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Prohibition to export munition may block Tatra contract with Libya

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E15: Czech firms arrange deal to sell armoured vehicles to Libya

13 JUNE 2013

Prague, June 12 (CTK) – Several Czech companies have negotiated a contract worth Kc1bn on a supply and modernisation of hundreds of amphibious armoured vehicles to Libya’s military, daily E15 said Wednesday, referring to information from the companies and the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Among the firms that would benefit the most from the contract are companies Excalibur Army, Tatra and VOP CZ, and also companies STV Group and Zeveta Bojkovice if ammunition was part of the supplies. But the Foreign Affairs Ministry has refused to allow export of ammunition because it fears the ammunition could end up in the wrong hands. The companies say this could thwart the deal. The companies are to supply to Libya 350 amphibious wheeled armoured vehicles BRDM and amphibious tracked armoured vehicles BVP-1 which they would also repair and supply new equipment for them, E15 said.

Moreover, they would modernise further 300 vehicles directly in Libya. But if Czechs are unable to supply ammunition along with the vehicles, Libyans can, according to Excalibur Army and Tatra representative Andrej Cirtek, turn to another country. “At first officials told us to focus on Libya because it needs equipment for restoration of order. But now they said they will not permit export of ammunition for the time being,” Cirtek told E15.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry is hesitant about permitting ammunition supplies because it fears it would be illegally exported from Libya to other countries. “Illegal distribution of military material has been observed by the UN, for example,” Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Johana Grohova told the daily.

“Ammunition is a sensitive commodity whose movement is very difficult to monitor. If it got into a country with an unstable regime or to terrorist groups, we would risk the reputation of not only our country, but also of our arms producers and other companies,” Grohova said.

Published under Tatra Works
June 20th, 2013

India-made trucks may push Tatra out

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New Delhi, June 16
Considered as the ‘backbone’ of the Indian Army’s rapid response to any attack along the western front for long, the Czech-built Tatra trucks may not be purchased from now on. The reason: India-built trucks have now improved a lot and could be selected for forthcoming expansion drive or replacements for Tatra trucks, resulting in saving foreign exchange and unhinging India’s reliance on foreign suppliers.

Purchase of Tatra trucks had become controversial and the contract of 1,676 high-mobility Tatra trucks was stopped after former Army Chief Gen VK Singh alleged in February 2012 that there was an attempt to bribe him for clearing the deal. The CBI then booked VRS Natarajan, chief of the Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML), in April last year. The BEML was the Indian partner of Tatra. A retired Army officer and a private individual have also been booked by the CBI.

Now ending Tatra’s monopoly in India, the Army has completed trials for two types of trucks to replace Tatra – the six-wheeled-drive high-mobility vehicle and the eight-wheeled-drive high-mobility vehicles. The plan is to buy 1,239 units of the first variety and another 255 of the second variety.


Published under Tatra Works
June 17th, 2013

Economist: Tatra truck developed for farmers to replace tractor

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Tatroa help bridge the fluctuations of the business cycle production of a new car for farmers to replace conventional tractors, says chairman of Tatra Trucks Petr Rusek. Serial production is set to begin next year.
New Tatra for agricultural work

How much you sell this car?
The plan is 880, this value is factory set and below it we can not get. So far, we fulfill the plan. It also is a radical cost reduction to the profit in the production of 880 cars near zero. Once the production is increased, it will be economically attractive. In the next year we should sell 1,100 cars.
How much you sell this car?
The plan is 880, this value is factory set and below it we can not get. So far, we fulfill the plan. It also is a radical cost reduction to the profit in the production of 880 cars near zero. Once the production is increased, it will be economically attractive. In the next year we should sell 1,100 cars.

Published under Tatra Works
June 7th, 2013

Tatragate India: Court (again) allows Ravi Rishi to go to UK for treatment

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Tatra case: Court allows Ravi Rishi to go to UK for treatment

Tuesday, Jun 4, 2013, 16:04 IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

Rishi had moved the court for its permission to travel to the UK for four weeks saying he had earlier travelled abroad from April 21 this year for medical tests and had returned to India on May 18 after the Delhi High Court’s order.

Vectra Group Chief Ravinder Rishi, facing CBI probe for alleged irregularities in supply of all-terrain Tatra trucks, has been allowed by a Delhi court to travel to the UK for four weeks for treatment.

Special CBI Judge Ravinder Kaur permitted Rishi to travel to the UK for four weeks from June 2 for treatment of his liver ailment after the agency said it had no objection to it.

57-year-old Rishi, a British national, is facing a CBI probe over alleged irregularities in supply of Tatra trucks to public sector Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) by his firm Tatra-Sipox UK.

Rishi had moved the court for its permission to travel to the UK for four weeks saying he had earlier travelled abroad from April 21 this year for medical tests and had returned to India on May 18 after the Delhi High Court’s order.

He had said that during his stay in London, he had undergone various medical tests which confirmed that he is suffering from acute liver problem and as per the medical advise, he has to undergo the procedure of “ultra sound guided liver biopsy” scheduled at a clinic in London on June 5.

The court, while allowing Rishi to travel to the UK for four weeks, referred to the High Court’s order which had said that he was entitled to have treatment from a medical expert of his choice.

“Admittedly, earlier also the accused was permitted to travel to UK in terms of the order of the High Court referred above whereby it is observed by High Court that ‘the applicant /accused is entitled to have treatment of a serious ailment like the present one from an expert of his choice’.

“In view of such order of the High Court, the applicant/ accused is permitted to travel to only to United Kingdom for a period of four weeks from June 2, 2013…,” the court said and also imposed certain conditions on him.

The court asked Rishi to furnish his contact numbers and address prior to leaving India and also asked him to report to the CBI’s investigating officer within four weeks of his return. It also said he would neither tamper with the evidence nor try to influence any witness in any manner.

The Vectra chief has been quizzed several times by the CBI in connection with the alleged irregularities in the Tatra truck deal as he has a substantial stake in Tatra Sipox UK.

CBI has lodged a case naming Rishi and unnamed officials of the Defence Ministry, Army and BEML for alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating and under various provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The agency is probing alleged irregularities in assigning of supply from the then Czechoslovakia-based Tatra, with which the agreement was originally signed in 1986, to Tatra-Sipox UK owned by Rishi in 1997 showing it as original equipment manufacturer and fully-owned subsidiary of the Czech company.

Published under Tatra Works
June 4th, 2013

Another special use of the vehicle TATRA PHOENIX

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Preparing a new TATRA chassis with a special superstructure designed for transplanting trees for its German customer, POLYOS, spol. s r.o., proves by its another project a flexible use of the unique TATRA chassis.

Published under Tatra Works
June 3rd, 2013

Tatra Phoenix crew cabins built in Holland

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Since last year ESTEPE has been actively involved with the product development of several TATRA products.

Phoenix_crew_cab_testingThis truck manufacturer, from the Czech Republic, has a unique chassis concept with which they position themselves on several markets. There was the wish to produce a Crew Cab based on their new Phoenix truck. This model is equipped with a DAF CF cab, which is available in several variants, but not in a crew cab. The cabin variant is mostly used for fire and rescue vehicles.

It wasn’t a simple task to develop a cab that would fit perfectly within the concept that TATRA had envisioned. The interior space had to be as big as possible but the total cab could not use up valuable of the superstructure. Besides this, the Crew Cab also had to meet the EN 1846-2 guidelines. Finally, after several possible configurations, we have chosen to combine a Sleeper Cab (positioned at the front) with a Day Cab (positioned at the rear).

In order to produce the Crew Cab with the highest quality possible, we have opted for a special jig which was designed in house. On this special jig it is possible to align the two cabins perfectly. When aligned, the cabins will be fitted with the necessary structural reinforcements and are finally welded together. To obtain the ex-factory appearance we have opted for the development of several panels directly on the first prototype. This way the panels are in line with the design of the DAF CF cab. The panels for the series production derive directly from these prototypes and will be made from GRP. On the inside of the cab the factory appearance is achieved through several custom made panels, which are upholstered with the original fabric used by the factory. This way there will be no difference between the original and added panels.

To make sure that the cab would meet the strict demands set by TATRA, the first prototype was tested at TATRA’s own testing facility. It was put on a special moving jig where it underwent an endurance test, which mimics the use out in the field. The Crew Cab passed with flying colors, not a single remark was listed.

TATRA has chosen ESTEPE as her partner for this modification because of the fact that ESTEPE has extensive experience with cabin modifications that meet the design and quality standards set by the different manufacturers. Besides this, the very well organized project approach that ESTEPE incorporates was what TATRA was looking for. The entire project from design, building the prototype and the final testing was achieved within budget time wise  and money wise. By now the Crew Cab is fully documented so that a consistent series production can be set up, including the after sales services.

Published under Tatra Works
May 25th, 2013

Phoenix crew cabin

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PhoenixCrewcabinfiretruck 2013

TW spotted the first Tatra Phoenix with a crew cabin, ideal for firefighters

Published under Tatra Spotting, Tatra Works
May 24th, 2013

Tatra presentation under new ownership

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Published under Tatra Works, Uncategorized
May 24th, 2013

Trial against Tatra CEO Adams to begin in June

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20 MAY 2013

Brno, May 17 (CTK) – The long awaited trial of Czech Tatra lorry maker’s director general Ronald Adams suspected of corruption will open at the Brno Municipal Court on June 6, the court’s spokeswoman Gabriela Stockova told CTK Friday.

The U.S. manager is suspected of having offered a 20 million crown bribe during negotiations about the supply of off-road vehicles to the Czech military.

He was accused of corruption by former Czech defence minister Martin Bartak who himself has been charged in the case. Adams allegedly talked about the bribe at the IDET trade fair in Brno in 2009.

Adams admitted to daily Lidove noviny (LN) that the words about a bribe were pronounced, but that he was only testing the situation.

According to the police, Adams offered Bartak a bribe at IDET in exchange for the Defence Ministry placing further military orders with Tatra.

Adams dismisses the accusation. The police wanted to take him into custody, but the court rejected it.

Adams said he had several negotiations with influential arms trader and lobbyist Michal Smrz in February 2008. Smrz allegedly conveyed to him high-placed people’s requirement for a bribe that was to ensure a problem-free completion of the delivery of 588 off-road vehicles to the Czech military for 2.7 billion crowns. The accusation is allegedly based on Smrz and Bartak’s testimony.

Published under Tatra Works
May 20th, 2013

Double Dutch

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Last time being unveiled new Tatry is the expected four-door cab for Phoenix. It is suitable for transporting work crews at the number 1 +8 people and meet the regulations for transporting fire firefighter 1 +5 team with enough space for breathing apparatus. Dvoukabina is approved for vehicles in the variant configuration 4×4 and by car is one of the most dvoukabin market. Exhibit premiere this news will take place on 22 – May 24, 2013 at PYROS in Brno booth THT.
Soon to be  unveiled is the four-door cab for Phoenix. It is suitable for transporting work crews at the number 1 +8 people and meet the regulations for transporting fire firefighter 1 +5 team with enough space for breathing apparatus. Dvoukabina is approved for vehicles in the variant configuration 4×4 and by car is one of the most dvoukabin market. Exhibit premiere this news will take place on 22 – May 24, 2013 at PYROS in Brno booth THT.
Published under Tatra Works
April 24th, 2013
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