Bei durchwachsenem Wetter, gaben über 20 Oldies ein Stelldichein in Eggenburg. Einige Teilnehmer kamen heuer zum ersten Mal zum Picknick. Das älteste Automobil, ein Tatra T 30 aus 1934, steuerte Franz Stockinger aus Frauendorf. Das älteste Motorrad, eine BMW R 35 aus 1938, fuhr Horst Bartke aus Ziersdorf. Mit einigen musikalischen Einlagen der Fam. Piffel und der Gruppe: DIENSTRUHE, kam der Spaß nicht zu kurz und die Stimmung wuchs am Libellenteich. Die Bewirtung durch die Fam. Aichinger war ausgezeichnet. Nach der Verteilung der Urkunden, führte ein Regenschauer zu einem vorzeitigen Aufbruch nach Eggenburg zum FF Heurigen, wo ein gemütlicher Ausklang gefunden wurde. Man verabschiedete sich mit den Worten, bis zum nächsten Jahr
T 30 oldest entry at oldtimer picknick in Eggendorf (A)
T 97 for sale
Galerie Riesenbeck’s new exhibition

Glänzende Limousinen als Repräsentanten einer vergangenen Zeit (English text below)
Angermünde (MOZ) Sie glänzen im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes vor Eleganz und aristokratischem Charakter. Einst fuhren sie vor allem Staatsoberhäupter und Wirtschaftsbosse mit Chauffeuren, heute sind es Raritäten, Lieberhaberstücke einer untergegangenen Automobillegende – Tatras. Die größte, einzigartige Sammlung der tschechischen Pkw-Marke ist in Angermünde zu sehen. Die Tatra-Galerie Riesebeck bewahrt Modelle aller Generationen der 100-jährigen Tatra-Geschichte und damit zugleich authentisch ein Stück unwiederbringliche Historie der Automobiltechnik.
Am Wochenende wurde hier eine neue Ausstellung eröffnet, die sich speziell dem Tatra-Design widmet. Anlass ist der 40. Jahrestag der Serienproduktion des Tatra 613, der damals eine ganz neue Generation begründen und die Tatraproduktion revolutionieren sollte, erklärte Robert Keil zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung, die eine überwältigende Besucherresonanz fand. Tatrafreunde aus ganz Deutschland, Oldieliebhaber und Technikbegeisterte aus allen Teilen der Uckermark und des Barnim, Familien mit Kindern, Touristen, die zufällig von dem noch relativ unentdeckten Angermünder Kleinod erfuhren, ließen sich von der Faszination der charismatischen Limousinen und Technik zum Anfassen anstecken. Begründer der einzigartigen Tatrasammlung sind Iris und Jürgen Riesebeck, die aus ganz privater Liebhaberei 1978 ihren ersten Tatra als Alltagsauto erwarben. In späteren Jahren, als das Ehepaar, das eine traditionsreiche Autowerkstatt in Angermünde betrieb, sich aus dem Arbeitsleben zurückzog, restaurierte Jürgen Riesebeck immer mehr Fahrzeuge dieser Marke. Beide beschäftigten sich intensiv mit der Geschichte und bauten die Tatra-Galerie auf. Die ist inzwischen ein Treffpunkt der internationalen Tatra-Szene. So kam auch der Münchner Sammler Robert Keil nach Angermünde und gehört seit vielen Jahren zum engen Kreis der Tatra-Familie.
Die jüngste Ausstellung war ein Herzenswunsch des erst kürzlich verstorbenen Jürgen Riesebeck, der das Konzept dafür noch gemeinsam mit seiner Frau entwickelt hatte. Iris Riesebeck will das Lebenswerk ihres Mannes bewahren und die Galerie weiterhin mit Leben erfüllen, und führt jeden, der sich dafür interessiert, durch die Ausstellung. Auch Kfz-Lehrlinge sind hier regelmäßig zu Gast. Den ganzen Nachmittag strömten Besucher durch die Fahrzeughallen, staunten, fachsimpelten, lauschten den Anekdoten der Tatrabesitzer von weiten Autoreisen durch die sozialistischen Länder, schlafenden Kindern im geräumigen Heckraum, den unverwüstlichen Motoren der legendären Tatras und standen ehrfürchtig vor Raritäten, wie dem Tatra Spezial, einer Sonderanfertigung, von der insgesamt nur 25 Stück produziert wurden. Das letzte in Deutschland erhaltene Modell steht in Angermünde.
Shiny limousines as representatives of a bygone era
T 603A for sale
The Czech website offers this T 603A for sale. It was recentely restored by Ecorra
JK 2500
In the 50s, after the Czechoslovak roads plowed most Spartak. A magnificent machine Júlia Kubinského, which almost got into production.
Roadsters or grand tourer and communist Czechoslovakia and do not go together too.However, there have been attempts, but all ended in failure more or less, and often it was the intervention of the communist government. Consider need for Skoda 110 Super Sport from 1969 or even on older piece of Skoda 1100 OHC 50s, which is still so beautiful until nejednomu petrolhead knees go weak.
Skoda, however, not only produced concepts that get into production was not realistic. Tatra to also have something to say and the machine, you are looking at the photos, also bears her name. It’s Tatra JK 2500, which worked designer Julius Kubinská in the first half of the 50s.He had gone through years of work on other cars, including those that were built on the foundations of the German military machine KdF. Also in Brno, just after the Second World War built racing cars with engines Alfa Romeo or BMW.
JK 2500 is the ninth Kubinského machine and began to take shape in 1951 – 1952. Kubinská was working in Brno Karosa and its management considered what will be produced, to cease military production. This however did not happen and the plant spewed box bodies to immortal Praga V3S. Yet in 1952 he created Kubinská along with sixteen other employees of Karosa main part of JK 2500, but had reportedly postponed the project until 1955. At that time he was finished, he in his spare time and in my own garage.
Interesting is definitely chassis. Front axle has been modified German car KdF and workshops VW / Porsche apparently came too tender. Rear axle De Dion has worked, which has a differential securely attached to the car chassis, two swinging half-axles and called. De Dion tube. It provides, in simple terms, that both wheels have the same deflection at any moment. If one wheel moves on inequality, the latter also lists, but will remain in contact with bitumen. If both wheels at once on the same inequality simultaneously, eg. A transverse wave in the asphalt, just this pipe to ensure that they have the best possible contact with the road.Compared to modern McPherson or double wishbones it looks pretty outdated, but remember that we are in 1951. De Dion axle is still better than a torsion beam axle or swinging before he was fitted for example. Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing .
Beautiful body JK 2500 is based on the spatial tubular frame on which are mounted an outer sheets. All parts of the frame were reportedly made of seamless pipes from normal trade, but some parts are a bit modified. Custom parts produced in minumum chassis, body panels are hand-hammering under the leadership of a body builder, John Heger. Wire wheels have a diameter of 16 “and are derived as well as drum brakes of Lancia Aurelia.
Also notice the use of two fuel tanks, each with a capacity of about 30 liters that have been placed behind the rear wheels. Rear overhang of this car is not entirely a small, after all, the machine has a wheelbase of 2300 mm and the length is 4050 mm. For comparison, Favorit had a wheelbase of over 2,4 meters. And the weight? Empty JK 2500 weighed 1,160 kilograms and the weight distribution ratio of 51:49 front: rear axle.
Under the hood was initially a 2.5-liter inline six-cylinder Alfa Romeo, which gave 90 horses.The four-speed gearbox also came from Alfa Romeo, but even then there were thoughts of Czechoslovak osmiválec. And when it was completed the development of air-cooled 2.5 liter V8 Tatra, this engine just went under the hood. Get it certainly was not easy, even when the entire Tatra 603 for which it was designed this eight-cylinder engine, was not normally buy.
Tatra osmiválec originally said about the performance of only 75 horses under the hood hardly made it, some parts had to be modified and had created a spacer that could consolidate the Italian transmission, but finally came. Even large coolers could disappear, because this engine has liquid cooling. In their place and could move into the spare wheel.Only this engine but it was the reason why the Tatra truck appoints JK 2500, construction of Tatra originates and is sometimes mistakenly attributed to her.
The heated air from the motor is directly fed by the front glass, which was needed in winter, it was excellent heating. Conscription, however, was insufficient, and later moved in behind the front wheels have chrome vents, which helped divert hot air from the engine. Obviously it was quite a lot.
Official presentation of the car came in 1958 in Kopřivnice, although in the World Engine with the headline “Also, we can do it ‘this car already appeared in 1956. It was a great success, but also the attention of the authorities,” the wrong “- where he took his Kubinská construction money, was one of their questions. For now, however, came Tatry offer the manufacture and sale of five units of this car. It was also associated with the position of the developer in Tatra.
Production has finally taken place, but the car was tested two weeks in Koprivnice. Then, under his hood also he got V8 engine with full power, such as it was in the Tatra 603, ie 140 hp. Also at that time on the car was a new fifteen-alloy wheels whose openings stretched when driving the cooling air to the drum brakes. They have a smaller diameter compared to the original, but he was effective.
Julius Kubínská with this car, then drove 13 years in normal operation, but to no production occurred, even short-run. All the commotion woke appropriate, this car was in the Czechoslovak roads revelation, no one else had such. But look at him, not given to much contemporary Ferrari. Kubínská later sold the car and where it is now, we do not know.Perhaps somewhere in the barn waiting to be discovered and renovation …
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ŠKODA 935 Dynamic at the Bensberg Classics
Skoda is celebrating 120 years of existence this year and took nine of its rarest classics at the Bensberg Classics exhibition near Cologne, Germany.
The major attraction was of course the Skoda 935 Dynamic prototype, a streamlined concept dating back to 1935 which was carefully restored back to its original condition by Skoda themselves.
This is after all the only one in existence globally, with its last public appearance set back in October 1935(!) at the Motor Show in Prague where the Skoda 935 Dynamic made its debut. With its teardrop-shaped body, the 935 was exhibiting one of the most progressive designs in the auto industry at the time.
The mid-engined concept is using a body made out of aluminum/steel composite which kept the weight figure down at 1170kg. The water-cooled flat-four 2.0-litre engine is mounted in front of the rear axle and produces 54hp, enough the take the aerodynamic 935 at speed up to 140km/h. Measuring 4.86m in length, 1.68m wide and 1.54m high, this Skoda prototype is a testament of the innovative power that fuelled Skoda back then.
The car was a part of a private collection from 1939 and up until 1968 where the then newly-founded Skoda Museum bought it with Skoda deciding a full restoration back to its original glory in 2012.
Skoda showcased nine cars in total, with the rest of them to be the Laurin & Klement Voiturette A (1905), Laurin & Klement Type S (1911), Laurin & Klement 110 (1925), ŠKODA 645 (1930), ŠKODA Rapid Cabrio de Luxe (1937), ŠKODA Superb OHV (1939), ŠKODA Felicia (1961) and the ŠKODA 1100 MBX (1969).
TRUK rally August 2015
Flying Dutchman Peter Visser’s report:
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Tatra invests quarter billion crowns
Tatra Kopřivnice automaker is doing such a long time. Two years ago, the traditional Czech manufacturer of heavy vehicles in the auction because of debts, produced little, and the workers went to work only occasionally. After the departure of foreign owners, headed by an American manager Ronald Adams, who ruined factory, Tatra bought a pair of local entrepreneurs René Matera and Jaroslav Strnad.
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Build a seriously ill patient on his feet and return it to former strength were tasked with “flying” crisis manager Petr Karasek, who previously worked in the carmaker must Karosa (now Iveco) or in Pilsen Skoda Transportation, and Pavel Rusek, also a crisis manager, who own example company producing automobile parts.
Last year, the first under the new leadership, said Tatra 850 cars this year, wants to make them even more. The company’s revenues last year exceeded CZK 3.7 billion and its profit is approaching 500 million m before tax. Tatra managed to return to the lost key markets such as India, as well as establishing itself in new, such as in Saudi Arabia.
The company believes are recruiting new employees and invest. “We are going to invest 240 million into the machine tool, which is the largest investment in the plant for the last ten years. After many years automaker this year, the state paid the tax, and almost eighty million. The company that ran the gravedigger shovel, I think pretty good, “says CEO of Tatra Trucks Petr Karasek.
When here two years ago managerial tandem Karasek-Rusek came, the situation could not be worse. Kopřivnická almost factory producing. Parts suppliers did not believe her, because in the past they did not pay.Subscribers her again seen this as either debited or as linked to corruption – the latter was particularly the case in India.
Could considered one of the shareholders of the former Tatra British Indian Ravinder Rishi that India faced serious allegations of corruption in obtaining defense contracts. Indian state-owned company BEML, which is in charge of the local army weaponry, because she did not want to have anything to do with Tatra. Overall, the future for the North Moravian factory did not look good.Gray bark at each kilu
“When I came here, it looked a bit like here at Karosa in the early nineties,” he recalls Fuller and Army special for me, carrying a giant in Kopřivnice factory. Now in Karosa he learned to drive heavy trucks. Most of the buildings that we pass, was built in the 70s and 80s and I look like noise.The factory was established at a time when it was planned that it will annually churn out 15,000 cars. Times serial production for friendly states from the socialist camp, the Warsaw Pact countries, however, are long gone. Last year there were produced 850 cars from the former factory area is now used by only a third.
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Tatra Grafit
f you live in the seventies in Czechoslovakia, you have a plan what you want, but your own supercar can hardly stand. Yet it is not so foolish plans do not give up. Vyučíte the farm machinery repairman and in 1978 go to war. In his free time during the two years of service on the paper design the machine that you definitely resolve to stand.
Thus began the story of graphite, supersport, who designed and built by Ivan Labaška with technology Tatry, just as Julius had Kubinská his “Czech Ferrari” on behalf of Tatra JK 2500 . Words above only very briefly describe how the construction began. Sequel got the job as soon as compulsory military service ended. He continued drawing of individual parts and the small garage putting together a lattice tube frame completely custom designs as the basis of their dream car.
Later he managed to get older Tatra 613, albeit after considerable ups and downs – none other than the government of the car did not belong in the hands. He comes from the chassis and the first motor graphite. However, chassis parts were modified – again by hand. Concept is nevertheless maintained, the engine behind the rear axle, is air-cooled and its 167 horsepower to the rear wheels through a four-speed manual sends transmission.
Graphite body laminate was initially, but that was unique, the forms in which the laminate was formed. Author those machines were cast of concrete, enough unusual material for a mold.Originally, there were tipping headlights and rear completely different than we see in most photos. Lamborghini Countach reportedly the inspiration for the design was not at all – everything was formed from the eye, but also to ensure the best possible aerodynamics.
In parallel with work on building cars Ivan Labaška tried to leave the car also certify that could ride with him in normal operation. You can imagine how difficult it was in an atmosphere of normalization, although weakening. Graphite was physically completed in 1986 but for the purposes of certification had to change the rear portion to resemble the Tatra. When you turn a blind eye, the contours a little “šestsettřináctky” are actually seen.
However, the final consecration to operate on public roads got Graphite after the revolution in 1991. The author then rode with him as he wanted all the time, and even crashed a few times.The car was variously altered and, among other things gradually got carbon fiber bodywork, so that weighs 1.5 tons surely decreased by 50 kg. If you look in detail at some photographs of graphite burgundy paint, the structure of carbon is through a very thin layer of red color clearly visible.
The car later i got a new, fixed lights and drove for some time also with the front bumper in a different color. Compared to its original state has also pulled out fenders. Especially in the rear wheels were needed to expand the body, because there are 17 “wheels with tires of size 335/35 ZR17. In front it is a 275/45 ZR17. Actual dimensions at wheelbase 2500 mm and is 4400 mm in length, 2030 mm in width and 1100 mm in height. brakes on all wheels are four-piston calipers and suspension supplied Sporting HP Czech company, which manufactures racing chassis.
It was in the 90s was also the original engine from Tatra 613 commanded. So instead released a specially-ranking motor racing origins of Tatra 700 GT . It is the same base as the original unit of T613, but has a volume of 4.5 liters, exactly 4423 cm3 drilling stroke of 95.0 mm and 78.0 mm. Maximum output is 294 kW (400 hp) at 7500 rev. / Min, the torque has the highest value of 450 Nm at 6000 rpm. / Min. The aforementioned weight 1,450 kg no surprise impressive dynamics – acceleration value is unknown, a new five-speed gearbox with manual transmission but allows scoot individual gears 87, 149, 204, 269 and 341 km / h. The last digit, also said some sources suggest as maximum speed, but the author talks about the value of 325 km / h.
It makes the car the fastest Czech road machine of all time and we’re not sure whether in the foreseeable future can be overcome anything. Czech road for fastest machine is sometimes considered Tatra MTX V8 , but she did not go so quickly. We can be attributed to the Czech crown the fastest serial car as she Series production was very small, but if they are satisfied with a mere road homologation Graphite has no competition. A reported maximálce at a given power and aerodynamic bodywork certainly convenient to believe.
Nowadays, already with carbon and an extended body, more powerful engine and a new, bright red varnish Ivan Labaška his machine participate in various events, whether on the circuits or “only” meetings. The car has a technical certificate as the year of production recorded in 1991, although the rise began thirteen years before that. There is still reportedly owned by its creator. Up – or perhaps more if – this exceptional car ever you meet you before me have an absolute rarity on the one hand the number of existing pieces, but secondly also a story that stands behind it.
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Gert Huzink’s Tatra Phoenix improved for the 2016 Dakar
The former Marcel Schoo Tatra Phoenix, now owned by the Riwald Dakar Team, experienced lack of power and brakes that were running too hot in the 2015 Dakar. The Tatra now has a Volvo/Renault engine giving an extra 300 hp and 1200-1300 Nm extra. Brakes are now ceramic ones, giving much improvement.