Tatra targets to manufacture 1300 trucks in 2016

Martin Bednarz: It’s time to reborn Tatra learns to walk

Three years ago, Tatra, narrowly avoided bankruptcy, now has big plans.Its new CEO Martin Bednarz wants within two to three years to increase the current annual production of about nine hundred chariots doubled. And within five years envisages investments in technology and extensive grounds of more than two billion crowns. “Tatra is born again and it was time to learn to walk,” says Bednarz.

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Since December’re new boss Tatra Trucks, firm but know from past experience. In the era of Indo-American owners, headed by Ronald Adams’ve been the production manager. What’s changed since then?

In terms of infrastructure, ie investments in more than šedesátihektarového campus, insulation, technology, much has changed. It is true that last year was built some new lines, improved maintenance halls. But there was a big shift in how employees including managers perception of the company.

When I climbed in 2008, we had very ambitious plans to produce three and a half thousand cars a year. People thought that the Tatra neohrozitelná.Now they realize that they had five minutes before death. He appreciates the fact that it did not fail, and that they have a job. Much helped by the current ownership structure, the new owners with Tatra seriously. For the previous ones I felt indifference.

What are the tasks you have received from shareholders and how you want to meet? This year it will boost production from about nine hundred thirteen hundred cars.

First I had to clarify with shareholders, what plans they have with the company for the future and how they want to own. For example, if he wants to stand on his feet and then profitably sell. To do this, but they are not, they’re about pride in their traditional brand and use its growing market potential. Access to TATRA as a serious business and not act on its sale to the Chinese how to speculation late last year.

Nor to cooperate with the Chinese want?

The fact is that the Chinese are the trucks trying for a long time and much copied them you can not. Cooperation on a serious level, do not resist.

What is your strategy, you want to change?

I want to double production and triple the profit. The basic strategy is that we have been for a trustworthy and reliable partner, worked globally and upgraded production. We need to improve supply reliability to meet deadlines.

And also increase the quality to be at cars there are no faults in the first ten thousand mileage. I consider it important to achieve the injuries of employees approaching zero. From his previous work know how people come to care about their health, reflects the quality of their work. These basic aims Shareholders approved. Now is the management team that developed the concept of my five-year projects.

The philosophy is still the same: Tatra passes where he passes other cars. And no need to do complicated and electronics fault.

I do not ask for production. Indeed, this leaves Koprivnice 1300 cars?

Technologically and spatially Tatra able to handle it, production will increase by about forty five percent. Also, our dealers with this task counted. If I count the conventional vehicle axle 6 x 6, the current situation is a ceiling to two and a half thousand cars a year.

Of course specials are demanding. In recent years, the company looked like a child who can not walk yet. Now you need to learn it. For example, for machinists introduce a second shift, they are huge demands. This year we will have the biggest jump.

And until when you plan to doubling current production at sixteen to eighteen hundred cars a year?

Although the concept is set at five years, this goal we can achieve in two to three years. In addition, it is however necessary to invest to the company nevybydleli. In those five years, investment in technological reach of 850 million crowns in the area then 1.4 billion. We have clarified how it will look like Tatra. Part halls sestěhujeme, in order to save on logistics.

Due to rising production will hire more new employees. Pin?

We need machinists, miller, turners, and now the full cross-cutter. And, of course, mechanics, electrical engineering, welders. During the first quarter we need to take one hundred thirty people per week are able to absorb them ten to fifteen. We are lacking a long-term profession as engineers, technologists.

What is the average age of the employees? I suppose you’ll want to reduce.

Currently, the average age of forty-eight years, over fifty is about one fifth of employees. We break a head, how to transfer it called the healthy DNA to the younger generation. We have a category of workers, which we call internal trainers. Even if he feels that he can not submit hundred percent performance, their experiences are very valuable for young people.

The advantage is that the Tatra brand attracts candidates. Last year, it managed to get a hundred and twenty of the most sought-after professions.But the important thing is the whole process of education and training of new employees start. We work with primary schools, we try to draw students into what it means Tatra brand, what it means to be a designer.

And we convince their parents that technical studies are promising. We offer solid salaries, now an average of thirty thousand crowns gross. In addition, most machines are already controlled by the computer.

What proportion of your employees are foreigners?

Minimum, we have about ten. But I have to say that we are playing with the idea of reaching Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Filipinos.

How many cars from the planned thirteen hundred have already concluded contracts? And in what countries you will whisk you?

Contract have more than half. Customers are similar to last year, most of them have in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil and Russia. This year is increasing interesting region – Egypt. Tatra return there after two decades. We’ve been waiting only for advance payments, we can begin to produce.

It will be hundreds of chassis 4 x 4 for the defense industry, which this year we will deliver at least 150. The contract scheduled until 2018 worth tens of millions of euros. We also have customers in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Mexico and Australia. Perhaps the most exotic is from New Caledonia.More assert we wanted but mainly in Europe.

What Iran, which after the lifting of sanctions returns to global markets?

It is for the Czech Tatra and of course a very interesting market. Last week we discussed where the supply of civilian units of the Phoenix . It is about four dozen cars to miners and firefighters, the buyer is a private company which will resell the vehicle.

So far, it’s a start. I believe that in this territory, we get more orders. The point is to persuade the Iranians to accept a European homologation. This means that our cars do not have to undergo complicated in Iran and especially long local homologation tests.

The last time you next common types have begun to focus on various specials, for example, the extraction of shale gas. You will continue to do so?

Around half of the production should continue to be the standard, the latter will require a variety of special design features, extensions and so on.Delivery dates of these vehicles are not tailored to twelve weeks as with conventional tipper Phoenix. With some exaggeration, but I can say that we are better than Skoda Mlada Boleslav, in which you are waiting for Superb eighteen to twenty-two weeks.

Count for the non-European territories where there is so strict emission standards, even with the production of air-cooled engines that were once developed in Koprivnice?

In India and the Middle East takes an interest. This year we produce four to five hundred engines. In the past, the importance for soldiers, because if you hit the radiator drain of water.

Today, the weapons are so advanced that it does not matter whether you have air or water-cooled engine. The advantage of Tatra concept was and is still easy maintenance. Today, our simple motors interesting emerging employment opportunities in a variety of stationary stations, bioplynkách and the like.

The foundation of your business is therefore chassis backbone frame with a central tube and independently suspended half-axles.

Yes, but we are constantly modernizing. Raising the axle loads, the cars could be transported harder and harder costs. We automates some segments, such as the closing of differentials at the entrance to the field.The philosophy is still the same: Tatra passes where he passes other cars.And no need to do complicated and electronics fault.

Martin Bednarz (40)
He graduated from the Faculty of Economics VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. After studying devoted to crisis management. After several successful restructurings wants to become a manager capable of leading development companies, the first opportunity he got in Tatra Trucks.In the years 2008 to 2011 in Kopřivnice automaker has worked as a production manager.Více na: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=nl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.nl&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://nazory.euro.e15.cz/rozhovory/martin-bednarz-nadesel-cas-aby-se-znovuzrozena-tatra-naucila-chodit-1266874&usg=ALkJrhgSuWH49WfyN4S2cie7AOOrbqJSjw#utm_medium=selfpromo&utm_source=e15&utm_campaign=copylink
