Barker, Ronald and Harding, Anthony: Automobile Design. Great designers and their work (includes chapter about Ledwinka)
Bidlo, Vladimír and Kleinhampl, Z.V.: 70 years motor-cars of the Tatra, Prague /1967
Bröhl, Hanspeter: Paul Jaray, Stromlinienpionier, Bern /CH 1978
Černý, Jan: Automobily Tatra s Karoseriemi Sodomka (Tatra cars with Sodoka bodies), Vysoke Myo /CZ 2007
Clarke, RM (ed): Tatra cars, Cobham, Surrey /UK 2009
Gomola, Miroslav, Tulis, Jan and Farmer, Gavin: Automobiles Tatra, aerodynamic cars from Kopřivnice, Brno /CZ 1999
Gomola, Miroslav: Automobily Tatra. Luxusni vozy z Kopřivnice, Brno /CZ 2000
Gomola, Miroslav: Automobily Tatra. Aerodynamické vozy z Kopřivnice, Brno /CZ 1998
Gomola, Miroslav: Automobily Tatra. Aerodynamické vozy z Kopřivnice, Brno /CZ 2000
Book is the second print of an earlier version with the same title. Text is Czech. 168 pages, b/w & colour ill. Compared to the english version “Aerodynamic cars from Koprivnice” the second print has been extended with 40 pages: six on the T 97, one on Ledwinka, 6 on the Tatraplan and 13 on Rene Berger and the T 77 restored by him.
Gomola, Miroslav (ed): Hadimirska nebo nesmrtelna sedmapadesatka, Brno CZ /1996
Gomola, Miroslav (ed): Tatra 100 let automobilu v Čechách 1897-1997, Brno CZ /1996
Gomola, Miroslav (ed): Tatra 100 let nákladního automobilu 1898-1998, Brno CZ /1998
Hanzelka, Jiri and Zikmund, Miroslav: Several books about this Czech duo travelling with a T 87 through Africa and South America.
Published in the major eastern bloc languages as well as German and English.
There are also lesser known books from them travelling with two T 805s from Czechoslovakia to Ceylon.
Hrabák, Zdenĕk a Kožíšek, Petr: 100 let Automobilu v Českých zemích / Theodor von Liebig, průkopník motorismu, Liberec /CZ 1993
Hucho, Wolfgang Heinrich (ed): Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, USA 1987
La Bohème en Voiture
The 200 page book was published on the occaision of the 2002 exhibition in the Schlumpf Museum with the same name.
The book describes all Czech make. 34 pages are about Tatra with many models purposely photographed for the book. Lay out and photos are beautiful as are the old Czech Motor Show posters.
Jánik, Martin: Tatra, Brno /CZ 2005
Lášek, Pavel a Vanek, Jan: Obrnená Drezina Tatra T 18,
90 page book about Tatra’s small armored railcar powered by a T 11 engine.
Book is of good quality with sharp b/w photos and some colour drawings.
Text is in Czech with a small excerpt in German and English
ISBN 80-86116-05-0
Kieselbach, Ralf J.F.: Stromlinienautos in Deutschland, Stuttgart /D 1982
Kieselbach, Ralf J.F.: Stromlinienautos in Europa und U.S.A., Stuttgart /D 1982
Klos, Miroslav (ed.): K dĕjinám Tatry Kopřivnice I, Kopřivnice /CS 1972
Klos, Miroslav (ed.): K dĕjinám Tatry Kopřivnice II, Kopřivnice /CS 1970
Klos, Miroslav (ed.): K dĕjinám Tatry Kopřivnice III, Kopřivnice /CS 1975
Rosenkranz, Karel a Kozlovsky, Jan: K d_jinám Tatry Kopřivnice IV, Kopřivnice /CS 1990
Koenig-Fachsenfeld, Freiherr: Aerodynamik des Kraftfahrzeugs Band I und II, Frankfurt an Main /D 1951
Koenig-Fachsenfeld, Freiherr: Aerodynamik des Kraftfahrzeugs Band III und IV, Fachsenfeld über Aalen /D 1946/1990
Kožíšek, Petr: All the Presidents Cars: Prague /CZ 1996
Křesina, Václav (ed): Sedemdesát let výroby automobilu, Kopřivnice /CS 1967
Kuba, Adolf a Spremo, Milan: Atlas našich automobilu 3, Prague /CS 1989
Kuba, Adolf a Spremo, Milan: Atlas našich automobilu 4, Prague /CS 1989
Lichtenstein, Claude und Engler, Franz (ed): Stromlinienform, Stuttgart /D 1992
English version of same book:
Lichtenstein, Claude und Engler, Franz (ed):Streamlined, a metaphor for progress, Lars Müller Verlag, Baden/ (CH)
Mackerle M.E., Julius: Air cooled motor engines, Authorized English edition, London /GB and Prague /CS 1961
Margolius, Ivan and Henry, John: Tatra, the legacy of Hans Ledwinka: Harrow /GB 1990.
Monsport, Stanislav: 100 let automobilu Tatra, Praha /CZ 1997
Neumann, Jan: Tatra 111, Praha /CZ 2010
Pauly, Jana a Kožíišek, Petr (uspořádali): 100. výroči zahájení automobilové výroby v TATŘE v Kopřivnici, Prague /CZ 1997
Rosenkranz, Karel: Nákladní Automobily 1898-1972, Kopřivnice /CS 1972
Rosenkranz, Karel: Nákladní Automobily Tatra 100 Let, Praha /CZ 1999
Rosenkranz, Karel: Osobni Automobily 1898-1972, Kopřivnice /CS 1972
Rosenkranz, Karel: Tatra, Brno /CS 1987 (Auto Album series)
Rosenkranz, Karel: Osobni Automobily Tatra 100 let, Praha /CZ 1998
four western languages version:
Rosenkranz, Karel: Tatra passenger cars, Prague CZ 1997
Rosenkranz, Karel: Tatra, Brno CZ 2002
The 154 page book covers Tatra’s car history with numerous b/w photos ( I would guess 300) and a few colour photos.
All technical datas are there as well.
Text is all new, but in Czech.
Quality of the softcoverbook is high with sharp photos.
Like a similar book on passenger cars, it is written by Karl Rosenkranz and published by Mojmir Stojan
Prize: CZK 350,–
Saluz, Eduard: Der Tatra Typ 77 im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz, Luzern /CH 1993
Schmarbeck, Wolfgang: Tatra, Die Geschichte der Tatra Automobile, Bad Oeyenhausen /D 1977
Schmarbeck, Wolfgang: Hans Ledwinka, seine Auto’s, sein Leben, Graz /A 1990
Ledwinka’s biography, 192 pages, 200 photos
Hans Ledwinka
Wolfgang Schmarbeck
Hans Ledwinka
Seine Autos – sein Leben
ISBN-10: 3-900310-56-4; 2. Aufl.
ISBN-13: 978-3-900310-56-1
22,5 x 26,5 cm, 192 Seiten, 200 Abb., geb.
Hans Ledwinka war ein begnadeter Konstrukteur mit internationalem Ansehen. Sein Schaffen ist eng verbunden mit den Tatra-Werken, er zeichnete aber auch für die ersten von Steyr gebauten Personenwagen verantwortlich. Mit seinen richtungsweisenden Ideen beeinflußte er die Fahrzeugindustrie, und schon zu Lebzeiten empfing er als Automobilpionier hohe Ehren.
New books are available from at E 35.00 + pp
Neue Bücher sind zu erwerben bei Preis E 35.00 + Versand
Smit, Kees: Tatra onder de zeespiegel, Haarlem NL/2006
The Dutch Tatra story. The cars and trucks, the importer, the dealers and the owners. 140 pages. Full of b/w and color illustrations. English, German and Czech summary.
New books are available from at E 24,50 + pp
Neue Bücher sind zu erwerben bei Preis E 24,50 +Versand
Švihálek, Milan: Život s erbem Tatry, Praha CZ 2009
Szpuk, Ing. Ljubomir (red): Technické novinky v automobilce Tatra, Praha /CS 1956
Szpuk, Ing. Ljubomir and Rosenkranz, Karel: Automobily poslednich dvaceti let, Kopřivnice /CS 1965
Szpuk, Ing. Ljubomir and Rosenkranz, Karel: Od neutitscheinek k T813, Kopřivnice /CS 1967
Tuček, Jan: Tatra 603, Praha /CZ 2005
Tichánek, Jiří: Kočáry Schustala – Kopřivnice, Ostrava /CZ 2000
Tulis, Dr.Jan: Karrosserie Sodomka, Brno /CS 1990
Tulis, Dr.Jan: Karosa, Vysoké Mýto /CZ 1995
Zavadil, Radomír: Obrněný automobil OA vz.30/ Armoured Car Mo.30, Bučovice /CZ 2006
Zavadil, Radomír: Vojenské automonily Tatra / Tatra Military Vehicles. Cars and Passenger Vehicles, Bučovice /CZ 2007
Zavadil, Radomír: Vojenské automobily Tatra / Tatra Military Vehicles, Trucks and Special Vehicles, Bučovice /CZ 2008