The Tatra Register Deutschland showed the Gail family owned 1937 T57a. With its bonnet open, it attracted lots of vattention, people asking the stand staff about its peculiar construction. But even more, Tatra owners visited the TRD stand in hall 8 to share experiences and have a drink.

Dutch classic car firm Nico Aaldering offered a nice T 87 at E 230.000
Video where Nico Aaldering tells his audience the well-known juicy nonsense about Tatra, Nazi Germany and VW. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqquL0BUEIM

Where the Aaldering T 87 was experienced as expensive, an immaculate Ecorra restored T 87 topped the Aaldering one by another E 110.000 resulting in an asking price of E 340.000. Luckily, most classic car traders at the show, experienced that prices of classic cars are dropping at the moment.
31st TECHNO-CLASSICA ESSEN 2019 – the automobile world exhibition from 10th* until 14th April 2019
The Tatra Register Deutschland will be presented with a stand.
Due to a reconstruction of the exhibition halls, the stand TRD moved from it previous, trusted place to hall No 8, Stand 8-110 (see f

The Tatra Register Deutschland will be presented with a stand.
Due to a reconstruction of the exhibition halls, the stand TRD moved from its previous, trusted place to hall No 8, Stand 8-110 (see floorplan below).
Please feel free to visit the TRD stand to have a chat and a coffee!

- Official historical company presentations
- The most important classic fair: more than 2,700 collector’s cars for purchase, more than 1,250 exhibitors, more than 220 clubs and communities of interest
*10th April 2019: Preview, Happy View Day
From 10th until 14th April 2019 with the Techno-Classica Essen the S.I.H.A. organises the classic fair with the greatest success and most visitors of the world for the 30th time. Organised as first great German car-salon for vintage-cars, connoisseurs- and collector’s-vehicles in February 1989 it was, and is, an often copied, but never reached, example for a lot of other events of this type. With constant model up-keeping measures it has kept its pioneer role and even still extended – and, nevertheless, remained the unique original. Its recipe for success: To present to the visitors always the newest of the international scene as selection of the best from all fields of the classic hobby.
With more than 1,250 exhibitors from more than 30 nations the Techno-Classica Essen reinforces at the 31sh edition its significance as number 1 of the international vintage-car and collector’s vehicles fairs again and provides a comprehensive image of the international classic scene. Also the most important international car manufacturers use the power of ray of the automobile world leading fair: They present selected exhibits, which are to see at their plant stands at a large part at the Techno-Classica Essen exclusively. Car Manufacturers make the automobile world leading fair to the greatest history platform of the international car industry and demonstrate with their mostly spectacular appearances, which importance they attach to the classic world fair.
The classic enthusiasts appreciative the commitment of the industry in interaction with the other attraction of the Techno-Classica Essen: 2017 more than 188,000 visitors from more than 40 nations flocked into the full occupied 20 exhibition halls at the Essen Gruga-park. And also the exhibitors know: At the Techno-Classica Essen they play in the Champions League.
Also for beginners in the classic scene the Techno-Classica Essen provides attractive offers: More than 30 percent of the automobiles, offered for purchase, are within means “plug and play“-young-timer. The overall more than 2,700 offered classic-, collector’s- and connoisseur-vehicles, young-timers and prestige cars make the Techno-Classica also in spring 2019 to the greatest classic market of the world again – here the Crème de la Crème of the international classic dealers come together with offerers of use-classics and private sellers. The last are to find at the four open spaces above all.
For the more than 200 exhibiting classic-clubs and communities of interest the Techno-Classica Essen 2019 is regarded annually as the most important classic fair of the year: The honoraries make it to one of the greatest club meetings of the vintage-car and young-timer scene of the world and reflect the variety of the international vintage-car and classic scene with their commitment. To spur on the clubs for peak ratings, the Techno-Classica Essen also 2019 organizes the Club Grand Prix: A jury of club activists select especially creative designed stands which are honoured with cups and attractive cash prizes for the club cashes. The clubs are one of the significant cornerstones of the classic world fair and provide with their often amazing designed stands exciting infotainment.
The club appearances are supplemented by the qualitative and quantitative unattained offers of top-restorers, supplying enterprises, suppliers of car literature, spare part dealers, accessories sellers, clock- and technology dealers, artists and art dealers, publishers, and not at least model car suppliers. Becausethe Techno-Classica Essen is the fair with the greatest profit potential. The consequence: The specialist dealers – as well as also the visitors – are not coming only from entire Europe, but also from overseas. So, among others, exhibitors from North and South America, and in the last years also increasingly from Far East, present their range. With its great part of offerers and visitors from all over the world, the Techno-Classica Essen is the classic fair in Europe, which, in the matter of internationality and global fair, no other classic can hold a candle to.
To the traditions, maintained at the Techno-Classica, belongs a Concours d’Elégance, at which an international jury of experts and specialist journalists elect the most beautiful, most elegant and most attractive dealer classics and choose “the Best of Show“. In addition there is a “Club Grand Prix“, at which the most attractive club presentations are honoured with cash prizes for the club cashes.
Past and future: At the five-days fair everything, really everything, is offered around the topic vintage-cars and young-timers – so there meet from 10th until 14th April 2019 a lot of VIP’s from movies and TV, stars from the history and present of the motor sport and the most important deciders from the classic scene as well. The attractive and fascinating exhibition spectrum makes the Techno-Classica Essen to the automobile infotainment event of first class for the whole family, to the world exhibition of the car.
“The ambitioned beginnings were followed by years of consistent extension up to the label with worldwide respect – today the classic cosmos meets for the start of the season in Essen“, it is called in the prospect of the S.I.H.A. and: “Protect the spirit of the pioneers with us, yesterday – today – tomorrow. Share the passion“.
Further information: www.siha.de

DOCUMENTS: T87Schenk1947Docu
The Schenk family, in the past importer for Tatra in Switzerland, is offering a private 1947 T87.
I am willing to sell my Tatra T87. Chassisnr 69141.
The car was fully restored in 2003.
- The body work was done by carrosserie Neuenhof/Bern.
- The engine was rebuilt by SIM Motoren/Bern.
- The overall project rebuild was conducted by René Berger.
The very same firms were used for the renovation projects of all 3 Tatra’s of the Museum in Luzern (T77,T87,T97)
Best regards,
Philippe Schenk pschenk1@bluewin.ch
A bit of reading (5,000 words / 10 pages) at your local magazine seller last Monday ….and some nice pictures and other features, if the writing doesn’t appeal to you. Consider a subscription, because it’s a top title.

Calendar 2018 – A Secret Garden in L.A.
I shot my first series of Tatra wrecks in 2009. On New Year’s Eve, in the final hours of the year, I published the photos online. Due to the nine-hour time difference, I am able to say that in another part of the world, i.e. the United States, in the final hours of that same year, an unknown customer got in touch we me wanting to buy a photo of a rusty Tatra for his girlfriend. The customer was Paul Greenstein, his girlfriend Dydia DeLyser. The following year, their Tatra 87 (1941) won 1st place in the prestigious New York Times competition Collectible Car of the Year 2010, while their Nash 690 (1924) was among the top ten finalists. This wonderful couple then visited me in Usti nad Labem in the north of the Czech Republic in January 2011; the world was not so big as to prevent us from meeting. As the years passed, we kept in touch. I now consider it fate that I travelled all the way to Paul and Dydia’s home in Los Angeles during my trip to the USA to shoot Tatra 77s in 2017. I was able to stay in the home of these true collectors – a home with a magical interior, just like a miniature museum. They let me photograph their collection of veteran cars, mainly Tatras and Nash cars in their original condition, freely. I don’t think that all our experiences and connections are just a coincidence. On the contrary. Fate wanted us to meet. And now I can show you their world, their garden.
Kalender 2018 – Geheimnisvoller Garten in L.A.
Im Jahr 2009 hatte ich die erste Fotoserie der Tatra-Wracks aufgenommen und am Silvester in den letzten Stunden des Jahres auf der Internetseite veröffentlicht. Dank der Zeitverschiebung von neun Stunden kann man sagen, ebenfalls in den letzten Stunden des Jahres auch anderswo auf der Welt, rief mich ein unbekannter Interessent aus Amerika an und wollte ein Foto eines verrosteten Tatraplan für seine Freundin kaufen. Es war Paul Greenstein und seine Freundin Dydia DeLyser. Ein Jahr später, im Jahr 2010, gewann ihr Tatra 87 (1941) in den USA bei einer Umfrage der New York Times – Collectible car of the year 2010 – den 1. Platz. Des weiteren kam ihr Nash 690 (1924) bei dieser Umfrage unter die besten zehn. Im Januar 2011 besuchte mich das fantastische Paar bei mir zu Hause in Ústí nad Labem in Nordböhmen. Die Welt war einfach nicht so groß, dass wir uns nicht treffen konnten. Viele Jahre sind inzwischen wie Wasser verlaufen, wir stehen stets im gelegentlichen Kontakt und ich empfinde es wahrlich schicksalshaft, dass wir im Jahr 2017 während unserer USA-Reise zu den Tatra 77-Fahrzeugen bis zu Paul und Dydia nach Los Angeles fahren konnten. Wir hielten uns im Haus der wirklichen Sammler auf, welches wahrlich wie ein kleines zauberhaftes Museum eingerichtet ist. Wir konnten frei deren Sammlung unrestaurierter Oldtimer fotografieren, vorwiegend der Marke Tatra und Nash. Ich denke mir, dass alles, was mal geschehen ist und uns verbindet, kein Zufall ist, sondern umgekehrt. Das Schicksal hat es einfach gewollt, dass wir uns begegnen und ich kann Sie nun durch deren kleine Welt, durch deren Garten führen.
Format: 48×33cm
Price for EU countries: 35, – Euro

T 603: https://www.retro-auta.com/Puzzle-c-40-TATRA-603-2-1975-1000-dilku-d292.htm
T 603 VB: https://www.retro-auta.com/Puzzle-c-47-TATRA-603-2-VB-1975-1000-dilku-d299.htm
T 613: https://www.retro-auta.com/Puzzle-c-53-TATRA-613-3-1987-1000-dilku-d305.htm

