TATRA TRUCKS rise from the ashes following its predecessor’s bankruptcy seems to be continuing at a steady pace. The company already announced at the beginning of August that it had sold more vehicles in the first half of the year than expected and raised its profits estimate for the full year to 3 billion crowns. TATRA TRUCKS also says it has almost sold all this year’s planned production plan of 745 vehicles and expects to be capable of overshooting its 2014 target by an extra 30 to 50 vehicles.
Photo: archive of TATRA TRUCKSIn its latest format, TATRA TRUCKS is a newcomer founded after its predecessor Tatra a.s. filed for insolvency last year. Owned by Czech businessmen Jaroslav Strnad and René Matera since April 2013, the truck maker nevertheless sees itself as the follower of a brand whose history spans more than one hundred years. And it now seems to be slowly recovering from years of financial uncertainty caused by complicated ownership and the impact of the financial crisis.
Soon after the takeover, a strategy of cautious and targeted production was chosen by the company’s new management, which says it aims to exploit gaps in the market and focus on producing what they say TATRA does best – manufacturing heavy off road trucks. The plan, which also saw over 100 workers being laid off in a bid to increase output efficiency, seems to be working. The company last year hit its highest vehicle production volume since 2008 and has succeeded in regaining the confidence of suppliers and rating agencies.
TATRA’s main clients continue to come from the military, construction and mining sector, with over two thirds of orders coming from outside of the Czech Republic, including many from the former Soviet bloc. The manufacturer’s press secretary Andrej Čírtek said Russia was one of the company’s main clients with potential for further growth. According to him the recent tit-for-tat sanctions between the EU and Russia haven’t impacted the company heavily, but could hinder expansion in the future.
One of the main successes the company has achieved since its restructuring is a recently agreed deal with the Saudi Arabian army worth 4.5 billion crowns. TATRA’s will not supply finished trucks but will instead send parts to a newly opened assembly plant in Saudi Arabia where they will be put together using workers trained in TATRA’s plants in the Czech Republic. The deal is part of a larger trend, Čírtek says, which will see vehicles being assembled in the country of their destination.
In spite of the upbeat tone, the market for off terrain trucks has shrunk in the past decades. Current world production is around 10 000 units, which is actually close to the number that the TATRA plant alone was producing back in 1989. Čírtek stated that one of the main reasons behind this, is improved infrastructure and better roads in many parts of the world. This has led to a lesser need for such vehicles. However, he says there is still considerable potential for TATRA in the construction and mining industry as well as military contracts.
Historic racing cars to “Dessauer race weekend”
Klaus-Lothar Bebber: On October 3, it goes to the historic journey on the A9!
Dessau (db). What promises that one should also keep!
True to this old adage will be cashed on February 8, given the technology Hugo Junkers promise Automotive guild master Klaus-Lothar Bebber. The historical Hanomag diesel, with the one on the highway track in Dessau world records were run, comes back on the A9!
And he is not alone, says Bebber, for the occasion of the “historical race weekend Dessau – 75 years Aerodynamics” until October 5 to come from 2 other historic sports and racing cars to Dessau. Klaus-Lothar Bebber: “To date, we have the promise of a DKW racing machine from 1921, a DKW F1 from 1931, a Meier lightweight from 1935, an eagle Super Sport from 1937, an Alfa Romeo Jankovits – 6C2300 of 1937, the Hanomag Special Roadster from 1936, the Hanomag Autobahn 1938, the Hanomag 1.9 liter diesel record car of 1939 and a Tatra 87 of 1939 from the post-war period are based on the DKW F9 F8 of 1938/1948 , the Greifzu 1 formula racing car of 1948 and a DKW Monza 1956 there. “These are some commitments from, so that we expect further historical vehicles.
For Klaus-Lothar Bebber, who prepared the four days of Dessau with the Hanoverian Horst-Dieter Görk from Hanomag Club and organized a great event. And as a framework program was developed, which could make no tourism operators better. This ranges from lectures in the Museum of Technology Hugo Junkers, city tours, visiting the Anhalt Theatre, the Palace of Oranienbaum and an evening in the historic oak wreath in Wörlitz. Accompanying this “race weekend” from 1 Dessauer sidecar meeting on 4 October 9 to 17 clock at the art museum. There are no specifications for the model years, it is open to all.
The highlight, as Klaus-Lothar Bebber is safe, but is the ride on the A9 be. On 3 October, all historic vehicles meet at the highway entrance Wolfen in the direction of Berlin. Approximately 10 clock, it goes to the A9 for demonstration runs in the direction of Dessau. Assured it was blocking the A9 from Dessau to Berlin. For Photo interested the bridges over the A9 may thereby be ideal.
The program
The program of the four days since days on the internet “www.technikmuseum-dessau.de” of cost. Interested in the presentations are welcome and have to pay according to Klaus-Lothar Bebber, only the normal admission cost for the art museum.
Historic racing cars to “Dessauer race weekend”
Klaus-Lothar Bebber: On October 3, it goes to the historic journey on the A9!
Dessau (db). What promises that one should also keep!
True to this old adage will be cashed on February 8, given the technology Hugo Junkers promise Automotive guild master Klaus-Lothar Bebber. The historical Hanomag diesel, with the one on the highway track in Dessau world records were run, comes back on the A9!
And he is not alone, says Bebber, for the occasion of the “historical race weekend Dessau – 75 years Aerodynamics” until October 5 to come from 2 other historic sports and racing cars to Dessau. Klaus-Lothar Bebber: “To date, we have the promise of a DKW racing machine from 1921, a DKW F1 from 1931, a Meier lightweight from 1935, an eagle Super Sport from 1937, an Alfa Romeo Jankovits – 6C2300 of 1937, the Hanomag Special Roadster from 1936, the Hanomag Autobahn 1938, the Hanomag 1.9 liter diesel record car of 1939 and a Tatra 87 of 1939 from the post-war period are based on the DKW F9 F8 of 1938/1948 , the Greifzu 1 formula racing car of 1948 and a DKW Monza 1956 there. “These are some commitments from, so that we expect further historical vehicles.
For Klaus-Lothar Bebber, who prepared the four days of Dessau with the Hanoverian Horst-Dieter Görk from Hanomag Club and organized a great event. And as a framework program was developed, which could make no tourism operators better. This ranges from lectures in the Museum of Technology Hugo Junkers, city tours, visiting the Anhalt Theatre, the Palace of Oranienbaum and an evening in the historic oak wreath in Wörlitz. Accompanying this “race weekend” from 1 Dessauer sidecar meeting on 4 October 9 to 17 clock at the art museum. There are no specifications for the model years, it is open to all.
The highlight, as Klaus-Lothar Bebber is safe, but is the ride on the A9 be. On 3 October, all historic vehicles meet at the highway entrance Wolfen in the direction of Berlin. Approximately 10 clock, it goes to the A9 for demonstration runs in the direction of Dessau. Assured it was blocking the A9 from Dessau to Berlin. For Photo interested the bridges over the A9 may thereby be ideal.
The program
The program of the four days since days on the internet “www.technikmuseum-dessau.de” of cost. Interested in the presentations are welcome and have to pay according to Klaus-Lothar Bebber, only the normal admission cost for the art museum.
Rumors were growing more and more these passed weeks concerning the possible return of the Russian Kamaz Master Team on the [AFRICA ECO RACE ]. Now it´s official: The Kamaz Team has confirmed their participation on the 7th edition of the Africa Eco Race (AER) with two racing trucks.
Remember, on the AER 2013, Kamaz had registered a truck with two young racers of which Anton Shibalov was part of. For Shibalov, first of all, it was his first experience on the african tracks but also, it gave him the chance to be part of the legend “on Dakar-founder Thierry Sabine’s footsteps” by winning his first race.
This year, Anton Shibalov is back and its going to be tough with opponents such as Tomas Tomecek of TOM Racing with his Tatra and Elisabete Jacinto of MAN Portugal with her MAN TGS, which were also on the podium in 2013. But Shibalov will not be the only one defending the Kamaz Team – Sergey Kuprianov will fight on the tracks as well.
After having tested their machines in Morocco, bets are open that on the next edition of the Africa Eco Race, its going to be a real sporting spectacle between the trucks. Case to follow from december 28th 2014…
流线型车终量产 风阻探索不停歇
在先驱者们的感召之下,一场延续至今的车身外形的大革命打响了。史料记载,从2020年代起,、梅赛德斯等车企都开始了流线型原型车的制造。而在当时,最热衷制造流线型的,莫过于来自捷克的Tatra。这个品牌现在在中国被人戏称为“太拖拉”,而且更为我们熟知的其实是它的卡车。不过在20世纪二、三十年代,Tatra可是引领流线型造型的一代名家。这其中的关键人物是Paul Jaray,一位匈牙利裔的设计师。在与Tatra联手之前,他曾是一位优秀的飞艇设计师,而他研究的核心正是流线造型的应用。1927年,他建立了一家名为“流线型车身”的公司,专门进行流线型汽车车身的设计。此后不久,Tatra与他达成了合作。从1931年到1939年二战打响,Tatra共祭出了V570、T77、T87、T97这四款流线造型汽车。而T77也成为了世界上首款依照空气动力学原理设计的量产车。人们使用1:5比例的T77模型进行了实验,T77的只有0.2455。今天我们所开的汽车,大多数也达不到这个水平。除了流线型之外,T77还应用了独立、镁合金风冷V8、干式等等一系列在当时非常先进的技术,可谓炫目异常。
1937年款Tatra T97与1938年的

Insbesondere der Tatra 603, von 1956 bis 1975 im tschechoslowakischen Bratislava produziert, galt als sozialistische Luxuskarosse. Besonderheiten waren die ungewöhnliche Stromlinien betonte Gestaltung des Automobils und der luftgekühltenV 8-Motor im Heck. Das Fahrzeug, das meist von Staatsbediensteten und hohen Parteifunktionären genutzt wurde, wies 105 PS auf und brachte es auf Spitzengeschwindigkeiten um die 170 km/h. Vom Tatra 603 wurden knapp 20500 Modelle, zumeist in Handarbeit im gleichnamigen Werk gefertigt. Ab 1975 wurde der T 613 hergestellt. Tatras gelten heute als beliebte Oldtimer nicht nur in den ehemaligen Ostblockländern.
Im Suhler Ringberg Hotel haben sich 75 Tatra-Besitzer mit ihren Schmuckstücken angesagt. Am Freitag sind diese bei einer Ausfahrt zwischen Dingsleben, Kloster Veßra und Suhl zu bestaunen, am Samstag zwischen Frauenwald, Oberhof und Eisfeld. Ab späten Nachmittag können die stattlichen Fahrzeuge sowohl Freitag als auch Samstag auf dem hoteleigenen Parkplatz betrachtet werden. Gerne sind die Besitzer auch zu Fachgesprächen bereit.
Automobil-Treffen auf dem Ringberg sind beliebt aufgrund der einmaligen Bedingungen, welche das Hotel für Fahrer und Fahrzeuge zu bieten hat.
Photos by Peter Visser:https://www.flickr.com/photos/davydutchy/sets/72157645987238067/

With two T 87s,Three T 613s and five T 603s and Some members in non-Tatra vehicles, the Tatra palet was well presented in a scène fulltime of British industrial hermitage.
For lots of Photos, please visit Peter Visser’s site. https://www.flickr.com/photos/davydutchy/sets/72157646061813296/

I am not sure of the history of this particular vehicle, until it came into the hands of the Brewing Corp. of America around 1951 in Cleveland, OH. They made Carlings Black Label and Carlings Red Cap Ale. These were very popular back in the day. Plenty of history on those brands and beer on the internet as well. Its very interesting. I found a pic of this car after a lot of research, see pics. It was taken 10-17-51 and is captioned, “L. D. Ballew, general sales mgr. of Brewing Corp. of America, I. R. Dowie, president of Brewing Corp. of America” — photo verso. Photograph depicts the pair inspecting the engine of a Carling’s delivery truck.” (obviously not a delivery truck, it’s this Tatra, which no one probably even knows about.) Why a brewery would buy a Tatra limo is beyond me, but cool nonetheless. An old registration with the Brewery as owners, is still attached to this Tatra’s dash, dated ‘52. On each side of this car you can see the painted words coming through the old repaint. Left side says “Carlings Black Label Beer” and right side says “Carlings Red Cap Ale.” On the back above rear window it says “Hey Mabel” and below window “Black Label.” (slogan of the day) Not easy to see in some of the pics, but it is obvious in person. The weird plaid interior I believe stems from this time, as the red yellow and green seems to coordinate with the old Red Cap Ale colors. This interior is pulled over and fastened around the original fabric, so the original light brown fabric should be well preserved! Car was only 20 years old at that time. The whole interior is in fantastic shape for the age. Headliner, piping, removable carpet mats, privacy curtains etc. Some is tattered and shows age of course, but for 83 years old… really cool. This car has a central tube that connects the motor and rear differential. The floors and body are all wood framed and SOLID! Doors are tight and close amazing. Glass is good, a corner of right rear door is broken, driver door (right hand drive!) is missing glass, left front door glass will not roll up. All six side windows are designed to roll down. Rear side windows are missing cranks. I have not tried rolling anything down, I am sure will need some attention. Cable brakes seem to work, rolling off of trailer anyway. Does not currently run. Turns over by hand crank. (Does have a starter too, no battery, have not tried.) A previous inspection by previous owner said had good even compression, (can not verify this). Some wires will need to be sorted. It will need a good going over.
(Posted by Joey Dillon)
220 photos: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331268499094?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Danny Barnett displayed his Tatra at SEMA Collector Car Appreciation Day in front of Las Vegas City Hall. After the show he toured the LV Council Chambers, Mayor’s office, and met the Mayor and Councilmen and women too.

The Tatra T 87 was one of the exhibits in a line-up of streamlined classics at Schloss Bensberg, Germany, this weekend. Other cars were the VW Rome-Berlin, Adler 2,5 Autobahn Kabriolet 1938, Mercedes 170 Kamm K3 and the Skoda Popular Monte Carlo 1937. The 1941 Tatra won its class “The Shape of speed – early aerodynamic designs”!
Impressions: http://www.sbc2013.com/gallery_2014.html?no_cache=1