Beste mensen,
Een paar weken terug heb ik een Nederlandse Tatra Facebook site gestart over het Tatra gebeuren in Nederland. Inmiddels heeft de pagina al een kleine vijftig leden. Geweldig!
Ik hoop dat iedereen de doelstellingen onderschrijft en “Tatra classic car NL” gebruikt waar voor het bedoeld is: Nederlandse Tatra wetenswaardigheden, Nederlandse artikelen, foto’s van Nederlandse Tatra’s, aankoop- en restauratieverhalen, onderdelen vraag- en aanbod, aankondiging en verslagen van Tatra rallies met Nederlandse deelname enz, zolang er maar een connectie is met NL.
Omdat nogal wat buitenlanders af en toe naar Nederland komen om deel te nemen aan Tatra rallies in Nederland en bijeenkomsten hier een warm hart toedragen, zijn zij ook van harte welkom op deze pagina en kunnen zij in hun eigen taal berichten sturen over aan Nederland gerelateerde onderwerpen inclusief hun iegen ervaringen met het Nederlandse Tatra gebeuren!Beste mensen,

Een paar weken terug heb ik een Nederlandse Tatra Facebook site gestart over het Tatra gebeuren in Nederland. Inmiddels heeft de pagina al een kleine vijftig leden. Geweldig!
Ik hoop dat iedereen de doelstellingen onderschrijft en “Tatra classic car NL” gebruikt waar voor het bedoeld is: Nederlandse Tatra wetenswaardigheden, Nederlandse artikelen, foto’s van Nederlandse Tatra’s, aankoop- en restauratieverhalen, onderdelen vraag- en aanbod, aankondiging en verslagen van Tatra rallies met Nederlandse deelname enz, zolang er maar een connectie is met NL.
Omdat nogal wat buitenlanders af en toe naar Nederland komen om deel te nemen aan Tatra rallies in Nederland en bijeenkomsten hier een warm hart toedragen, zijn zij ook van harte welkom op deze pagina en kunnen zij in hun eigen taal berichten sturen over aan Nederland gerelateerde onderwerpen inclusief hun eigen ervaringen met het Nederlandse Tatra gebeuren! Zolang het onderwerp maar een Nederlandse connectie hebt, kun je in je eigen taal het bericht posten, eventueel vergezeld door een vertaling in het engels.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Kees Smit¬if_id=1622458667536169¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Dear people, A few weeks ago I started a Dutch Tatra Facebook site about the Tatra happening in the Netherlands. The page now has almost fifty members. Awesome!
I hope everyone subscribes to the objectives and uses “Tatra classic car NL” for what it is intended for: Dutch Tatra facts, Dutch articles, photos of Dutch Tatras, purchase and restoration stories, parts supply and demand, announcement and reports of Tatra rallies with Dutch participation, etc., as long as there is a connection with NL.
Because quite a few foreigners occasionally come to the Netherlands to participate in Tatra rallies in the Netherlands and have a warm heart for meetings here, they are also very welcome on this page and can send messages in their own language about Dutch-related topics including their own experiences with the Dutch Tatra! As long as the subject has a Dutch connection, you can post the message in your own language, possibly accompanied by an English translation.
Sincerely, Kees Smit¬if_id=1622458667536169¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Liebe Leute,
Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich eine niederländische Tatra-Facebook-Site über die Tatra-Ereignisse in den Niederlanden gestartet. Die Seite hat mittlerweile fast fünfzig Mitglieder. Genial!
Ich hoffe, dass jeder die Ziele unterschreibt und “Tatra-Oldtimer NL” für seinen Zweck verwendet: Fakten über die niederländische Tatra, niederländische Artikel, Fotos der niederländischen Tatra, Kauf- und Restaurierungsgeschichten, Teileangebot und -nachfrage, Ankündigungen und Berichte von Tatra-Rallyes mit niederländischer Beteiligung usw., sofern eine Verbindung zu NL besteht.
Da nicht wenige Ausländer gelegentlich in die Niederlande kommen, um an Tatra-Rallyes in den Niederlanden teilzunehmen und ein warmes Herz für Treffen hier haben, sind sie auch auf dieser Seite herzlich willkommen und können Nachrichten in ihrer eigenen Sprache zu Themen rund um die Niederlande senden … einschließlich ihrer eigenen Erfahrungen mit der niederländischen Tatra! Solange der Betreff einen niederländischen Bezug hat, können Sie die Nachricht in Ihrer eigenen Sprache veröffentlichen, möglicherweise mit einer englischen Übersetzung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kees Smit¬if_id=1622458667536169¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Vážení, Před několika týdny jsem založil holandskou facebookovou stránku Tatra o tom, jak se Tatra děje v Nizozemsku. Stránka má nyní téměř padesát členů. Skvělý!
Doufám, že se každý přihlásí k plnění cílů a používá „tatranský klasický vůz NL“ k tomu, k čemu je určen: fakta o holandských Tatrách, články o Nizozemích, fotografie holandských Tater, příběhy o nákupu a restaurování, nabídka a poptávka náhradních dílů, oznámení a zprávy o závodech Tatra s holandskou účastí atd., pokud existuje spojení s NL.
Protože do Nizozemska občas přijde poměrně málo cizinců, aby se zúčastnili tatranských shromáždění v Nizozemsku a mají zde srdečné srdce pro setkání, jsou také velmi vítáni na této stránce a mohou zasílat zprávy ve svém vlastním jazyce o tématech souvisejících s Nizozemskem … včetně jejich vlastních zkušeností s holandskými Tatrami! Dokud má subjekt nizozemské připojení, můžete zprávu zveřejnit ve svém vlastním jazyce, případně s doprovodem anglického překladu.
S pozdravem, Kees Smit¬if_id=1622458667536169¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
June 1st, 2021

Tatra Register Switzerland’s president and webmaster Jirka Pollak has passed away on Friday, March 19th. We will miss his enthusiam and his continuous stream of Tatra news at
Our thoughts goes to all his relatives and close friends. May he rest in peace.

Dear family and friends of Georg Jirka Pollak
With great sadness we have to say goodbye to our beloved husband, father, father-in-law, “papous” and friend. What remains are so many beautiful memories!
He was a great man, a jack-of-all-trades and a bon vivant. His zest for life was always inspiring, as was his thirst for knowledge. You could always rely on him. Whether repairing irreparable things or organising the impossible. He always made it happen.
His love for his family and friends, for vintage cars, Methoni in Greece or Art were inexhaustible. His interests were as varied as he was. No topic was too small to be of interest to him. His wit and esprit were contagious to the very end.
To know him was an enrichment, privilege and honour.
In deep gratitude that he was in our lives.
Anita, Carole, Susanne, Jasper, Steffi, Leo, Jana and Joris
Liebe Familie, Freunde und Bekannte von Georg Jirka Pollak
In grosser Trauer müssen wir Abschied nehmen von unserem geliebten Ehemann, Papi, Schwiegervater, Papous und Freund. Was bleibt sind unglaublich viele schöne Erinnerungen.
Er war ein grosser Mann, Tausendsassa und Geniesser. Seine Lebensfreude war stets inspirierend, genauso wie sein Wissensdurst. Auf ihn war stets Verlass. Ob beim Reparieren von irreparablen Dingen oder beim Organisieren von Unmöglichem. Er hat es stets möglich gemacht.
Seine Liebe für seine Familie und Freunde, für Oldtimer, Methoni oder Kunst waren unerschöpflich. Seine Interessen waren so vielfältig wie er. Es gab kaum ein Thema, dass ihn nicht interessierte. Sein Witz und Esprit waren ansteckend bis zuletzt.
Ihn zu kennen war eine Bereicherung, Privileg und Ehre.
In tiefer Dankbarkeit, dass er in unserem Leben war.
Anita, Carole, Susanne, Jasper, Steffi, Leo, Jana und Joris
Vážená rodina, přátelé a známí Georga Jirky Pollaka
Ve velkém smutku se musíme rozloučit se svým milovaným manželem, papi, tchánem, papous a přítelem. Zůstalo neuvěřitelné množství nádherných vzpomínek. Byl to skvělý člověk a všeuměl.
Jeho chuť do života byla vždy inspirativní, stejně jako jeho touha po poznání. Vždy se na něj mohlo spolehnout. Ať už při opravě neopravitelné věci nebo při organizaci nemožného. Vždy to něják umožnil. Jeho láska k rodině a přátelům, k veteránům, Methoni nebo umění byla nevyčerpatelná. Jeho zájmy byly stejně rozmanité jako on. Sotva existovalo téma, které ho nezajímalo. Jeho vtip a vtipy byly nakažlivé až do konce.
Znát ho bylo obohacením, výsadou a poctou.
V hluboké vděčnosti, že byl v našich životech.
Anita, Carole, Susanne, Jasper, Steffi, Leo, Jana a Joris
March 20th, 2021
On the occasion of the founding of the “TATRA REGISTER-SWITZERLAND 1982″
A small history:
It all started after the 2nd World War in 1947. At the time, my father had a truck garage in Birsfelden near Basel. On the garage there was a large terrace, where we often watched the returning week-end traffic.
One time, between the then usual cars (let’s call them garden houses) a black streamlined car popped up and I asked my father “what’s that for a car?” He answered me that for a car? His answer was, “this is a Tatra 8 cylinder with air-cooled rear engine.” Somehow, I must then have been infected with a virus that has not vanished till this very day. (2007).

When I occasionally saw such a Tatra, I became stuck, stand rooted and became late for school or even to home. Of course, these delays caused some scoldings at home , but that didn’t intimidate me!

By 1952, my father decided to buy a new Tatraplan. Together with the importer, mr Ferdinand Schenk from Worblaufern near Bern, we had our test-drive. Everything went all-right, till after 200 m the front luggage lid flew high and it was dark in the car immediately. The Tatraplan was bought anyway, but not after the luggage lid was repaired and the prize had been reduced by around 1000.- SFr. .
As soon as I was allowed to drive myself, I wished to have a Tatra of my own. Congratulations to me in 1959! I was able to trade a grass green 1952 Tatraplan for a VW Hebmüller convertible. Because of my driving-around with the Tatraplan, I met several Tatraplan owners and people who knew a Tatra stored somewhere. Of course, I tried to get these Tatras. Often I was able to buy a Tatra for little money or even I could pick them up free. (These days, there were no spare parts more) and I dismantled a couple of them for spare parts for cars in a better condition.

Looking back, the whole thing wasn’t profitable, but the virus had settled within me! For other spare parts, I drove to Prague in 1963, where I also met wife Jana. At the end of 1968, my Tatra fleet was enlarged by a 1958 Tatra 1-603 from Ferdinand Schenk jun. (former Tatra importer for Switzerland) who transferred the car to me at a friendly price.

Between 1971 and 1980 it was also possible for us, my wife Jana and me, to detect Tatra owners in Switzerland by putting adverts in the “Automobil Revue.” We found about 40 cars and owners. The war of impulses for the foundation of

The echo was however a little disappointing. Several Tatras did not have the proper documents any more or were in a bad condition due to lack of spare parts. In the end only the real Tatra hard core was still going strong in 1999, the year my wife and I moved to the Czech Republic and TRS was handed over to Imelda and Ernst Meier in Neuheim near Zürich. The TRS management board would continue the TRS succesfully.

We wish for the future all good !!! TATRA Ahoy !! Jana and Rene Berger
CZ – 25243 Pruhonice, June 19, 2007
(Story and private photos sent by Rene Berger to Manfred Haspel/A; but article was never published. Manfred Haspel. Just recently, the original photos were edited by Manfred Haspel for publication at TW)
January 28th, 2021
Just recently, this photo of a Tatraplan show car in Abbottstown, BC, Canada popped up on Facebook. But what t could be its background? Which dealer was involved? We’ll lead you to the Tatra Canada stories of the early fifties , dominated by Cold-War feelings. Thanks to John Long and Gary Cullen.

Tatraplan showcar in Abbotsforf (CAN, Greater Vancouver) around 1950

Note Tatraplan with its luggage lid and doors open at the back row. (Photo Gary Cullen)
The overall story of Tatras imported to Canada in a politically sensitive era:
January 23rd, 2021

He was 81 years old and leaves his wife Jana and his two children and grandchildren.
He was one of the early western Tatra diehards, co-founded the Tatra Register Schweiz
and visited many Tatra rallies abroad like in CS, CZ, A, D, NL, the UK and of course CH.
The photo shows him with his immaculate T1-603 he required from the Swiss Tatra importer F. Schenk.
The 1-603 now is on show in Jeff Lane’s museum with still Rene Berger’s sticker
“Garage Rene Berger Fallaenden/ Zürich” on its engine lid.
May he rest in peace – wishing him René’s Friends all over the World…
He was 81 years old and leaves his wife Jana and his two children and grandchildren.
He was one of the early western Tatra diehards, co-founded the Tatra Register Schweiz
and visited many Tatra rallies abroad like in CS, CZ, A, D, NL, the UK and of course CH.
The photo shows him with his immaculate T1-603 he required from the Swiss Tatra importer F. Schenk.
The 1-603 now is on show in Jeff Lane’s museum with still Rene Berger’s sticker
“Garage Rene Berger Fallaenden/ Zürich” on its engine lid.
May he rest in peace – wishing him René’s Friends from all over the World…

Auto-Revue 1984
January 21st, 2021

Calendar 2021 – Tatra in Paris
In February of 2020 a grand event took place in Paris, the kind that
only takes place every few decades: an exhibition covering Tatra cars
from the very beginning up until the final passenger car model. The idea
of having a large Tatra exhibition at Rétromobile in Paris had been
brewing for a number of years. The heart-warming thing about this
initiative is that it was hatched by French collectors and fans. They
decided to introduce the public to Tatra’s rich history as well as such
stories as the one about the travellers Hanzelka and Zikmund; the duo
that travelled the world in a Tatra 87 during some politically very
difficult times and thus created a legend about this unique vehicle with
an air-cooled engine.
One cold evening, as Denis Alexandre and I were drinking coffee together
in Prague, he suggested that my photos of Tatra wrecks might be an
interesting addition to the exhibition, and my ears perked up! Suddenly
I heard this Frenchman telling me that my grand and unrealistic dream
could actually soon become reality! Once the preparations for the show
really got going on all levels, it was clear that this was a very
challenging event logistically speaking. About half the cars belonged to
French collectors, but many unique cars had to be transported to Paris
from the Czech Republic. Loading and unloading rare cars into a special
truck is a difficult process, and quite the show! Salon Rétromobile is
one of the largest veteran car shows in the world. It is visited by over
100,000 people in just a few days and several other related events take
place all over Paris – mainly auctions. I could barely imagine this high
level of attendance and wondered if perhaps the numbers weren’t somewhat
exaggerated. But then we experienced it for ourselves! Tens of thousands
of people wandered through the exhibition daily. The most common
inquiries went as follows: ‘Where do Tatras come from? The Czech
Republic? And are they still made? Oh, Tatra, like the Paris–Dakar
Rally, of course!’ France is rather self-sufficient when it comes to
cars and so Tatra is still a bit of a mysterious brand there. Yet
surprising people with something that has a deep and rich history, yet
is unknown to them was a great pleasure!
I must add that in February of 2020, when the car show took place, the
coronavirus epidemic that spread from China was closing in on us. During
the show, things were still relatively normal. The French news still
just reported on the epidemic as one of several news items, however, on
my way home I had some trouble getting onto a plane as many flights were
cancelled. Passengers and airlines found themselves in a difficult
situation, which was getting worse and more complicated by the day. Had
it been scheduled two weeks later, the show would’ve had to be
cancelled, just as many other later events were.
Link >>>
Price: 39,- EUR with postage for the countries EU (SK, D, F…) & UK
The orders to be sent to: (the “calendar tatra” in the
January 8th, 2021
January 1st, 2021
December 30th, 2020
December 29th, 2020

Merry Christmas from Kees Smit / with lots of updates.
And of course from my grandchildren
December 21st, 2020