
The future of Tatra: still a giant question mark

The future of Tatra: still a giant question mark

Published : 20 March
1 472 words in that article

176 million Czech crowns (7M€): that’s the price paid at judicial auction on 15th March 2013 by Marek Galvas, unique shareholder of “Truck Development s.r.o.” – company created on 8th March 2013 – to buy Tatra Company, the third oldest car manufacturer in the world.

An old company having great trouble adapting itself to modernity

Created in 1850 in Kopřivnice (Northern Moravia), the Tatra Company started to produce cars in 1897 and trucks in 1898. It came up in 1923 with a backbone tube chassis which has been continuously improved since then and the company became one of the biggest world car manufacturers. Having own smelting plant and spare parts suppliers, Tatra employed several thousand people during the Communist Czechoslovakian period and still produced more than 15 000 trucks in 1989.

The 90’s marked the beginning of a downward spiral for the company. Tatra abandoned the car production in 1999 in order to focus on the truck domain, either civilian or military, but could not stop the production drop despite the efforts of the new shareholders to increase sales.

The American company “Terex Corp.” bought Tatra in 2003 and sold it to the “Tatra Holdings s.r.o.” in 2006. This latter company consists of various shareholders: the British company with Hindi owner “Vectra Ltd”; the American Sam Eyde; the Belgian group “KBC Private Equity”; the Czech company “Meadow Hill s.r.o.” and another American Ronald Adams, Tatra CEO for the past years.

The company split and its subsidiaries (smelting plant and spare parts suppliers) had to find other clients in order to compensate the smaller orders from parent company. Successive cooperation with Renault first, then with American Navistar in 2010 and finally with Dutch DAF last year never conducted to a reverse trend. Despite better sales in 2007 and 2008 thanks to a big contract with the Czech Armed Forces – unfortunately with some suspicion of corruption – the production went down to its lowest level in 2012 with 496 trucks.

Some doubts about the motivations of the main creditor

Weighted down by a huge debt of 1.502 billion CZK (60M€), the Czech truck manufacturer has been driven to judiciary auction by companies “Composite Com”, that bought Tatra receivables for an amount of 650 million crowns, and “Development Agency” who has a 218 M€ claim on Tatra.

However the motivations of “Composite Com” are not clear. Who is behind this group? Looking at the company representation board, you can find names who are very close to two companies linked with Tatra: “Promet Group” that bought two years ago Tatra subsidiary “Tawesco” (production of stamping tools, welding and gauging fixtures for the car industry) and “Excalibur Army” – a maintenance and reconstruction company specialized in military vehicles that bought in last February the former Defense Ministry maintenance company VOP.

Considering the activities of both companies, it might be tempting to liquidate Tatra in order to buy very cheap some interesting facilities.

A good deal for a unique buyer

Moreover, the conditions of the auction itself put forward another question linked with the weak participation. Effectively, when the judiciary auction was notified in late February, the press anticipated the participation of several European (MAN and DAF), Russian – even Indian – companies.

The reality was a little bit different: the office of the Court executor set up the reserve price at 175.135 million crowns, i-e two thirds of the current company asset. The best –and unique- bid of 176 million crowns won the auction in less than a minute. The winner is Mr. Marek Galvas, who is financially supported by a Slovak group “J&T Group”, which is specialized in project financing and investments. But this company did not want to confirm that it will help to pay Tatra’s debt.

Mr. Galvas is well-known from the owners of “J&T Group” because he is manager – or member of supervisory board – of a dozen of companies, three of which are directly part of this company from Bratislava (“První zpravodajské” , “J&T Credits Investments” et “Environmental Services”).

Thanks to his 176 M CZK ticket, Mr. Galvas will own a company strong of 1765 employees (figures of 2012) with a market value of 1.765 billion CZK in spite of a 1.502 billion CZK debt, that is to say a 263 million CZK net value and an immediate benefit of 90 million Czech crowns (3.6 M€). This last figure is obviously completely artificial because the benefit will depend of the strategy retained for the company, which should be made public in one month. Effectively, Mr. Galvas wants to finish the process of transfer of ownership before unveiling any further orientation.

An uncertain future not to be seen through rose-tinted glasses

As a first step, Marek Galvas will appoint a new board of directors and try to get acquainted with the detailed situation of Tatra.

More or less three different strategies can be envisaged:

The status-quo, Tatra will go on with truck production according to the current conditions: a risky option that appears as not very profitable at first sight

For twenty years now, Tatra is struggling to survive in the world truck market. Unfortunately, a deficit in investment led to an aging of the production lines and to a lack of innovation. In front of big companies such as MAN, DAF or Renault, Tatra’s products were less and less competitive.

If the new owner wanted to go on with the truck production, he should heavily invest in the modernization of the company together with the payment of the debt that would be enough to dry out the financial capabilities of a normal investor. Delocalization of some part of the production to less expensive countries such as China or India would not be more satisfying in the middle term because transportation costs would cut off the awaited benefits of that kind of operation.

This option is not very likely because doomed to fail in the middle term without a very important and very expensive modernization of the production lines.

The specialization in subcontracting: a feasible solution whose price would be the loss of truck manufacturer status

Nowadays the main manufacturers already merged at European or World level in order to face the challenges of globalization. Companies in middle-sized States that were not already absorbed by bigger companies – as it is the case for Škoda that was bought years ago by Volkswagen – are more or less destined for failure because they can’t pay alone the price for developing new materials. To survive they have to specialize.

Several Czech companies have already followed this path and abandoned their original manufacturing trade to become flourishing subcontractors. That’s the case, for instance, of former planes manufacturers Aero Vodochody or Letov (which is now associated to the French group Latécoère). Those companies are currently producing subcomponents for bigger groups and are prospering thanks to the excellent qualifications of the Czech engineers and workers together with reasonable labor costs.

Tatra might head in that direction and specialize in production of chassis – that are particularly well-known – or other high value spare parts such as engines or gearboxes. This would suppose a restructuration of the company to focus on that kind of jobs together with huge investments in R&D to keep a high added value capability.

The social cost would be quite high at the beginning but middle-term perspectives of development (3 to 5 years) are good enough to ensure that the company would survive.

Split sales of the company: the choice of immediate profitability versus a major social cost

Despite its huge debt, Tatra still has a high intrinsic value that could whet the appetites of investors without scruples. Terrains, buildings, machine-tools, patents and the technical Museum of Tatra – which is estimated more or less at 300 million crowns – might be sold for a good price to clients interested by those assets immediately available. The benefits might be then sent to fiscal paradises and once the company has been dried out of its most valuable assets, it would be easy to declare bankruptcy.

This solution is neither elegant nor very legal but greediness often minimizes risks. And the major losers would be Tatra employees who would lose their jobs and small creditors who would not be able to recover their money.

It would not be fair to think that the new owner has such idea even before he has taken over the ownership of the company but the recent Czech history is so abundant with cases of this kind that it would not be very professional not to mention it.

Let’s be optimistic for Tatra who deserves to be saved for the future generations because of its history, the quality of its trucks and its know-how. So we will monitor very carefully the first decisions of Mr. Galvas and we’ll report on those webpages.


Fastbacks compared

T87Fastbacks_05The fastback bodystyle delivers the rare phenomenon of adding practicality and sporting intentions in one fell swoop – literally. We’ve searched our marketplace for some cars of the past which best execute the slope-roofed design, and now present them in a country vs. country showdown…


Ron Adams stays at Tatra

We hear that Ron Adams will stay on as general manager and CEO.
Ron .Adams. general manager + CEO, Duncan.Sellars.  – chief of “America”.
Two new directors under R.A.(coming from the investors) – responsible for operation of the company.
(to be confirmed)

New owners at bankrupt Tatra promise not to lay off company’s employees, Ronald Adams comments on his future

Posted: March 20, 2013

By Andrew Greene – Staff Writer Prague Post

Embattled truck maker Tatra is preparing for a management shakeup, but staff have been assured there are no plans to lay off workers after the Czech brand was sold at auction for 176 million Kč ($9 million).

The newly established company Truck Development officially took control of Tatra March 18, three days after being the only bidder for the ailing Kopřivnice-based manufacturer.

Tatra had been declared bankrupt just three weeks before the auction and put under distraint, a procedure that allows the assets of indebted companies to be seized, at the request of Composite Com, which is owed 650 million Kč.

At the time of auction, the company’s assets were put at 1.76 billion Kč, while its debt totaled 1.5 billion Kč. According to a distrainer’s report, Tatra now has only 160, 207 Kč on its accounts.

Marek Galvas, the head of Truck Development, says he has no plans to cut the number of employees or limit production, although he is planning to introduce a completely new management team.

“We don’t expect any work-force cuts and want to maintain the current production capacity,” Galvas said. “We want to stabilize the company as soon as possible and get on with all customers, suppliers and employees whom we don’t want to fire,” he added.

Truck Development is financed by the investment group J&T; however, Galvas says there are more companies involved.

“The company will continue to operate and fulfill all its obligations. We have prepared financing through loans in the order of hundreds of millions of crowns for this purpose,” Galvas said.

It is believed a group of creditors linked to defense contractor Jaroslav Strnad and René Matera of Promet Group foundry will likely take an ownership stake in the truck maker.

Tatra’s CEO Ronald Adams, who is currently fighting corruption charges, welcomed the company’s sale and said the change in ownership would solve the firm’s financial difficulties.

“I feel we have kept this company alive despite some very formidable obstacles over the past three years. On the one hand, I would love to retire as CEO, but on the other hand, I know Tatra has a great future, and I would like to see the major projects we have developed come to fruition,” Adams told The Prague Post. “My future position will be up to the owners of the company. I am glad to see the working capital is coming to Tatra from the new owners.”

Adams, arrested in Brno last year, has been charged for allegedly offering a bribe to then-Deputy Defense Minister Martin Barták to have further military orders placed with Tatra. The former minister, along with arms dealer Michal Smrž, has been charged over the dubious purchase of Tatra lorries for the Czech military and Adams is also a witness in Barták’s corruption case.

Since 2006, Tatra has been controlled by four Czech and foreign investors, all represented by Adams. Back in 2010, Tatra cut its loss of more than 700 million Kč to 158 million Kč.


Fresh chance for Tatra?

Mar 20, 2013 6:06pm by Jan Cienski

Tatra, an iconic Czech lorry maker, has changed hands at a fire sale price, marking the end of the Czech adventure of Ronald Adams, a US businessman who made his fortune selling Americans clunky graduation rings and went on to try, but fail, to rescue Tatra.

The company, based in the industrial east of the country, was sold last week for Kc176m ($8.9m), far below the $27m that Adams and other investors paid for it in 2006.

The company was auctioned off to the single buyer who put in a bid – a Czech firm called Truck Development – after a local court found that Tatra was insolvent and had to be sold to repay its $90m in debts. The debts are greater than Tatra’s value, estimated at about $80m.

Central European Rally, 2008

Marek Galvas, chairman of Truck Development, a company apparently founded this month, told Czech news agency CTK: “We don’t expect any workforce cuts and want to maintain the current production capacity. We want to stabilise the company as soon as possible and get on with all customers, suppliers and employees whom we don’t want to fire. The company will continue to operate and fulfil all its obligations. We have prepared financing through loans in the order of hundreds of millions of crowns for this purpose.”

Tatra started making cars in 1897 and in the 1920s began to make rugged trucks that continued to be produced in the communist era. The trucks can be found on Siberian oil fields and in the Czech military.

Ronald Adams

The company never properly recovered from the collapse of communism, which ended its preferential access to the Soviet empire. Adams had hoped to make it an international brand. Tatra already had a joint venture in India and Adams tried for civilian and military contracts elsewhere around the world.

But efforts to revive Tatra were dealt a severe blow by the economic crisis, which left hundreds of lorries clogging the factory’s parking lot and setting off a desperate attempt to drum up new sales, including to the Czech military. The army ended up buying 588 trucks for Kc2.5bn in 2008.

Stalin’s Tatra Cabriolet, 1949

However, that effort ended up torpedoing Adams, who was charged with corruption last year after prosecutors alleged that he had tried to offer a bribe to win a military contract. He denied any wrongdoing, although did admit to the Czech press that he had mentioned a figure of Kc20m to an arms merchant.

One of Adams’ accusers was Martin Bartak, a former Czech defence minister who resigned after himself being accused of seeking a bribe in a truck tender from Tatra, an accusation he called “monstrous and foul”.

Tatra’s Indian affiliate has also been in trouble over the sale of trucks to the Indian military, with the military alleging that bribes were paid to a lobbyist to facilitate the sale – an allegation the Indian company rejects.


Tatra sale

15.3.2013, The TATRA company incl. collection of vintage cars is at auction today, contact and starting price: www.eucheb.cz/?page=xmlread&druh=3
Kopřivnice factory has just been sold at auction for 176 million crowns. Auctioned by purposefully established firm The Truck Development that participated in the auction as a single. Resources to fund the acquisition provided investment group J & T.
“We want to take over the company on Monday or Tuesday. We foresee no layoffs and want to maintain production in the current range,” said Chairman of the Board Mr. Galvas, who also confirmed that the company Truck Development, where he is the sole shareholder, was established only recently for takeover of Tatra. “In the next week we will try to appoint new management of Tatra,” he added. Allegedly he does not use any members of the current management.

Lorry maker Tatra auctioned off for CZK 176m

18 MARCH 2013

Cheb, March 15 (CTK) – Czech lorry maker Tatra was sold to Truck Development company for Kc176m at Friday’s auction, and the reserve price was Kc175.14m.

The value of the company that was put under distraint at the request of Composite Com was set at Kc1.765bn as of Friday. Its debt amounts to Kc1.5bn.

One bidder took part in the auction.

“We are going to take over the company on Monday, March 18, already so that it is under our full control,” Truck Development board chairman Marek Galvas told CTK.

“We don’t expect any workforce cuts and want to maintain the current production capacity,” he said. “We want to stabilise the company as soon as possible and get on with all customers, suppliers and employees whom we don’t want to fire,” Galvas said.

Truck Development is ready to pay off all Tatra’s obligations immediately and within days sign a debt settlement agreement with Composite Com, the lorry maker’s biggest creditor, that submitted the distraint petition, according to Galvas.

“The company will continue to operate and fulfill all its obligations. We have prepared financing through loans in the order of hundreds of millions of crowns for this purpose,” Galvas said.

Galvas confirmed that Truck Development was set up recently with the aim of Tatra’s takeover. It was entered in the Register of Companies a week ago.

“Next week we’ll try to appoint a new management team of Tatra,” Galvas said, adding that the current members will not be its part.

Tatra now has only Kc160,207 on its accounts, according to a distrainer’s report.

The investment group J&T has provided money for Tatra’s acquisition. Galvas had worked for some companies linked to J&T. “J&T is financing a client as part of the acquisition of Tatra,” said J&T marketing head Petr Malek.

“Mr Galvas is not a direct employee of J&T,” he added without elaborating.

Galvas confirmed for CTK that J&T is behind Tatra’s acquisition. There are more companies, however, he said.

Distraint takes effect in 15 days and the remaining amount of Kc75m will be paid immediately afterwards, Galvas said.

Court distrainer David Koncz said the new owner has to pay for Tatra in two months. The participants in the auction and the winner can appeal the distraint proceedings in 15 days, he added.

Tatra owes around Kc650m to Composite Com. The firm uses the auction as a way to satisfy its claim. It believes the auction will help bring a strong investor to Tatra.

Composite Com PR agent Andrej Cirtek said Friday’s auction was apparently the first ever to deal with claim settlement at such a big company. He ruled out that Composite Com would be seeking an entry into Tatra.

“We only want to satisfy our claim and this is the fastest option,” said Cirtek.

Friday’s change of the owner aims to solve financial issues which hindered Tatra’s development over the past three years, said Tatra CEO Ronald Adams.

New products and new markets which Tatra had entered in this difficult situation may help Tatra return to the leading position it held before the industry was hit by the global financial crisis, Adams said.

According to him, Tatra’s auction does not have a negative impact on its operations.

Tatra retains its debt. The new owner promised Friday he would launch talks with all the creditors next week.

A museum with precious collections of historic cars will be preserved, said Galvas. The book value of the collections is Kc300.

All parties to the distraint proceedings were surprised that only one bidder took part in the auction.

Galvas said this could be due to an insolvency petition filed against Tatra this week. A regional court refused it on Thursday and so the auction did take place.

Tatra is a traditional manufacturer of lorries. Since 2006 it has been controlled by four Czech and foreign investors represented by the former member of the supervisory board and the current chairman of the board of directors, Ronald Adams of the USA.

Back in 2010 Tatra cut its loss of over Kc700m to Kc158m.

Copyright 2011 by the Czech News Agency (ČTK). All rights reserved.
Copying, dissemination or other publication of this article or parts thereof without the prior written consent of ČTK is expressly forbidden. The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.

Tatra’s new owner

Tatra has a new owner, auctioned for 176 million crowns

15th March 2013 at 12:48
Chairman Truck Development Marek Galvas speaks with the media after the auction, Cheb - Photo: ČTK

Chairman Truck Development Marek Galvas speaks with the media after the auction in ChebPhoto: ČTK

Legendary truck manufacturer, Kopřivnice Tatra, bought at auction only bidder, Ostrava Truck Development Company, which was created just for this purpose. Tatras became the owner for 176 million crowns. Value car while reaching more than 1.7 billion. But debts exceed 1.5 billion.

Auction Kopřivnice Tatras, which provides work for 1600 employees, took place today at the headquarters office of executor in Cheb.Chairman Truck Development Marek Galvas Czech Radio has confirmed that the traditional automaker wants to develop and no significant layoffs planned.

“Our intention is to stabilize the Tatra, operate, develop and settle the obligations on the production and operation of the car. Company wants to take over Monday and Tuesday, and begin to actively dealt with, “said Galvas. Management Tatras but will need to be replaced, he said.

Company Truck Development was based only on 8
March and in accordance with the Commercial Register has ties to the group J & T.Truck Development Company based in the center of Ostrava, in the newly renovated cafe Elektra.
The building includes a strong financial group J & T and their representatives Czech Radio has confirmed that the new owner Tatras office provides.

Executor office Cheb - Photo: Zdenek Trnka

Cheb executor OfficePhoto: Zdenek Trnka

Tatra spokesman Vladimir Bystrov is the result of today’s auction for the company some relief. “It’s the end of a long period of uncertainty, after which we hope will continue again normal production, supply customers,” he said.

He pointed out that management Tatras before auction in contact with Truck Development was not. “Even before the auction, nor yet, according to my information from the CEO, by this time the contact was not established,” he added Bystrov.

The auction raised Composite Com company that owes Tatra 650 million. The company wants to satisfy their claims to the car and get a new strong owner.

Just before the auction, but the situation was tense around the car. Severočeská property management filed for insolvency, which would abolish the auction. But Ostrava Regional Court dismissed the petition.

Tatra Works sold at 176 million crowns

Cheb – Kopřivnice Tatra was in Friday’s auction in Cheb sold for 176 million crowns. While the starting price was initially exceed 200 million.
Enterprise Development auctioned Truck company, whose sole owner is Mark Galvas, coupled with investment group J & T. It was a single tender, auction lasted a minute. Truck Development Company was established just last week.
Investment group denied that it would be the direct owner of the Tatras. “It’s not that Mr. Galvas buys Tatra for group J & T. The situation is more complicated, but we do not want to disclose the details,” said the online journal Aktuálně.cz J & T spokesman Petr Malek.
Resources to finance the acquisition of the rights to the group J & T. Galvas figured in some companies related with J & T, but not directly Málka the employee.
J & T before execution had pledged roughly 10 percent share Tatras and also bought some of its claims. “J & T Group financed the purchase of Tatra and will contribute to stabilizing the business. However, not the project itself, J & T, but the action of one of our clients,” explains itself Galvas.
The new owner wants to maintain production. “We expect that the company can take the next week and replace the current management,” said Galvas online diary Aktuálně.cz. Apparently does not use any members of the current management.
“We do not expect any layoffs and want to maintain production in the current range,” he added Galvas
Cheb – Kopřivnice Tatra was in Friday’s auction in Cheb sold for 176 million crowns. While the starting price was initially exceed 200 million.
Enterprise Development auctioned Truck company, whose sole owner is Mark Galvas, coupled with investment group J & T. It was a single tender, auction lasted a minute. Truck Development Company was established just last week.
Investment group denied that it would be the direct owner of the Tatras. “It’s not that Mr. Galvas buys Tatra for group J & T. The situation is more complicated, but we do not want to disclose the details,” said the online journal Aktuálně.cz J & T spokesman Petr Malek.
Resources to finance the acquisition of the rights to the group J & T. Galvas figured in some companies related with J & T, but not directly Málka the employee.
J & T before execution had pledged roughly 10 percent share Tatras and also bought some of its claims. “J & T Group financed the purchase of Tatra and will contribute to stabilizing the business. However, not the project itself, J & T, but the action of one of our clients,” explains itself Galvas.
The new owner wants to maintain production. “We expect that the company can take the next week and replace the current management,” said Galvas online diary Aktuálně.cz. Apparently does not use any members of the current management.
“We do not expect any layoffs and want to maintain production in the current range,” he added Galvas

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