TATRA TRUCKS rise from the ashes following its predecessor’s bankruptcy seems to be continuing at a steady pace. The company already announced at the beginning of August that it had sold more vehicles in the first half of the year than expected and raised its profits estimate for the full year to 3 billion crowns. TATRA TRUCKS also says it has almost sold all this year’s planned production plan of 745 vehicles and expects to be capable of overshooting its 2014 target by an extra 30 to 50 vehicles.
Photo: archive of TATRA TRUCKSIn its latest format, TATRA TRUCKS is a newcomer founded after its predecessor Tatra a.s. filed for insolvency last year. Owned by Czech businessmen Jaroslav Strnad and René Matera since April 2013, the truck maker nevertheless sees itself as the follower of a brand whose history spans more than one hundred years. And it now seems to be slowly recovering from years of financial uncertainty caused by complicated ownership and the impact of the financial crisis.
Soon after the takeover, a strategy of cautious and targeted production was chosen by the company’s new management, which says it aims to exploit gaps in the market and focus on producing what they say TATRA does best – manufacturing heavy off road trucks. The plan, which also saw over 100 workers being laid off in a bid to increase output efficiency, seems to be working. The company last year hit its highest vehicle production volume since 2008 and has succeeded in regaining the confidence of suppliers and rating agencies.
TATRA’s main clients continue to come from the military, construction and mining sector, with over two thirds of orders coming from outside of the Czech Republic, including many from the former Soviet bloc. The manufacturer’s press secretary Andrej Čírtek said Russia was one of the company’s main clients with potential for further growth. According to him the recent tit-for-tat sanctions between the EU and Russia haven’t impacted the company heavily, but could hinder expansion in the future.
One of the main successes the company has achieved since its restructuring is a recently agreed deal with the Saudi Arabian army worth 4.5 billion crowns. TATRA’s will not supply finished trucks but will instead send parts to a newly opened assembly plant in Saudi Arabia where they will be put together using workers trained in TATRA’s plants in the Czech Republic. The deal is part of a larger trend, Čírtek says, which will see vehicles being assembled in the country of their destination.
In spite of the upbeat tone, the market for off terrain trucks has shrunk in the past decades. Current world production is around 10 000 units, which is actually close to the number that the TATRA plant alone was producing back in 1989. Čírtek stated that one of the main reasons behind this, is improved infrastructure and better roads in many parts of the world. This has led to a lesser need for such vehicles. However, he says there is still considerable potential for TATRA in the construction and mining industry as well as military contracts.
Enthusiasts of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice for a long time desire to fix legendary train from 1936. Strela so-called Slovak Although the spring cleaning see through, but most would need to get rid of the rust and restore the interior and drive, which would cost up to twenty million.
Slovak strela overcome speed records, but in old age is no longer mobile and wither. In place of the driver’s museum director Lumír Kaválek. | Photo: Alexandr Satinský, Mafra
“Yes, overhaul is much needed to know, but unfortunately lacks necessary million,” said Director of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice Lumír Kaválek.
Slovak missile stands outside the museum under the shelter that this national cultural monument protected from the weather a little.
Above varnish increasingly prevails rust, condition of the roof begins to be acute, rehabilitation needed by the interior and drive.
Only basic renovations comes to about six million, if restorers started the Slovak strely thoroughly, suddenly, the amount jumped to about twenty million.
The train, which before World War 2 ahead of the development of many years, belongs to Tatra Trucks. It was bought last year Kopřivnice. A museum with her.
However, the current priority of investment in manufacturing and maintaining employment. “At present, expenditure on restaurant-conservation work we can not afford. Any activity to improve the condition of the train have our support, but at the time of restructuring the company, this support can have a significant financial dimension, “said spokesman Andrej Tatra Trucks Čírtek.
He added that although the rescue of the company on the right track, still struggling to make the Tatras was not just a museum.
Another route is therefore a subsidy. Before about six years ago kopřivnické museum lost in the battle for the support of the Lower Vitkovice areas.
And with other subsidies completely misses the shot. Once the Ministry for Regional Development announced a grant program for the national monument, there were just real estate.
In addition, grant programs for the period 2014-2020, which instead of counties to manage ministries, are not yet known.
“If the bullet did not touch, and lasts even ten years, maybe a little more. But the later the start, the costs will be higher, “said museum director Kaválek.
Author: Josef Gabzdyl
Zdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNewZdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNew
Zdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNew
Enthusiasts of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice for a long time desire to fix legendary train from 1936. Strela so-called Slovak Although the spring cleaning see through, but most would need to get rid of the rust and restore the interior and drive, which would cost up to twenty million.
Slovak strela overcome speed records, but in old age is no longer mobile and wither. In place of the driver’s museum director Lumír Kaválek. | Photo: Alexandr Satinský, Mafra
“Yes, overhaul is much needed to know, but unfortunately lacks necessary million,” said Director of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice Lumír Kaválek.
Slovak missile stands outside the museum under the shelter that this national cultural monument protected from the weather a little.
Above varnish increasingly prevails rust, condition of the roof begins to be acute, rehabilitation needed by the interior and drive.
Only basic renovations comes to about six million, if restorers started the Slovak strely thoroughly, suddenly, the amount jumped to about twenty million.
The train, which before World War 2 ahead of the development of many years, belongs to Tatra Trucks. It was bought last year Kopřivnice. A museum with her.
However, the current priority of investment in manufacturing and maintaining employment. “At present, expenditure on restaurant-conservation work we can not afford. Any activity to improve the condition of the train have our support, but at the time of restructuring the company, this support can have a significant financial dimension, “said spokesman Andrej Tatra Trucks Čírtek.
He added that although the rescue of the company on the right track, still struggling to make the Tatras was not just a museum.
Another route is therefore a subsidy. Before about six years ago kopřivnické museum lost in the battle for the support of the Lower Vitkovice areas.
And with other subsidies completely misses the shot. Once the Ministry for Regional Development announced a grant program for the national monument, there were just real estate.
In addition, grant programs for the period 2014-2020, which instead of counties to manage ministries, are not yet known.
“If the bullet did not touch, and lasts even ten years, maybe a little more. But the later the start, the costs will be higher, “said museum director Kaválek.
Author: Josef Gabzdyl
Czech heavy vehicles manufacturer Tatra Trucks is negotiating to sell a manufacturing licence to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to produce at least 10,000 model TERR No 1 vehicles over a five-year period.
The vehicles would have both military and civilian applications, according to Czech defence industry sources.
Tatra Trucks was unwilling to specify the value of the licence sale, but local media reported it would total in the hundreds of millions of crowns (CZK100 million equates to USD5 million).
Officials from the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade and senior management at Tatra Trucks said they expect the final contract to be signed in October to coincide with an official visit to China by Czech President Milos Zeman.
The Chinese production of Tatra vehicles will initially be used by Czech parts. Gradually, however, the share of Chinese components.
Tatra cars will produce a Chinese company AVIC. The information according to HN daily buys from Tatry license to manufacture its cars. License is intended to cover production series TERRN ° first
Within five years, the company has AVIC Hebei Shanzhei Motor Vehicle, a subsidiary of AVIC, produce at least 10,000 vehicles. All cars have negotiated Tatry and AVIC stay in China, Kopřivnická the automaker wants to ensure that her AVIC compete with other markets.
Manufacturing parts for vehicles in China will initially be imported from the Czech Republic. Gradually, however, these supplies will decline and cars will use a larger proportion of components manufactured in the most populous country in the world.
According to sources, the majority of HN daily trading conditions already arranged. AVIC has still offer a guarantee that the car will actually be sold only in China. The contract on licensed production to be signed by October this year during the planned visit of President Milos Zeman in China. The value of the license is in the hundreds of millions of crowns.
An interesting feature is that the AVIC Hebei Shanzhei Motor Vehicle has the production of Tatra vehicles already experienced. Before the renaming of the company then produced Hebei Motor Tatra T815 model. License to manufacture the company bought in 1984, to end Chinese-made cars Tatra occurred after 2000. Outdated model back then was not that interested.
The company AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) Chinese state own right, has been established in 1951. Firm focuses on the production of military equipment, in addition to vehicles also produces aircraft.
Tatra cars will produce a Chinese company AVIC. The information according to HN daily buys from Tatry license to manufacture its cars. License is intended to cover production series TERRN ° 1
Within five years, the company has AVIC Hebei Shanzhei Motor Vehicle, a subsidiary of AVIC, produce at least 10,000 vehicles. All trucks agreed by Tatra and AVIC stay in China.
Manufacturing parts for vehicles in China will initially be imported from the Czech Republic. Gradually, however, these supplies will decline and cars will use a larger proportion of components manufactured in the most populous country in the world.
According to sources, the majority of HN daily trading conditions already arranged. AVIC has still offer a guarantee that the car will actually be sold only in China. The contract on licensed production to be signed by October this year during the planned visit of President Milos Zeman in China. The value of the license is in the hundreds of millions of crowns.
An interesting feature is that the AVIC Hebei Shanzhei Motor Vehicle has the production of Tatra vehicles already experienced. Before the renaming of the company then produced Hebei Motor Tatra T815 model. License to manufacture the company bought in 1984, to end Chinese-made cars Tatra occurred after 2000. Outdated model back then was not that interested.
The company AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) Chinese state own right, has been established in 1951. Firm focuses on the production of military equipment, in addition to vehicles also produces aircraft.

The latest series kopřivnické automaker has achieved excellent results in demanding tests and won a tender for vehicles with 8×8 axle configurations.
Surgut is known as a major Russian city of oil, which also excels in extreme climatic and terrain conditions. All equipment, including trucks, there is constantly subjected to severe operating tests and successful products from there you take away an important reference for all other mining companies not only in Western Siberia.
Difficult tests passed and Phoenix, the results of which were a ticket to tender for Surgutněftěgaz. Tatra They won the competition on vehicles with 8×8 axle configurations. Other delivery in addition to the head company Tatneft.
From 1995 to present, sales of trucks Tatra company Surgutněftěgaz almost 1,400 vehicles. The most successful year was 2001 when Tatra won a tender for 250 vehicles. Since 2006, but began to gradually decline deliveries in the years 2011 to 2013 occurred in the supply of one of Russia’s largest mining companies is an unfortunate failure. Now, through the model range Tatra Phoenix in the Russian Federation once again taking hold.
Surgut is known as a major Russian city of oil, which also excels in extreme climatic and terrain conditions. All equipment, including trucks, there is constantly subjected to severe operating tests and successful products from there you take away an important reference for all other mining companies not only in Western Siberia.
Difficult tests passed and Phoenix, the results of which were a ticket to tender for Surgutněftěgaz. Tatra They won the competition on vehicles with 8×8 axle configurations. Other delivery in addition to the head company Tatneft.
From 1995 to present, sales of trucks Tatra company Surgutněftěgaz almost 1,400 vehicles. The most successful year was 2001 when Tatra won a tender for 250 vehicles. Since 2006, but began to gradually decline deliveries in the years 2011 to 2013 occurred in the supply of one of Russia’s largest mining companies is an unfortunate failure. Now, through the model range Tatra Phoenix in the Russian Federation once again taking hold.