
Over 200 photos of the 2013 Beskydy Rally


Over 200 photos of the 2013 Beskydy Rally.  Enjoy! (Sent by Matin Prosecky)

Go to     http://francmotorkar.rajce.idnes.cz/Beskydy_-_Mezinarodni_TATRA_Veteran_Rally_2013/ and click on the Two Arrows symbol just right of the orange starFavoriete album

Colourful Beskydy Rally 2013




This weekend, the TVCC Koprivnice held its traditional Beskydy rally with nearly all models attending.

(sent by Alena Cipova)


Wow, a 3D T 603 interior panorama



my name is Christoph Simon, I am a freelance photographer from Saxony/Germany and i am specified in panorama photography and virtual tours.
In these days i produced a interactive 360° panorama (with sound!) inside a TATRA 2-603 from 1963.  Please see the link on facebook here:
https://www.facebook.com/360GradSachsen or the link direct to the pano here: http://www.360-grad-sachsen.de/panos/tatra/tatra.html.

May be that’s also interesting for you and your website visitors?! If you like it fell free to share it on facebook!

Best regards

Christoph Simon


Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 24
09648 Mittweida


Martin Kolomy shows his Buggyra Tatra for the 2014 Dakar



T 97 Classic car of the year 2013?

The editors of Classic Cars, Practical Classics and Classic Car Weekly have been through hundreds of entries and have chosen the 30 cars which they felt epitomise the classic car scene and the many fantastic endeavours that go into getting and keeping classics on the road. Now it’s time for you – the classic car loving public to decide. The vote runs until the 27th September so don’t waste any time in choosing your favourites, and remember it’s their stories that count.
The five cars chosen by the public vote will be revealed at the Classic Motor Show at Birmingham’s NEC on November 15-17th.
One of the candidates is Ian Tisdale’s Tatra T97
This Tatra T97, one of only 510 made and the only registered running example in the UK, is a regular rally participant and was driven to Germany and back without any issues in 2011. It was delivered, painted pink, to its first lady owner in Bratislava the day before Christmas Eve 1938. With a magnesium ohc engine and transmission, rack & pinion steering, hydraulic brakes, 12v. electrics and a top speed of 83mph, it was an expensive hand-built avant-garde compact, not the potential VW rival often imagined. This example received a 17-week bare metal bodyshell restoration last year that involved the removal of eleven to fourteen layers of paint and filler that had added over 6% to its weight. There was very little corrosion, but the bottoms of all four ash-framed doors were replaced, shut-lines adjusted and all panels carefully re-profiled. This 75-year-old ‘matching numbers’ car is still kept on the button and campaigned throughout the year. For the second year running, marshals at Stony Stratford’s New Year’s day gathering initially directed the Tatra away from the town square reserved for pre-WW2 cars, not realising how old it is. Owners Ian and Kirsten Tisdale also have two more recent Tatras.
Vote at: http://www.ccoty.co.uk/
The editors of Classic Cars, Practical Classics and Classic Car Weekly have been through hundreds of entries and have chosen the 30 cars which they felt epitomise the classic car scene and the many fantastic endeavours that go into getting and keeping classics on the road. Now it’s time for you – the classic car loving public to decide. The vote runs until the 27th September so don’t waste any time in choosing your favourites, and remember it’s their stories that count.
The five cars chosen by the public vote will be revealed at the Classic Motor Show at Birmingham’s NEC on November 15-17th.
One of the candidates is Ian Tisdale’s Tatra T97
This Tatra T97, one of only 510 made and the only registered running example in the UK, is a regular rally participant and was driven to Germany and back without any issues in 2011. It was delivered, painted pink, to its first lady owner in Bratislava the day before Christmas Eve 1938. With a magnesium ohc engine and transmission, rack & pinion steering, hydraulic brakes, 12v. electrics and a top speed of 83mph, it was an expensive hand-built avant-garde compact, not the potential VW rival often imagined. This example received a 17-week bare metal bodyshell restoration last year that involved the removal of eleven to fourteen layers of paint and filler that had added over 6% to its weight. There was very little corrosion, but the bottoms of all four ash-framed doors were replaced, shut-lines adjusted and all panels carefully re-profiled. This 75-year-old ‘matching numbers’ car is still kept on the button and campaigned throughout the year. For the second year running, marshals at Stony Stratford’s New Year’s day gathering initially directed the Tatra away from the town square reserved for pre-WW2 cars, not realising how old it is. Owners Ian and Kirsten Tisdale also have two more recent Tatras.

Buggyra is a new partner of Tatra for the next Dakar


Experienced and successful truck racing team Buggyra will enter next year’s Dakar wit a new racing truck with Tatra chassis technology.

After Buggyra finally pushed through the engine GYRTECH the world’s most prestigious long-distance truck competitions, Rally Dakar, came the construction of a common racing special. He will be seen in Most.
Although the signing of the bilateral agreement with Tatra was only signed last week, both the partners intend to introduce prototype racing special TATRA 815 – BUGGYRA (FAT BOY) this weekend in Most.
Date: August 26, 2013 Category: Buggyra Team
“I hope that everything will befall and next to David’s” big boy “(BIG BOY) present in wine, and” fatty “(FAT BOY)” describes the birth of the prototype TATRA athletic director Buggyras Jan Kalivoda.
In addition to the machine on which the current best Čech Martin Kolomý defend fifth position from last year’s Dakar, going Buggyra in conjunction with Tatra construction of the second prototype. He further states as technical director Buggyras Ing. Robin Dolejš will be used solely for testing purposes. “No point in disguise that we Dakar attracts. General of us knows that we have no problem with the adoption of technological challenges. Several times we have proved that we rally racing to offer and we firmly believe that it is not “only” work on aggregate. “
Beginning of a new era.
Connection Tatra – Buggyra considers development director Tatry Mr. Radomir Smolka for strong technology partnership that will improve competitiveness in the long-haul truck competitions. “By working together, we hope above all ensuring a robust and intensive test program, carried out primarily on the destination of the vehicle. Subsequently, with the development and implementation of cutting-edge and proven technologies, which has Buggyra experience. It has in the past seemed directed private teams as completely unrealistic. “
According Kalivody the connection Tatra brand and Buggyra logical result of its cooperation. “It’s a long-term project in which we present the top technological maturity of two strong brands Czech world format. We have a lot of work. For BUGGYRA is the beginning of a new era. “
After Buggyra finally pushed through the engine GYRTECH the world’s most prestigious long-distance truck competitions, Rally Dakar, came the construction of a common racing special. It will be seen in Most this weekend.
Although the signing of the bilateral agreement with Tatra was only signed last week, both the partners intend to introduce prototype racing special TATRA 815 – BUGGYRA (FAT BOY) this weekend in Most.
“I hope that everything will befall and next to David’s” big boy “(BIG BOY) present in wine, and” fatty “(FAT BOY)” describes the birth of the prototype TATRA athletic director Buggyras Jan Kalivoda.
In addition to the machine on which the current best Čech Martin Kolomý defend fifth position from last year’s Dakar, going Buggyra in conjunction with Tatra construction of the second prototype.  He further states as technical director Buggyras Ing. Robin Dolejš will be used solely for testing purposes.  ”No point in disguise that we Dakar attracts.  General of us knows that we have no problem with the adoption of technological challenges.  Several times we have proved that we rally racing to offer and we firmly believe that it is not “only” work on aggregate. “
Connection Tatra – Buggyra considers development director Tatry Mr. Radomir Smolka for strong technology partnership that will improve competitiveness in the long-haul truck competitions. “By working together, we hope above all ensuring a robust and intensive test program, carried out primarily on the destination of the vehicle.  Subsequently, with the development and implementation of cutting-edge and proven technologies, which has Buggyra experience.  It has in the past seemed directed private teams as completely unrealistic. “
According Kalivody the connection Tatra brand and Buggyra logical result of its cooperation.  ”It’s a long-term project in which we present the top technological maturity of two strong brands Czech world format.  We have a lot of work.  For BUGGYRA is the beginning of a new era. “



Kurt Maier

We have been informed that Kurt Maier (80), has passed away.  He was one of the founders of the Tatra Club International, Tatra car collector, printer of the TFI magazine for many years, founder of a streamline car museum in Fachsenfeld über Aalen (now closed) and a friend of German streamlining pioneer  Reinherr Koenig von Fachsenfeld, has passed away.  He published unpublished work of Koenig Fachsenfeld (“Aerodynamik des Kraftfahrzeuges” Koenig-Fachsenfeld, Kurt Meier publishing house Heubach).

May he rest in peace.

Beskydy Rally 2013

BeskydyRally2013Invitation This year’s Beskydy Rallye will be held from August 30 – September 1.

Classes will be: cars till 1935; cars 1936-1954, cars 1955 and beyond, trucks.

This year’s event will honour Josef Vermirovsky, who will be remembered as one of Tatra’s best racing drivers but as a co-founder of the Tatra Museum as well to which he contributed several vehicles.

Meeting participant and presentation will be traditionally on top Beèvì in leisure
RETASO message center, opposite the restaurant Zavadilka.
Information Arrival úèastníkùv saws 30th August 2013 15:00-19:00 am! ‘.!’!
On Saturday 31st August 2013 at 9:15 uskuteèní a debate with riders
At 10:00 departure in convoy to Kopøivnice.
Lunch from 13:00 in the dining room Tatra Kopøivnice.
NIV Saturday SOUTÌŽE DO endorse “!
Undergone a thorough and legible to fill out the applications are required to address:
Sasfnová Monika
Libhosf 223, 742 57 Libhošf
or email tvcckoprivnice@seznam.cz
The rally starts in Horni Becva on friday. Drivers are expected between 15.00 and 19.00 at the RETASO message center, opposite the restaurant Zavadilka .
On Saturday,  August 31, the participants will ride in convoy to Kopøivnice. They are expected around 10.30 – 11.00
Lunch from 13:00 in the dining room Tatra Kopøivnice.
Sasfnová Monika
Libhosf 223, 742 57 Libhošf
or email tvcckoprivnice@seznam.cz

Contact: Alena Cipova: tel 420 734 212 347

Oldtimer Rally Tatra Slovakia 2013


This year’s Slovak Tatra Rally attracted several Tatras.  Among them were a T 57b, two T 87s, two T 600s and three T 603s.  The photos are from last saturday, in Banska Bystrica.


Tatra Heritage 2013 Program

Tatra: A Brand of Many Faces, 14th – 15th September 2013, Brno, Czech Republic
Main theme of the weekend program is the known and the less-known part of the extraordinary history of the Kopřivnice brand. During its long existence it left an unmistakable trace in the history of personal, public and freight transport not only in the South Moravian capital. The motorsports branch did not remain unnoticed by the design engineers and the car manufacturer was successful quite a few times on the Masaryk circuit. The ground-breaking period of the introduction of the first serially produced aerodynamic automobile is also worth mentioning. Its intentionally elegant design correlates with the principles of the architectural functionalism, represented by the Tugendhat villa in Brno.
Tatra Heritage, o.s.
Jelínkova 26
616 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Josef Kasperkevič
The President of the Association
+420 732 564 286
Tatra: A Brand of Many Faces, 14th – 15th September 2013, Brno, Czech Republic
Main theme of the weekend program is the known and the less-known part of the extraordinary history of the Kopřivnice brand. During its long existence it left an unmistakable trace in the history of personal, public and freight transport not only in the South Moravian capital. The motorsports branch did not remain unnoticed by the design engineers and the car manufacturer was successful quite a few times on the Masaryk circuit. The ground-breaking period of the introduction of the first serially produced aerodynamic automobile is also worth mentioning. Its intentionally elegant design correlates with the principles of the architectural functionalism, represented by the Tugendhat villa in Brno.
Tatra Heritage, o.s.
Jelínkova 26
616 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Josef Kasperkevič
The President of the Association
+420 732 564 286

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