The Czech Faro company,, has launched a T 602 slot car. The model has been completely redesigned. The shapes of the front
and rear ends, engraving and many details now fully correspond to the preserved documents. At the same time, interior and figures of the drivers (three versions) were redesigned, the new masters were also made for their heads (6 characters). Original photographs of the models have been moved into the gallery. The e-shop items therefore now have photographs of the serial models, as they are in stock. Like the Tatra Monopost T607, all known versions of the T602 were produced, which will gradually come to the market. Currently, the distribution of pre-orders is in progress, orders received after September 1st will be processed continuously, as models will be stocked.
T 607:
The 1949 Czechoslovak GP was the last one held in withy western competitors after the Communist coup of 1949. After 1949, the sport was regarded as too bourgeois and limited to Czechoslovak drivers with incidently East German competitors. The 1949 GP, won by British privateer Petre Whithead, was the debut race for the T 602, the Tatraplan based sportscar. With Bruno Sojka at the wheel, it managed 9th overall, quite a performance as the car was outpowered on the straights by all other competitors.

The video shows:
Brno, Czechoslovakia.
LV. Elevated pan cars in pit prior to race. SV. Mechanics working on cars. SV. Towards, car No 8 being pushed out onto track. CU. Prince Bira looking on – he is getting ready for the race. SV. Cars on track, Prince Bira’s car in foreground. MV. Crowd. GV. Pan, start of race. MV. Pan, car No 9 rounding corner. SV. Towards and pan car No 14 Whitehead of England (Ferrari), rounding corner. MV. Pan, car No 2 round corner. MV. Towards, Czechoslovakian contestant driving Tatraplan rounding corner. SV. Pan, No 8 round corner. LV. Elevated, pan, No 22 being chased by another car. MV. Towards and pan, No 3 driving along road. MV. Towards and pan, Whitehead No 14, driving along road. GV. Crowded stand, people watching race. LV. Towards and pan, two cars entering stadium. LV. Towards and pan, car No 14 driving down home stretch LV. Elevated pan, two cars driving into stadium. MV. The winner, car No 14, whizzes past finishing flag. SV. The 2nd whizzes past finishing flag. SV. Whitehead, the winner, sitting in cockpit of car. CU. Whitehead
International motor car show in Geneva, Switzerland, 1947.
CU old photographs of Baron Liebig and the original vintage Tatra car. MS a modern Tatra car with camping tent being unfolded from its boot. Various shots SS Jaguar car. Various shots Lancia car. LS an ultra modern streamlined white car. CU flag of the Swiss motor industry flying. CU The Swiss flag flying in breeze. Various shots of 1934 model of the Citroen. Various shots President Philip Etter of Swiss Conference and General Guisan inspecting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery’s car which is on show (Humber). CU Armstrong Siddeley aviation engine, revolving. CU Citroen engine revolving. LS the Renault car. MS a baby car on show. MS of a car with engine in rear. Various shots Sunbeam Talbot car. Various shots Daimler 36 HP car. MS the Alvis car.
Item is cuts from Gazette issue 47/24. Date on original dope sheet is 24/03/1947.
Tatra news not always travels fast. Back in April, a classic car rally was held in Moscow.
Apparently, classic cars are becoming fashionable down there. Entries included older Russian cars, former Wehrmacht cars, American sixties cars, older Mercs, a Volvo P1800… and a T 603.
Let’s welcome our mystery T 603 driver to the international Tatra scene.
With the days getting shorter and shorter, the Tatra meeting season is nearing its end. We found two Tatra meetings in September for you though, so if you are interested, please contact the organisers.
The 10-11 September Tatra Treffen Seehausen is a wonderful truck event.
To give you an impression:
Another event held a weekend later, is the Tatra Register Nederland 25 year Jubilee meeting. The event will be in the western part of Holland, some 25km north of Amsterdam. Participants from Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands have subscribed.
Contact co-organiser Marcel Tillemans for details:

Klaus Buschbaum presented his T57Sport at the Oldtimer-Gala ( in Schwetzingen, Germany.
The actual car had Baron Franz Ringhoffer Jr as its first owner. He was the Youngest son of Franz Ringhoffer Sr, the president of Ringhoffer-Tatra’s supervisory board till 1940 when he passed away. He survived his son, a talented golf player and Czechoslovak golf chapion in 1934, by three years.
Milan and Michal Kubík recreated a Wehrmacht T111.
“The 99 percent was the second such find in the world. It was mainly a consequence of war production, when the ersatz materials used and the cabin should place sheet of wood, and naturally perishable faster. I think we can truly say that it is only in the world, “said Michael Kubik rightly proud.
Kubíková Both are experienced mechanics. Father Milan Kubik is skilled in body-builders and renovation Karosa Vysoké cars as its a hobby. Previously participated in the renovation of the Club cars Pardubice military history as it was necessary Praga RN. His son Michael is a trained mechanic and again fan of military history. “It was such a big dream of my dad’s little beauty this back on the road. It took literally arts crafts Ennead – locksmith, electrician, mechanic, carpenter, historian and body-builders. When you look at it financially, so all the renovations came to a total of about three hundred thousand crowns, a wreck that took the material and various parts . Above all it is but five years of work, which fell to almost all weekends, holidays. Those hours that were never not calculate, but the result is worth it, “says Michal Kubik. Tatra 111 from the disintegrating wreck turned into a polished veteran, and was also introduced to the public. Last last Sunday in Pardubice on meeting veterans. You can see but will soon also at other events.

Milan and Michal Kubík recreated a Wehrmacht T111.
“The 99 percent was the second such find in the world. It was mainly a consequence of war production, when the ersatz materials used and the cabin should place sheet of wood, and naturally perishable faster. I think we can truly say that it is only in the world, “said Michael Kubik rightly proud.
Kubíková Both are experienced mechanics. Father Milan Kubik is skilled in body-builders and renovation Karosa Vysoké cars as its a hobby. Previously participated in the renovation of the Club cars Pardubice military history as it was necessary Praga RN. His son Michael is a trained mechanic and again fan of military history. “It was such a big dream of my dad’s little beauty this back on the road. It took literally arts crafts Ennead – locksmith, electrician, mechanic, carpenter, historian and body-builders. When you look at it financially, so all the renovations came to a total of about three hundred thousand crowns, a wreck that took the material and various parts . Above all it is but five years of work, which fell to almost all weekends, holidays. Those hours that were never not calculate, but the result is worth it, “says Michal Kubik. Tatra 111 from the disintegrating wreck turned into a polished veteran, and was also introduced to the public. Last last Sunday in Pardubice on meeting veterans. You can see but will soon also at other events.
A series of cables from the US embassy in Prague show ambassadors and top officials struggling to comprehend the size and scope of Czech corruption, according to dispatches leaked this week by the whistle-blower site WikiLeaks. Czech citizens were getting increasingly angry but did not seem prepared to kick out the tarnished politicians and parties, the sometimes prescient cables add.
Full story:

Wer an Tatra denkt, dem kommt sofort der T 603 in den Sinn. Die bevorzugt in Schwarz ausgelieferte Stromlinien-Limousine glich einer Zigarre vom Typ “Robusto” und war von 1956 bis 1975 die S-Klasse der sozialistischen Brüderstaaten hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang. Ein luftgekühlter V8-Motor im Heck mit 2,5 Liter Hubraum schob den Luxusliner “Z cesky¿ch luhu a háju” (Bedrich Smetana: “Durch Böhmens Hain und Flur”). Doch die Tschechen konnten auch anders. Im niederländischen Druten erwartet uns ein Tatra T 80 mit V12-Motor.
Von 1931 bis 1938 nur 25 Mal gebaut, zählte der große Tatra T 80 zur reichlich vorhandenen globalen V12-Prominenz: In Europa Daimler (GB), Horch, Maybach und Hispano-Suiza, in den USA Cadillac, Franklin, Lincoln und Packard. Zu Beginn der 30er Jahre hatte nämlich fast jeder (Premium)-Automobil-Hersteller ein Spitzenmodell mit prestigeträchtigem V12-Motor im Programm, um sein technisches Potenzial zu beweisen. So war es auch bei Tatra. Dabei nutzte das teure V12-Cabrio das gleiche technische Konzept wie seine Brot-und-Butter-Markenbrüder.

Hundreds of classic and sportscars visted Gilze Rijen airbase last weekend for a phantastic event. They were joined by classic planes (Spitfires, Dakota’s, Beavers, Harvards and gliders) who did several airshows.
Participating car clubs were the Historic F1 1955-1970, Historic F1 1970-1995, Dutch Vintage Sports Car Club, NK HTG en de Grand Turismo & Touring Cars. The Ferrari Club Nederland, the Aston Martin Owners Club Nederland, the Maserati Club Holland as well as the Morgan Sports Car Club participated.
F1 vehicles and classic sports cars from all eras raced each other on the airstrip while the classic cars gave demonstration runs, a Tatra T 87 being invited by the DVSC.
The event, well organised by the Rotary Club Oosterhout, was meant to raise funds for the disabled sports fund, the Fonds Gehandicaptensport. (Tatra at 40″”) (Tatra at 32″)