
Ringhoffer tram escapes in 1968


One of the last escapees before the border closed was a Prague tram headed to Derbyshire

People in the UK seem to have a particular fascination with trains and similar contraptions. Aside from the Scottish film Trainspotting, which is actually about heroin addicts, there is a more or less legitimate hobby across the UK of waiting to see particular train cars go by and writing down the serial numbers.

Read more: http://www.praguepost.com/142-culture/50095-flashbackfriday-a-streetcar-called-freedom#ixzz3oABH34VG

Restored T 57b crashes into truck in Austria, driver unhurt



How to buy the new Tatra Museum Book

You have the unique opportunity to purchase a newly compiled and updated version of the brochure of the Technical Museum Tatra and Tatra history at all. The brochure was several years demanded a number of fans, but also professionals. This year we have managed to bring this gem to the world.
The booklet is written in three languages, ie in Czech, English and German, incl. load options QR codes via smart phones. On 31 pages you can read not only about the history of the brand itself, but also of how it evolves in the data and the gradual development of a technical museum since. 1997 to the present, inc. description of the individual exhibits.
The brochure is available in our shop or in the shop of the museum, for the very reasonable price of 60 CZK / piece.
Do not hesitate to buy this unique brochure, whether as a gift or just for fun or to a collection …
You have the unique opportunity to purchase a newly compiled and updated version of the brochure of the Technical Museum Tatra and Tatra history at all. The brochure was several years demanded a number of fans, but also professionals. This year we have managed to bring this gem to the world.
The booklet is written in three languages, ie in Czech, English and German, incl. load options QR codes via smart phones. On 31 pages you can read not only about the history of the brand itself, but also of how it evolves in the data and the gradual development of a technical museum since. 1997 to the present, inc. description of the individual exhibits.
The brochure is available in our shop or in the shop of the museum, for the very reasonable price of 60 CZK / piece.
Do not hesitate to buy this unique brochure, whether as a gift or just for fun or to a collection …

VIDEO: Industrial espionage, Nazis and air-cooled engines: The tale of Tatra



New Buggyra Tatra Phoenix rally truck


Buggyra has presented its latest Tatra truck. The newly built truck is based on the Euro6 Phoenix but has a different engine. It will be driven in the coming Dakar by Jaroslav Walter with the experienced Josef |Kalina as navigator. Mechanic will be Jiri Stross.


T 87 video on the occasion of the 2015 Frankfurt Motorshow.

It looked like something from a 1930s science fiction series: the 1937 Tatra T87 was the avant garde of automotive design. Even with an output of just 75 horsepower, the aerodynamic T87 still reached tops speeds close to 150 kilometers per hour. Spats over the rear wheels and the long, sloping rear were an early attempt at streamlining.
The striking fin down the back helped to stabilize the car at high speeds. Tatra collector Ulrich Platzek found his personal T87 not far from the old Tatra plant in the Czech Republic. Drive it! takes a closer look at this fanciful vintage Tatra.
It looked like something from a 1930s science fiction series: the 1937 Tatra T87 was the avant garde of automotive design. Even with an output of just 75 horsepower, the aerodynamic T87 still reached tops speeds close to 150 kilometers per hour. Spats over the rear wheels and the long, sloping rear were an early attempt at streamlining.
The striking fin down the back helped to stabilize the car at high speeds. Tatra collector Ulrich Platzek found his personal T87 not far from the old Tatra plant in the Czech Republic. Drive it! takes a closer look at this fanciful vintage Tatra.

VIDEO:   http://www.dw.com/en/vintage-tatra-t87/av-18728639

Czech Military to buy 41 Tatra lorries for transport of mortars

Armáda nakoupí 41 speciálních Tater pro přepravu minometů

Military to buy 41 Tatra lorries for transport of mortars


Prague, Sept 29 (CTK) – The Czech military is planning to buy 41 Tatra special terrain lorries on which mortars can be mounted and will have land-mine proof cabins for over half a billion crowns, Defence Ministry spokesman Petr Medek told CTK yesterday.
The Defence Ministry wants to give the order directly to the Czech Tatra Trucks company, Medek said.
Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky (ANO) wants to inform the government about the deal on Wednesday, he added.
“With the purchase, there will be a basic modernisation of the mortar units with the 120 mm mortars, a considerably increase in their combat capability and in the protection of the crew,” Medek said.
Given their age, the Praga V3S vehicles, now used by the ground forces, are no longer usable, do not fulfil the demands for a safe transfer of ammunition and do not provide protection to the crews, he added.
The Czech military uses the Tatra chassis for most of its lorries.
“Within the unification of the equipment, there is a considerably simplification of the logistics, while costs are saved,” Medek said.
The four-axle vehicles will have extended land-mine proof cabins, Tatra spokesman Andrej Cirtek has told CTK.
The resistance of the cabin was verified by test explosions, he added.
“Tatra invested tens of million crowns in their development,” Cirtek said.
“If launched, the project will be the biggest deal of the Czech military for Tatra in the past five years,” he added.
“The new version of the Tatra with the cabin also has a strong export potential,” Cirtek said.
The vehicles are to be delivered by next November. The deal is supposed to cost 511 million crowns without the VAT.
($1=24.387 crowns)

A Tatraplan down under



See also: https://communitynews.com.au/news/Rear-Engine-Car-Show:-Fremantle-to-celebrate-the-back-end-of-cars/7675636

Video + Photos: TRN Rotterdam Meeting 2015

Goede avond,
Afgelopen dagen ben ik op bescheiden schaal weer begonnen te werken.  Dat wil ik nu zo spoedig mogelijk uitbreiden.
Ik wil u daarom uitnodigen voor op dinsdag 29 september 12.15
In Oktober moet ik helaas voor zeker een week opnieuw verzuimen, dit in verband met een operatie.
Graag hoor ik van u of deze afspraak schikt.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Kees Smit

Silver Bicycle inspired by Tatra T87


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