
First Presov ambulance?

Prvé sanitky v Prešove ?

T75AmbulancePresovKeď som mal asi 17 rokov, našiel som kdesi staršie fotografie sanitiek s nápisom Prešov na dverách. Fotografie som odložil a po čase na ne zabudol. Pripomenula mi ich výstava v SNG minulý rok- Nové Slovensko 1918- 1949, zrod moderného životného štýlu.

Zdalo sa mi, že na výstavu by sa tie fotografie hodili a dosť ma mrzelo, že ich neviem nájsť. Napokon, ako to už býva, našiel som ich náhodne pri hľadaní niečoho iného. Prvý krát som si uvedomil, že dve s tých fotografií sú na zadnej strene popísané ceruzkou. Na jednej je nápis auto ČSČK a na druhej Šproch- prvý riaditeľ. Začal som sa o to zaujímať a chcel som zistiť niečo viac, bohužiaľ, nepodarilo sa mi zistiť skoro nič. V prvom rade, o aké obdobie ide. Jedná sa ešte o prvú Československú republiku pred jej rozdelením 14.marca 1939 a preto ten nápis auto ČSČK, ak menšie z áut je podľa mňa Škoda Popular 1100 OHV, model 1939. Alebo sú to uniformy zo Slovenského štátu a nápisy na fotografiách vznikli po oslobodení. Väčšie auto je zrejme Tatra 57 A, alebo L (volant vpravo), v úprave akú som nikde nenašiel.

Skúšal som hľadať najprv v Múzeu Červeného kríža v Martine, odtiaľ mi ale prišla odpoveď, že múzeum už tri roky neexistuje, nech to skúsim na vedení SČK v Bratislave. Tí ma poslali do Národného archívu a tam mi zase odporučili Štátny archív v Prešove. Tam majú menšie množstvo dokumentov z činnosti Červeného kríža v období 1945 až 1959 v Prešove, to by som ale musel vycestovať. Tak či tak, zdajú sa mi fotografie dostatočne zaujímavé a hádam zaujmú aj iných, hlavne v Prešove.

More:   http://dusankoniar.blog.sme.sk/c/296810/Prve-sanitky-v-Presove.html

Čítajte viac: http://dusankoniar.blog.sme.sk/c/296810/Prve-sanitky-v-Presove.html#ixzz2GfBACLxX

Loprais on his way to the Dakar

Dakar2013LopraisT815Our almost an year long period of preparation to the hardest worlds competition, Dakar 2013, is finally ending. The rally is hosted again in the South America and starts on 5th January, 2013, in the capital city of Peru. So it is the first time, the rally begins in the driest city in the world, Lima.

On Thursday, 27.12. had the team farewell meeting with partners, friends, fans and also with media. he only person missing was Aleš Loprais’s navigator- Belgian Serge Bruynkens, whom will join the crew on his way to Peru. The visitors included legends of nowadays rally, for example Karel Loprais or Ota Měřínský. You can watch the interview with Karel Loprais here: http://vimeo.com/56420062.

Interesting and new information is the close cooperation and partnership between Loprais team and GripTV. Together we will try to take care of medial support and also bringing the most actual news about happening on the track of dakar competition.

If you’re watching happening around the team carefully, you certainly know how unlucky was this year’s Dakar. Although is a new car Tatra Jamal “Queen 69” prepared, it is untried. So it was the right choice to send to Peru an older car, which almost everyone calls “Princess 69”. But as says Aleš himself: “What does not kill you makes you stronger.” Se everyone is not only motivated but also prepared to give the best performance. Every member of the team has his own task and sets high goals – fight the absolut world top for victory in this extremely tough competition.

InstaForex Loprais Team sends 11 members to the South America, which is how you can see not much in comparison with the other teams and giants as Kamaz or Team De Rooy. There are 75 trucks entering this year’s competition rally race, which promises huge competition. It can be expected a huge competition, different strategies and for you – fans does it mean that it will be plenty to watch.

We wish the whole crew and expedition beautiful New Year’s Eve in the family circle, nice flight and minimize unwanted surprises and technical problems. We are proud and grateful for partner support, fans, media attention and also for the competition and the implementation team’s done work.

Lucie Houthoofdtová/ Loprais Team

Travellers’surprise: Saigon Tatra

Week One Saigon
Away I flew; up the coast of BC, over Anchorage (just like last year), and then across the Bering Strait and down across Russian, Korea, past Japan and finally, finally landing at Beijing Capital International Airport’s Terminal 3, the second largest air terminal in the world (Dubai has the largest) and third largest (area covered) building in the world.
Although I was flying to Ho Chi Minh City I had to leave Terminal 3 and go to the domestic terminal as my next flight landed first in Nanning. I had to get my passport stamped for my brief China stay, clear a couple of security gates (where they dumped the water I had purchased at the Victoria Airport) and take a short train ride to the other terminal. Once there I discovered there was no place to change currency. Unless I used an ATM, or credit card, I was without funds. Luckily I wasn’t starving and I filled my water bottle at a water station. Not the best tasting water but it’d do. After a 4 hour wait I boarded a bus to the plane waiting out on the tarmac. A plane with next to no legroom for a tall person. I did manage to nod off a bit but in a couple of hours we landed in Nanning. Off the plane, through yet another security gate, where my passport was again stamped and then back onto the plane after a short wait. On the last leg I managed to get a whole section of seats for myself when I offered my seat to a young woman so she could sit by her mother. No sleep though. At about 2am, local time, we landed in Ho Chi Minh City. I rocketed off the plane, got my bag, cleared Customs and was almost first person out of the terminal to the taxi stand. I caught one of our a cab for a quick ride through almost deserted streets (sucking in the tropical air through the taxi window) to my hotel where I had a shower and hit the hay by 3:30. No long sleep for me though: I was up at 7:30, in time for breakfast.
Nice to hear something new about a Vietnamese Tatra weput on TW back in 2008 http://www.tatraworld.nl/2008/12/31/south-east-asias-sole-t87-during-a-rare-outing/
Away I flew; up the coast of BC, over Anchorage (just like last year), and then across the Bering Strait and down across Russian, Korea, past Japan and finally, finally landing at Beijing Capital International Airport’s Terminal 3, T87Saigon2010the second largest air terminal in the world (Dubai has the largest) and third largest (area covered) building in the world.
Although I was flying to Ho Chi Minh City I had to leave Terminal 3 and go to the domestic terminal as my next flight landed first in Nanning. I had to get my passport stamped for my brief China stay, clear a couple of security gates (where they dumped the water I had purchased at the Victoria Airport) and take a short train ride to the other terminal. Once there I discovered there was no place to change currency. Unless I used an ATM, or credit card, I was without funds. Luckily I wasn’t starving and I filled my water bottle at a water station. Not the best tasting water but it’d do. After a 4 hour wait I boarded a bus to the plane waiting out on the tarmac. A plane with next to no legroom for a tall person. I did manage to nod off a bit but in a couple of hours we landed in Nanning. Off the plane, through yet another security gate, where my passport was again stamped and then back onto the plane after a short wait. On the last leg I managed to get a whole section of seats for myself when I offered my seat to a young woman so she could sit by her mother. No sleep though. At about 2am, local time, we landed in Ho Chi Minh City. I rocketed off the plane, got my bag, cleared Customs and was almost first person out of the terminal to the taxi stand. I caught one of our a cab for a quick ride through almost deserted streets (sucking in the tropical air through the taxi window) to my hotel where I had a shower and hit the hay by 3:30. No long sleep for me though: I was up at 7:30, in time for breakfast.

Full story: http://kellyeye.wordpress.com/2010/08/page/3/

中欧汽车鼻祖 捷克Tatra“太拖拉”轿车 (Tatra history in Chinese)


Here is a Tatra history in Chinese.  Most accompanying photos are familiar with us, but others new.


“Tatra”太拖拉诞生于1850年,最初名为Schustala & Co.,后更名为Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriksgesellschaft,马车制造商出身,1897年,他们制造出了中欧第一台汽车,也是世界上第一批汽车当中的一台——“Prasident”。1918公司更名Koprivnická vozovka a.s.,1919年,Tatra成为公司最终名称,它就源于坐落在太拖拉不远处的Tatra山脉。

太拖拉的历史着实悠久,它是世界上仅次于戴姆勒和标致之后的第三个汽车生产商。二次大战期间,太拖拉主要以生产卡车以及坦克引擎为主。而它的民用车业务则在1999年停止,但它仍持续保持着自始以来最擅长的卡车业务,包括4×4、6×6、8×8、10×10甚至12×12卡车。太拖拉对于许多人来说,知名度源于传奇捷克卡车车手Karel Loprais,Karel于1988-2001期间曾驾驶太拖拉815六次赢在世界上最艰难的汽车比赛——达喀尔拉力赛中夺得冠军,他也成为了达喀尔历史上最为大的车手之一。

太拖拉的轿车制造史并不比戴姆勒和标致晚多少。公司早在1850年便开始了马车生产业务,1891年,创始人Ignác Sustala又开展了轨道车厢的生产工作,同时Roeslerstamm作为技术总监。创始人Sustala过世后,Roeslerstamm接管了公司运营并购买了一台奔驰汽车。正是在奔驰汽车的启发下,他们也创造了自己的第一辆汽车——Prasident,它亮相于1897年的维也纳。

1900年,由奥地利著名设计师Hans Ledwinka完全独立设计的车型Type A诞生,采用后置2714cc引擎,极速40km/h,共生产了22台。随后采用中置引擎的Type B 1902年生产。Ledwinka在此之后经历了离开与回归,并

Conitinue at: http://um.auto.sina.com.cn/news/2012-11-29/01203047.shtml

T 77 restoration near Plzen


T 600, T 603-1 and T 603-2 synthetic spare parts








Merry Christmas to all


Dakar 2013 Preview

As the clear winner of Dakar 2012, Gerard De Rooy has embraced the challenge of confirming the domination of Iveco trucks. The Dutch team will have to manage the new generation of Kamaz pilots, which still has little experience of major events.
After periods of optimism, progress, disappointments and low moral, before regaining control only to suffer injuries, the De Rooy Team finally reaped its rewards last January. The cherry on the cake was that Gerard De Rooy drove the winning truck, exactly 25 years after the one-off success achieved by his father Jan.
After the excitement had died down again, the team leader very quickly set himself an ambitious goal, which is sure to rally his team mates and inspire the entire Netherlands. If he pulls off this feat, it will signal the dawn of a new era and place Iveco trucks at the top of their field for many years to come.
In 2012, Hans Stacey (2007 winner) closely followed his captain and cousin onto the podium. This year, the team has set its sights on the three steps, where it also hopes to see former WRC world champion Miki Biasion.
The De Rooy Team would, of course, be overjoyed to see a turquoise trio in Santiago, regardless of the order in which the teams are ranked. When it comes to thwarting their victory, there is no indication that the most serious threat could be posed by the former masters in this category, who suffered a setback in the 2012 edition.
After the Chagin-Kabirov period, the new team has yet to live up to the promises made by Kamaz. For example, the heir apparent, Eduard Nikolaev, has stayed in the background since reaching 3rd place in 2011.
In addition, it was ultimately Artur Ardavichus, the Kazakh who joined the Russian camp, who came to stand on the podium in Lima, having possibly exhausted his potential for improvement. The blue trucks have lost some of their shine, but it is widely anticipated that Chagin’s pupils will achieve a return to form on the road to Santiago.
In this context, the example of Gerard De Rooy could inspire Ales Loprais, who has frequently been an outsider in recent editions. The Tatra driver has often shown that he can drive as fast as his rivals and could be one of the claimants to the title – if he can put an end to his consecutive run of four withdrawals!
Often clinching good results but rarely victorious, the Man trucks are now travelling to compete with their Dutch compatriots. Marcel Van Vliet (3rd in 2010) and Peter Versluis have their eyes on the podium and both have major strengths in their favour. Tickets will certainly come at a premium!
2012/12/18 | 18:03 CET | ARTICLE: MR/HS/ASO/WEYENS
As the clear winner of Dakar 2012, Gerard De Rooy has embraced the challenge of confirming the domination of Iveco trucks. The Dutch team will have to manage the new generation of Kamaz pilots, which still has little experience of major events.
After periods of optimism, progress, disappointments and low moral, before regaining control only to suffer injuries, the De Rooy Team finally reaped its rewards last January. The cherry on the cake was that Gerard De Rooy drove the winning truck, exactly 25 years after the one-off success achieved by his father Jan.
After the excitement had died down again, the team leader very quickly set himself an ambitious goal, which is sure to rally his team mates and inspire the entire Netherlands. If he pulls off this feat, it will signal the dawn of a new era and place Iveco trucks at the top of their field for many years to come.
In 2012, Hans Stacey (2007 winner) closely followed his captain and cousin onto the podium. This year, the team has set its sights on the three steps, where it also hopes to see former WRC world champion Miki Biasion.
The De Rooy Team would, of course, be overjoyed to see a turquoise trio in Santiago, regardless of the order in which the teams are ranked. When it comes to thwarting their victory, there is no indication that the most serious threat could be posed by the former masters in this category, who suffered a setback in the 2012 edition.
After the Chagin-Kabirov period, the new team has yet to live up to the promises made by Kamaz. For example, the heir apparent, Eduard Nikolaev, has stayed in the background since reaching 3rd place in 2011.
In addition, it was ultimately Artur Ardavichus, the Kazakh who joined the Russian camp, who came to stand on the podium in Lima, having possibly exhausted his potential for improvement. The blue trucks have lost some of their shine, but it is widely anticipated that Chagin’s pupils will achieve a return to form on the road to Santiago.
In this context, the example of Gerard De Rooy could inspire Ales Loprais, who has frequently been an outsider in recent editions. The Tatra driver has often shown that he can drive as fast as his rivals and could be one of the claimants to the title – if he can put an end to his consecutive run of four withdrawals!
Often clinching good results but rarely victorious, the Man trucks are now travelling to compete with their Dutch compatriots. Marcel Van Vliet (3rd in 2010) and Peter Versluis have their eyes on the podium and both have major strengths in their favour. Tickets will certainly come at a premium!
2012/12/18 | 18:03 CET | ARTICLE: MR/HS/ASO/WEYENS


The T 400 trolleybus in Prague


Prague was the first Czech town, which introduced trolleybuses, but this they vanished alreqady 40 years ago as the trolleybus era lasted from 1936 to 1972.


No more Tatra trucks for Indian army

The Indian Army has 7,983 Tatra trucks but “there is no further procurement” of these vehicles or their spare parts, the government said Monday. Defence minister AK Antony told the Lok Sabha that the existing Tatra trucks formed about 4% of the total vehicles authorized for use by the army.

Asked about details of ongoing projects using the Tatra platform, Antony said: “The details … cannot be divulged in the interest of national security.”

Source: DNA INdia, Dec 17, 2012

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