Milan and Michal Kubík recreated a Wehrmacht T111.
“The 99 percent was the second such find in the world. It was mainly a consequence of war production, when the ersatz materials used and the cabin should place sheet of wood, and naturally perishable faster. I think we can truly say that it is only in the world, “said Michael Kubik rightly proud.
Kubíková Both are experienced mechanics. Father Milan Kubik is skilled in body-builders and renovation Karosa Vysoké cars as its a hobby. Previously participated in the renovation of the Club cars Pardubice military history as it was necessary Praga RN. His son Michael is a trained mechanic and again fan of military history. “It was such a big dream of my dad’s little beauty this back on the road. It took literally arts crafts Ennead – locksmith, electrician, mechanic, carpenter, historian and body-builders. When you look at it financially, so all the renovations came to a total of about three hundred thousand crowns, a wreck that took the material and various parts . Above all it is but five years of work, which fell to almost all weekends, holidays. Those hours that were never not calculate, but the result is worth it, “says Michal Kubik. Tatra 111 from the disintegrating wreck turned into a polished veteran, and was also introduced to the public. Last last Sunday in Pardubice on meeting veterans. You can see but will soon also at other events.

“The 99 percent was the second such find in the world. It was mainly a consequence of war production, when the ersatz materials used and the cabin should place sheet of wood, and naturally perishable faster. I think we can truly say that it is only in the world, “said Michael Kubik rightly proud.
Kubíková Both are experienced mechanics. Father Milan Kubik is skilled in body-builders and renovation Karosa Vysoké cars as its a hobby. Previously participated in the renovation of the Club cars Pardubice military history as it was necessary Praga RN. His son Michael is a trained mechanic and again fan of military history. “It was such a big dream of my dad’s little beauty this back on the road. It took literally arts crafts Ennead – locksmith, electrician, mechanic, carpenter, historian and body-builders. When you look at it financially, so all the renovations came to a total of about three hundred thousand crowns, a wreck that took the material and various parts . Above all it is but five years of work, which fell to almost all weekends, holidays. Those hours that were never not calculate, but the result is worth it, “says Michal Kubik. Tatra 111 from the disintegrating wreck turned into a polished veteran, and was also introduced to the public. Last last Sunday in Pardubice on meeting veterans. You can see but will soon also at other events.
Categories: Personal
September 3rd, 2011