A Tatra T57K with FFI crosses( French Forces of the Interior (Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur) painted on its wings, participated in the liberation of Paris in August 1944. The “German” Tatra, a booty vehicle ceased during the Allied Forces march from Normandy to Paris, even had a very prominent role at the August 26/29 victory parade, even leading it! But who was behind the wheel? It was a Spaniard! Amado Granell, an anti-fascist Spaniard, became part of the French 2nd Armored Division under General Philippe Leclerc and landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day with 2000 other countrymen. In fact Granell was one of the very first to enter Paris and he was granted to head the parade. The Spanish participation on the liberation of Paris was not very much published, but recently more acknowleged.
Amado Granell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amado_Granell
Spaniards in WW II: http://www.mve2gm.es/la-nueve/
Shareholders of the company Tatra Trucks increased the share capital of one billion
November 26, 2014 15:24 ●
Shareholders of the company Tatra Trucks, since last year include Tatra, Tatra, increased the share capital by one billion crowns. The investment will go mainly into modern manufacturing technologies. Share capital increase approved by the General Meeting last week, ČTK today spokesman Andrej Čírtek. The company Tatra Trucks own 65 percent Jaroslav Strnad and 35 percent of the company Promet Tools Rene Mater. The automaker acquired at auction where she was due to debts.
Four scenarios for the disappearance of the mother of four children: In court testimony son of Jane Paurová mother of 4 children Jana Paurová with her husband Paul and children. Where to go? Mother of four children of John Paurová disappeared last February. Police checks …
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“It signifies our partners – suppliers, customers and financial institutions that we are a financially strong company and that shareholders have full confidence in the restructuring process,” said a shareholder Matera.
Economic Director Tatra Trucks Radek Strouhal said that shareholders step is very important not only as evidence that the development of the company is serious. “At the same time there is a significant recovery company’s balance sheet, increasing the proportion of own funds in the total assets of the company. I expect that the cooperating bank on this step will react very positively and will lead to a further reduction in interest margins on operating loans to levels that will meet the significantly improved rating of the company “Strouhal said. Tatra Trucks is that according to him becoming a strong capital companies and valued financial partner, a company in the past greatly missed.
By increasing the share capital by shareholders Čírtka encourage investment, which the automaker will facilitate the growth of productivity and production quality. The spokesman said that this year the company has invested in the company and with the help of investment incentives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of over 100 million. The automaker bought among other modern mills, milling machines and lathes as well as a new 3D measurement equipment that will guard the quality of manufactured parts. “Significant investments are also in the paint, which in the future will no longer be dependent on cooperation, but on the contrary will be able to accept external orders,” said Čírtek.
Last year Tatra sold 722 vehicles this year he sells about 840 Tatra employs 850 people, roughly 500 employees have subsidiaries Taforge and Tafonco.
November 26, 2014 15:24 ●
Shareholders of the company Tatra Trucks, since last year include Tatra, Tatra, increased the share capital by one billion crowns. The investment will go mainly into modern manufacturing technologies. Share capital increase approved by the General Meeting last week, ČTK today spokesman Andrej Čírtek. The company Tatra Trucks own 65 percent Jaroslav Strnad and 35 percent of the company Promet Tools Rene Mater. The automaker acquired at auction where she was due to debts.
“It signifies our partners – suppliers, customers and financial institutions that we are a financially strong company and that shareholders have full confidence in the restructuring process,” said a shareholder Matera.
Economic Director Tatra Trucks Radek Strouhal said that shareholders step is very important not only as evidence that the development of the company is serious. “At the same time there is a significant recovery company’s balance sheet, increasing the proportion of own funds in the total assets of the company. I expect that the cooperating bank on this step will react very positively and will lead to a further reduction in interest margins on operating loans to levels that will meet the significantly improved rating of the company “Strouhal said. Tatra Trucks is that according to him becoming a strong capital companies and valued financial partner, a company in the past greatly missed.
By increasing the share capital by shareholders Čírtka encourage investment, which the automaker will facilitate the growth of productivity and production quality. The spokesman said that this year the company has invested in the company and with the help of investment incentives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of over 100 million. The automaker bought among other modern mills, milling machines and lathes as well as a new 3D measurement equipment that will guard the quality of manufactured parts. “Significant investments are also in the paint, which in the future will no longer be dependent on cooperation, but on the contrary will be able to accept external orders,” said Čírtek.
Last year Tatra sold 722 vehicles this year he sells about 840 Tatra employs 850 people, roughly 500 employees have subsidiaries Taforge and Tafonco.
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — There’s no mistaking a Tatra.
With its sloping back and a big fin, the Czech-made Tatra T-87 stands out on any road. John Long and Helena Mitchell know. They have taken one of their Tatras — yes, they’ve owned several — all over North America.
After all, it’s not many couples that drive their car to the Arctic Circle and back, much less making the trip in an obscure European auto. Long says he even took the air-cooled car across the Mojave Desert in summer. “That,” Long says, “was really stupid.”
Long, of Malibu, Calif., says he considers the car to be brilliantly engineered. It is also one of the more aerodynamic cars for its time. It is said that Ferdinand Porsche was influenced by the design when it came to designing the cars that would bear his name.
We caught up to Long and Mitchell over the summer at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where crowds gathered around their T-87. Long and Mitchell made the Tatra a little less obscure.
There’s no mistaking a Tatra.With its sloping back and a big fin, the Czech-made Tatra T-87 stands out on any road. John Long and Helena Mitchell know.
They have taken one of their Tatras — yes, they’ve owned several — all over North America.
After all, it’s not many couples that drive their car to the Arctic Circle and back, much less making the trip in an obscure European auto. Long says he even took the air-cooled car across the Mojave Desert in summer. “That,” Long says, “was really stupid.”
Long, of Malibu, Calif., says he considers the car to be brilliantly engineered. It is also one of the more aerodynamic cars for its time. It is said that Ferdinand Porsche was influenced by the design when it came to designing the cars that would bear his name.
We caught up to Long and Mitchell over the summer at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where crowds gathered around their T-87. Long and Mitchell made the Tatra a little less obscure. WATCH THE VIDEO

I am selling my white TATRA 603
French registration, it is rolling
All information and many photos on request
Visible near Rambouillet 78120-50 kilometers from Paris in France
A first contact by Email boireau.yves@wanadoo.fr
Price € 11,000
I you good reception of this message
Best regards

Tatra has introduced the new Euro-6 Tatra Phoenix. It has a redesigned front, getting the Phoenix more in line with Tatra’ss otherr cabin, the T 815 based Terrno1 series. The available engines are Paccar ones, the MX-11 and MX-13, also fitted in the DAF models CF and XF.

Tatra automaker this year to sell about 840 vehicles, which exceed the plan by about 15 percent.Approximately a quarter of the car model line Tatra Phoenix, now the automaker launches engines with stringent Euro 6 emission specifications Adjusted Tatra vehicles unveiled at its polygon in Kopřivnice Novojičínsko.
Since its launch in 2011, has sold nearly 500 Tatra vehicles Phoenix.Last year they sold 215 of them this year would be approximately the same number.The manufacturing of vehicles Tatra Phoenix cooperates with the Dutch car manufacturer DAF, which is part of the US group Paccar, which gives the vehicle engines.Trucks Tatra Phoenix Euro 6 immediately based on previous models of vehicles emission specifications.Compared they have new cars such as a modified chassis with another embodiment of the front stabilizer and its saving or front shock absorbers.
“Vehicles Heavy-terrain rehearsing in the most demanding conditions.We are one of the first manufacturers of cars with engines of Euro 6 who are doing it, “said CEO Peter Fuller Tatras.Automaker focuses on areas where the most outstanding potential of its cars.It is a construction, agriculture, mining industry, but also for firefighters or municipal services.