“Drink the damn wine. DRINK IT.” The wine in question was the buck-fifty bottle of hooch given to award winners at this year’s Concours d’LeMons, and the vicarious desire was being expressed by some homeless dude who looked like the trash lady from Labyrinth. The 2011 LeMons show—the third annual held during Pebble weekend, and a sister event to the 24 Hours of LeMons races—was held in a public park in downtown Seaside, California, where it once again showcased some of the worst, weirdest, and most awful vehicles ever barfed out by automakers. Really, it was only appropriate that a few of society’s outcasts were on hand.
Truth be told, the joint was at least as much a used-car lot than it was an auto show, with at least one out of every three vehicles for sale. Aluminum-foil covered van? $2500! Awesome, clapped-out Chevy Vega Nomad? $4000! A 46,000-mile Mustang II? $3000!
It was also a fantastic time. There were smiles and Renaults and laughing and Pintos. There were insane personal projects—the Studebaker with Chevy and Hemi V-8s, for one. There were a bunch of LeMons race cars. And there were the awards handed out by the judges. Keep scrolling to see a few of the winners, and be sure to head into the photo gallery to see the entire field at the highly entertaining 2011 Concours d’LeMons.
More Tatra pix:
The Lodge at Pebble Beach hosts the ultimate champagne-and-caviar car show, but it’s the Concours d’LeMons that rattles and backfires its way into a car lover’s heart.
No canapés or caviar
Galbraith and a friend, Jay Lamm, developed the Concours d’LeMons concept.
Galbraith had been going to the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. He found it “a fantastic event.” Yet, it was getting a bit stuffy.
“Pebble Beach was the zenith of the car-show world,” he said. “Over a few bottles of wine, we decided to be the nadir.”
The worst, in a word.
Don’t expect a waiter in a tux to serve canapés off a silver tray as you admire a 1960s hippie bus with beading in its windows and an exhaust pipe that’s falling off.
This year, Concours d’LeMons also offers historical curiosities, such as a 1951 Tatra. A product of Czech Cold War engineering, the Tatra was built by comrades on a Soviet Star assembly line.
“The car was made behind the Iron Curtain. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay there,” Galbraith said.

Tatra Technical Museum in collaboration with the Office of the Senate
holds an exhibition “Happy Journey or the history of Tatra“. It was opened yesterday and attracted lots of people.
Tatra Museum
Hooray hooray … we successfully launched our new exhibition on the grounds of the Senate … you are cordially invited to / some pictures from opening ceremony of our new exhibition “Happy journey” from the Senate Parliament of Czech Republic … you are welcome!
Tatra Technical Museum in collaboration with the Office of the Senate holding an exhibition “Šťasnou way or the history of TATRA”. The exhibition will be on display in the exhibition hall of the Senate in Prague Wallenstein Square from 18 8th – 16 10th 2011th Open the daily, admission free … so that you, who’s to our Kopřivnice you away, do not hesitate to take this opportunity to see pieces from the museum in the capital!
The exhibition is on display in the exhibition hall of the Senate in Prague Wallenstein Square from Aug. 18 – Oct 16 2011. It is opened everyday and its admission is free. So do not hesitate to take this opportunity to see exhibits from the museum in the capital of Prague!
See also: http://novojicinsky.denik.cz/zpravy_region/tatra-je-k-videni-v-senatu-cr20110817.html
Tatra is seen in the Senate
Kopřivnice – Exhibition of Technical Museum Tatra visited the premises of the Senate. As of today there is an exhibition entitled Bon Voyage, or history of Tatra.
Trade Technical Museum Tatra already visited many places, not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. The premises of the Senate will be a separate exhibition dedicated solely and only brand Tatra on display for the first time.
Visitors to our capital city and the area of the Chamber will be able to see an exhibition titled “Bon Voyage, or history of Tatra” from today, ie, from Thursday, the 18th August. The exhibition is devoted to the key points of history Kopřivnice. “The exhibition got its name from the promotional film of the same contemporary, which is part of it,” said its Chief Curator Lucy Kempná.
In brief, lasting approximately twelve minutes, the film is presented one of the most famous cars Kopřivnice, namely Tatra 603 The film comes from the late fifties and the curators is a classic promotional material. “Tatra 603 is shown in the film as a very reliable, easy to use, safe, plus a beautiful vehicle. Besides this we have to create materials for the exhibition came out well, “explained Kempná with the fact that Tatra cars were, and still is, the most reliable in its class.
The exhibition which is located in the Senate is in the form of information panels. Visitors are able to read them a lot of interesting information. “They will learn from them not only interesting and important historical points in the history of the car, so how it all began, when began the manufacturing of cars and who was behind the success of the factory in the twenties and thirties, but of course also interesting technical or mention of promising projects that thwarted by its decision the regime in Czechoslovakia, “approached the appearance of the exhibition curator Kopřivnice. For a better idea of the exhibition organizers added information written on a number of contemporary models osobníchi trucks from the entire period of production, with plenty of contemporary promotional materials and brochures, technical documentation and drawings. “Visitors will see original racing suit and a famous athlete Joseph Veřmiřovského of 20 years, cut the engine or motor with T603 transmission Tatra 30, “said Kempná with that in nearby Trčkovské gallery will reflect the already mentioned contemporary film” Bon Voyage “. The interesting extra information come even strangers. The exhibition is a bilingual, panels contain labels both in Czech and in English.
Exhibition “Godspeed or from the history of Tatra” came into the room of the Senate thanks to the success of that brand here Kopřivnice seen at an exhibition two years ago. “We’re here just exhibited two years ago when we were first approached by the Senate. It was the creation of the exhibition on the history of Czech transport, “remembered further Kempná. “Then we started to cooperate and we agreed that in future we will be able to exhibit the premises of the Senate and to present the Tatra brand independently. And now it happened, “said curator.

The Prague stock reacted positively on the announcement of Tatra’s cooperation with DAF with a rise of 7.8 % on August 3. Due to the world’s debt crisis, the value of the Tatra shares today dropped to the old level before the Tatra – DAF announcement however; the average share at the Prague stock exchange dropped by 10 % in the same period though.
Graf a historie – kurzy akcie TATRA, Burza Praha, RM-Systém
Date |
RMS [Kč] |
RMS [%] |
RMS [pc] |
Rate [Kč] |
Purchase [Kč] |
Sale [Kč] |
Rate [Kč] |
Open |
Close |
Open |
Close |
Open |
Close |
9.8.2011 |
8.8.2011 |
133.00 |
-5.33% |
9 162 |
145.90 |
133.00 |
130.00 |
160.00 |
5.8.2011 |
140.50 |
1.00% |
4 238 |
137.70 |
140.50 |
129.00 |
140.50 |
4.8.2011 |
139.10 |
-4.06% |
7 856 |
145.70 |
139.10 |
138.00 |
146.80 |
3.8.2011 |
145.00 |
7.40% |
11 836 |
139.90 |
145.00 |
137.10 |
146.90 |
2.8.2011 |
135.00 |
1.50% |
1 771 |
132.00 |
135.00 |
132.00 |
134.00 |
132.00 |
135.00 |
1.8.2011 |
133.00 |
0.75% |
1 558 |
134.00 |
133.00 |
133.00 |
135.00 |
29.7.2011 |
132.00 |
0.30% |
160 |
133.00 |
132.00 |
132.00 |
133.00 |
28.7.2011 |
131.60 |
0.07% |
318 |
131.50 |
131.60 |
131.50 |
131.60 |
27.7.2011 |
131.50 |
0.00% |
862 |
132.10 |
131.50 |
132.10 |
134.00 |
131.50 |
132.10 |
26.7.2011 |
131.50 |
-1.79% |
11 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
133.90 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
25.7.2011 |
133.90 |
0.00% |
542 |
131.50 |
133.90 |
131.50 |
133.90 |
22.7.2011 |
133.90 |
0.00% |
85 |
133.90 |
133.90 |
133.90 |
134.00 |
133.90 |
133.90 |
21.7.2011 |
133.90 |
3.79% |
252 |
132.00 |
133.90 |
132.00 |
133.90 |
20.7.2011 |
129.00 |
0.00% |
1 760 |
133.30 |
129.00 |
129.00 |
134.00 |
19.7.2011 |
129.00 |
-0.46% |
24 |
129.00 |
129.00 |
129.00 |
129.00 |
18.7.2011 |
129.60 |
-2.55% |
163 |
129.60 |
129.60 |
129.60 |
133.60 |
15.7.2011 |
133.00 |
1.14% |
13 |
131.50 |
133.00 |
131.50 |
133.00 |
14.7.2011 |
131.50 |
-1.57% |
5 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
133.60 |
131.50 |
131.50 |
13.7.2011 |
133.60 |
-0.22% |
40 |
133.60 |
133.00 |
133.60 |

Earlier this week an agreement was announced between Tatra and DAF, according to which the Dutch truck maker will deliver CF cabins and engine to Tatra. It was also announced that a DAF of 19% stake in Czech truck builder does.
We have learned that the shares are acquired from Tatra Holding (once the Blue River’ Fund), a group that owns 91 percent of Tatra. This investment group took over the truck builder in 2006 by the American Terex Group. Tatra Holding was set up specifically by the then British Vectra Group, the Belgian KBC Private Equity, American Sam Eyde and Czech Meadow Hill (a company of CEO Ronald Adams and his wife). A spokesman from KBC is the participation of the various shareholders roughly the same size.
KBC is known to cut back its activities in Private Equity. Yet the 19% stake bought by DAF, is not KBC’s. According to a KBC spokesman the shares were sold by Tatra Holding and as a consequence the participation of all four shareholders was proportionately reduced.
According to a DAF spokesman the purchase of 19 percent is not a first step in a full acquisition of Tatra. “This is not an issue,” he said us.
The agreement between DAF and Tatras also provides that the Phoenix will also be sold by European dealers. The other models, which are not equipped with a DAF cab and engine, will not be sold by DAF dealers.
The Tatra Register Deutschland organised its 17th annual rally in the Muensterland area last weekend. Though the weather forecast was doubtfull,
the weather was pretty good with only a short heavy rainfall on saturday proving the weather forecast was not completely wrong. Cars attending were
a T11, a T12, a T57 sport, a T75, a T 97, three Tatraplans and lots of T 603s and T 613s. Organiser Josef Krumpelbeck & co did a magnificent job with a 40 km and a 100 km run, a perfect roadbook and varied scenery. Competitors came from Austria, the Netherlands and Germany.
Competitor Bert Barents sent Tatra World his photos. Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3

Tatra today introduced their newest truck with DAF cabin and engine. It is available in 4×4, 6×6 and 8×8 versions with matching engines. Tatra hopes they will win back their old clientele in the road construction and construction business.
Video: http://www.tatraphoenix.com/cs
Photos: http://www.tatraphoenix.com/en/photo
Configurator: http://www.tatraphoenix.com/en/configurator
Technology: http://www.tatraphoenix.com/en/technology