, Autobazar enterprise Jewelry (still wonder what they used cars in common with jewelry and watches), as only allowed to sell cars in Czechoslovakia.

Who then Tatra 603 buy? In addition to the undertakings of which have been mentioned, must be party leaders and then the so-called deserving workers. These included actors, singers or athletes. A special group then imagined “stachanovští” miners (remember the slogan “I’m a miner, who is more?”.

Just for the record, in 1959, was a Tatra 603 in the open market 98,000 crowns, while the average salary in the country amounted to thirteen hundred. In 1964, the price of the car increased to 105,000 crowns, wages grew by about two hundred. In 1969, Tatra 60 “up for grabs” already at 195,000 crowns, but the average wage was still only nineteen hundreds. For comparison, Skoda 100, a car designed “normal working”, was in 1970, 55,000 crowns. Since the 70s it was possible to get the T-603, sometimes as a used car.Mostly from former professional drivers, who are usually the first buyers of a car after removal from government service.

Once, three, today almost always four

Let’s not talk about the Tatra 603 as such. A piece that made by us, was the so-called second series after modernization. You know it already from the vehicle designation “2-603″. The original “duo” went into production in 1964, when he replaced the first edition, the characteristic triad round headlamps. It’s just “trojoká” version, which witnesses in connection with the T603 most mentioned.“Today, those original 603 very little,” says Peter, the owner of a test 603. And he adds: “Most original cars had been rebuilt in time for the mask with four headlights, due to legislation.” Then the historical authenticity of the vehicle never discussed. Unfortunately.

Version 2-603 used since the beginning of the mask “Čtyroký” plus some other bodywork and equipment. Since 1968, the menu already mentioned modernized “deuce” and test the car left the factory gates in 1970. In the context of innovation has strengthened the engineering of the car. Instead of drum brakes were Girling disc brakes licenses and, moreover, worked with an improved vacuum assisted braking effect.

At long “long way”

Tatra 603 truck has been designed especially for overcoming long distances. Former professional drivers routinely rammed it up to 80,000 km per year. This is a substantial portion in the present scales.

First, what surprised us was sophisticated ventilation. Although the outside there was the biggest heat wave last summer, while inside it was warm, but still relatively bearable. Of course while driving. In doing so, in general, the more favorable aerodynamic vehicles that are ventilated cabins harder, so if do not use a variety of additional systems, including air conditioning. The exchange of air in the cabin in the summer well cared dump ‘windows’ front doors and similar paraphernalia behind the second pair side door.

Tatra 603 was six-car. Thus, instead of the front pair of seats found their place benches. Thus, similarly to the van. Sadly, the passenger sitting in the middle did not have a seat belt. In the 50s, however, the passive safety of virtually all unaddressed. Nevertheless, from this perspective, 603 interesting. At the time of its commissioning was expected to seat belts even in the back! Out of that but eventually abandoned.

Front seat comfort is excellent, but some ergonomic regularities forget. The seat is flat as benches in the train. A sitting high up, which in turn facilitates the entry. Even former contemporary press represented sister Světem engines complained that he was sitting “on the seats,” and not in them.

Today’s driver would certainly disillusioned with the huge wheel with incredibly thin rim. In addition, there was an even smaller circle, controlling the horn. Tatra 603 was never equipped with power steering. Due to a slight bow, while the geometry of the front axle with back-pull wisely elected rejdových pins (so-called svisláků) goes steering wheel when parking the car on the spot a little stiff, but it just has to start immediately and pleasantly zlehkne. In principle Tatra 603 servo never needed.

Big wheel was at that time in ordinary cars. Additionally, the role of business drivers Tatra 603 was usually chauffeurs, accustomed to tame trucks. How about you see, control 603 and especially comfort were compared with contemporary trucks essentially incomparable.

What surprised was the pedal arrangement. Due to the concept with the engine mounted longitudinally behind the rear axle, we expected a solution familiar from the recently described Porsche 912E and the original VW Beetle. Thus, the attachment below. U 603 is thus solved only accelerator (the same way that they also have BMW or Mercedes). Conversely, clutch and brakes were hung from the top, as is common today.

Greater attention of designers, however, was dedicated to those who sit in the back. Again, we welcome very soft seats, while here there are also middle armrest. Historical tests have complained about the increased noise from the drive unit, located just behind the rear seatback. Allegedly it was a mixture of tones vyluzovaných exhaustory, thus cooling fans in combination with the actual unit.

Particular attention was paid engineers door opening. Inside handles are actually an extension of the armrest. To open the door it is necessary to pull the lever up. By pushing only ensures the door lock.

Only thus floats

When perfect knowledge of the specifics of the car also needs an experienced driver to quickly and safely ride with Tatra certain period of addiction than captures all of its properties. It is conditional on the dimensions, weight, sensitivity control, short-stroke accelerator, brakes and hardness properties mainly tires. For these matters more than the majority of vehicles on the accuracy of inflation in relation to the load. In terms of ride comfort, road grip, noise and stress within the body of the springs and shock absorbers mainly fluctuations. The car is quiet at high speeds, in the longitudinal plane will not swing an effective stabilizer restrict lateral tilt. Directional stability at speeds above 120 km / h, however, is considerably dependent on the condition of the tires and the shock absorbers, which are subjected to a large suspension stroke (a total of 220 mm). Beware gusts of crosswind, which must be timely podchycovat. Driving at speeds above 120 km / h on our roads already represents a higher degree of “piloting”.

Tatra 603 is a car for a quick and comfortable ride for long distances. In urban korzování its properties can not be fully applied, but here you use an unexpected engine flexibility. On the road tolerates very hard prolonged stress without any harm and can be scrolled through to the second gear 80km / h and the third to over 120 km / h.

And how’s the ergonomics of the driver’s workplace Czechoslovak luxury car? Main and auxiliary controls, drivers are in their natural range, steering wheel fits in the hand, but it is unnecessarily large, making it difficult annealing. As the saying contemporary press: “Behind the wheel Tatra T-603 with a hat on his head not enter without cringing.” Shift under the steering wheel is sensitive to adjustment levers and rods. When properly adjusted, it ranks thin lever under the steering wheel surprisingly easy. Even so, a person says how it ever prove the manufacturer due to the complexity of the control.

Whether šestsettrojka though burdened by historical political context, certainly it is one of the most charismatic car, what with us when it was created. Ride comfort impress today, as well as an unmistakable design. Fans recommend the current edition of the magazine Auto Tip Klasik (based again on January 12), where we tatrováckému jewel detail.


Tremendous charisma, shapes that have anything not be mis-, driving comfort, highly comfortable suspension, sound and driving expression of the eight-cylinder engine, an investment in the future, sturdy brakes (especially since 1968), driving dynamics, surprisingly precise shifting, each car is original (the car is constantly improving continuously)


Corrosion of the body, some specific control position behind the wheel, the high price of cars in their original condition (even higher after renovation), for some some controversy

Photo: David Rajdl

Tatra 2-603 (1970) – selected technical data

Engine Atmospheric air-cooled eight-cylinder fork

Displacement [cm 3] 2472

Cylinders / valves 8/2

The greatest power [kW / min] 77/4800 (rather befits write 105 hp)

Torque [Nm / min] 170/4000

Transmission 4M

Max. speed [km / h] 160

Acceleration 0-100 km / h [s] Not stated

Standardized consumption [l / 100 km] 12.5

Dimensions (LxWxH) [mm] 4995 x 1895 x 1530

Wheelbase [mm] 2750

Curb weight [kg] 1510

The acquisition price in 1969 [CSK] 195.000

original url:http://www.auto.cz/za-volantem-tatry-2-603-obdivovana-zatracovana-91815

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