
South African T 97


Not seen very often: A Tatra T 97 and the Franschhoek Motor Museum



Rare T 75


While at the Frantisek Prosecky Rally on August 10, in Bystrice nad Pernstejem, I came across this rare T 75 with a body built in Brno.  According to the owner of the car, it was an unknown firm to him.  Ideas and solutions of the unknown body shop are welcomed.

A guide to Tatra’s archives 1897 – 1947


Known Tatra prospects collector Mojmir Stojan and Karel Rosenkranz have published all 1897 – 1947 Tatra prospects and brochures available.  In a next publication, all documents on the period 1947 – 1997 will be published. The first part is over 2000 pages, printed in four volumes and offered in a box. The first volume contains well- known photographs, the other volumes reproduction of prospects in nearly all available languages.  Print is in black and white though.

Tatra v archivni documentaci / in archive documentation 1897-1947

Czech / English text

Prize (four volumes): Kcs 3900,00

MS Press

Fillova 8, 63800 Brno, Czech Republic

ISBN 978-80-8719101-9, volumes 1-4

Front-engined T 97?

imageWhile at the opening of Frantisek Prosecky’s new Tatra museum in Bystrice nad Pernstejem, featuring tens of cars, motorcycles, mopeds, radios, fashion, pedal cars, toy cars, models and imageautomobiles, I saw two rare Tatras: a T 72 and an unknown Tatra. A arge hearse with a T 97 nose.  It appeared to be a T 30 chassis, fitted with a a hearse body from the unknown coach builder Kladno of Prague. Built in 1938, it features a lengthened T 97 nose.

Ronald Adams has left Tatra today

Koprivnica (Novojičínsko) – CEO kopřivnické Tatra Ronald Adams is retiring. The company leaves the 31st July. ČTK today announced the Tatra Radek Ivaniškin. Since the takeover by new owners, who in March this year it acquired at auction, I did not really venture Adams.
American Adams worked in Tatra in various capacities since 2001, originally as a representative of American shareholders on the Supervisory Board. Since 2006, when the automaker four Czech and foreign investors took over, Adams was CEO and Chairman of the Board. Due to debts, but this year Tatra ended auction.
A spokesman for Tatra Trucks, which now include automobile, Andrej Čírtek said that although the Adams still had, but did not perform it. “His competence after the change of ownership took over the car from the beginning chairman of Tatra Trucks Petr Rusek and Vice Chairman Radek Strouhal,” said Čírtek.
Server economist said today that Adams was involved in the car as CEO only with regard to a contract under negotiation Middle East, which has now been closed. Ivaniškin told that this is the most important job in recent years. Tatra supplies to the Middle East automobiles and manufacturing equipment worth 4.5 billion crowns. For more information on the offer yet by Čírtka can not provide. Ivaniškin said the team led by Adams worked to negotiate a contract for three years.
Adams is currently facing charges of corruption. The case deals with the court in Brno. According to the prosecution offered Adams at IDET 2009 in Brno, then-Deputy Defense Minister Martin Bartak bribe of 20 million crowns for ensuring that military contracts for the company Tatra. Adams refuses to blame, Bartak said the fair just met and greeted.
Author: ČTK www.ctk.cz
Koprivnica (Novojičínsko) – CEO kopřivnické Tatra Ronald Adams is retiring. The company leaves the 31st July. ČTK today announced the Tatra Radek Ivaniškin. Since the takeover by new owners, who in March this year it acquired at auction, I did not really venture Adams.
Adams2012American Adams worked in Tatra in various capacities since 2001, originally as a representative of American shareholders on the Supervisory Board. Since 2006, when the automaker four Czech and foreign investors took over, Adams was CEO and Chairman of the Board. Due to debts, but this year Tatra ended auction.
A spokesman for Tatra Trucks, which now include automobile, Andrej Čírtek said that although the Adams still had, but did not perform it. “His competence after the change of ownership took over the car from the beginning chairman of Tatra Trucks Petr Rusek and Vice Chairman Radek Strouhal,” said Čírtek.
Server economist said today that Adams was involved in the car as CEO only with regard to a contract under negotiation Middle East, which has now been closed. Ivaniškin told that this is the most important job in recent years. Tatra supplies to the Middle East automobiles and manufacturing equipment worth 4.5 billion crowns. For more information on the offer yet by Čírtka can not provide. Ivaniškin said the team led by Adams worked to negotiate a contract for three years.
Adams is currently facing charges of corruption. The case deals with the court in Brno. According to the prosecution offered Adams at IDET 2009 in Brno, then-Deputy Defense Minister Martin Bartak bribe of 20 million crowns for ensuring that military contracts for the company Tatra. Adams refuses to blame, Bartak said the fair just met and greeted.
Author: ČTK www.ctk.cz

Tatra gets huge order from Middle East (believed to be T 810s for Saudi Arabia)

Kopřivnická Tatra has another job for their current employees. After three years of negotiations to ensure the company’s new management contract for $ 4.5 billion.

The contract concerns the supply of cars and manufacturing facilities in the Middle East.Who buys a car from Tatry, is not yet known.A company spokesperson Andrej Čírtek was due to business confidentiality specific.

“It’s very important contract and we need more such contracts in order to gradually increase production capacity to somewhere to 3 thousand cars a year, which could cope with the current capital. With this, it would přibírali other employees. ”

This year’s annual production of the carmaker for 880 cars, last year sold a total of 531 A and its subsidiaries have about 2,000 employees.

This year, from March to the end of June the company had operating profit of over 83 million, turnover exceeded 762 million. But because of growing debt auction ended. From this spring two shareholders own car company. Of the 65 percent Jaroslav Strnad and 35 percent of the company Promet Tools.


TRD Treffen 2013



Wonderful T 603 photo


Adams trial: Massive information leak has occurred

Brno – Information has leaked from the file on the case of U.S. citizen Ronald Adams, former director general of the Czech Tatra lorry maker, charged with corruption, and key witnesses have got access to documents with classified data, his defence counsel Radek Ondrus told reporters today.

“Massive information leak has occurred. This is why we have initiated the investigation to find out whether the abuse of public office was committed,” Ondrus said.

The trial of Adams continues at the Brno Municipal Court today without him since he had asked for the court proceedings in his absence beforehand.

According to the charges, Adams offered a 20-million-crown bribe to then deputy defence minister Martin Bartak in exchange for the Defence Ministry placing further military orders with Tatra, during the negotiations about the supply of off-road vehicles for the Czech military in 2009.

If found guilty, Adams faces up to five years in prison.

Bartak, who accused Adams of corruption, and arms dealer Michal Smrz are witnesses in this case.

Bartak said Adams had talked about the bribe at the IDET trade fair in Brno in 2009. Adams dismissed it.

However, Bartak and Smrz are charged with bribery in an interconnected case.

Smrz´s testimony was read in court in his absence today.

Smrz, director of the MPI Group arms company, testified that Adams had offered a bribe to him, too, previously for arranging orders for Tatra. Later Adams wanted to hire him as a lobbyist and he offered him 20 million crowns to secure a meeting with the prime minister, Smrz said.

“I did not offer a meeting with (then PM Mirek) Topolanek, he (Adams) asked for it himself,” Smrz said, calling Adams “a liar and fraudster.”

However, Ondrus said today´s testimony by Smrz was not connected with the alleged bribery at the IDET fair.

Smrz and Bartak are accused in another corruption case. Bartak allegedly asked for a bribe to solve the problem Tatra faced with the supplies for the Czech military. Adams will be a witness in this case that is yet to be proceeded.

The Prague Municipal Court will deal with the case.


Peculiar T 603 engined T 87 to be auctioned.



RM Auction is now offering the much discussed T 603 engined T 87, on sale in Australia last year.  http://www.justauto.com.au/justcars/know/news/dd7ff07d-f41b-437a-ade9-e484029308d6

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