Dakar Stage 5: Loprais out

Ales on yesterday’s technical problems due to which he had to withdraw from the race …
Ales Loprais and his expression of the Dakar 2016 …
“I apologize to everyone for communications lockout caused by spending the night in the bonding stage at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level, without the possibility of regular communication …
Yesterday’s stage was a bit strange. Probably previous heavy rains and the ever-present mud was signed on the electronics of our vehicles. Just before we left tire inflation system, then immediately after the start of the bottom row of gears and a bit over half the SS 4×4. However, the finish we dodriftovali only rear-wheel drive in very good time and I was happy that we did with the car, which was not 100% fit dragged into the goal. Then we went to the connecting leg of the marathon bivouac. In the mountains, at the highest possible point is blocked the left front wheel. We stopped immediately and the fault quickly analyzed. Unfortunately, there was so far from unknown reason damage to the front wheel hub bearings. This episode behind us and we nor any of the other participants, who stood with us, not with them. It meant one thing. Call assistance, which was at that time the US 600 km away and wait for help. Meanwhile, we have dismantled the wheel hub, erected tents at night, waiting for the morning help. Boys of service I navigated a satellite phone and sent them the GPS coordinates where to find us. They arrived after dark in the morning. At an altitude of 4000 meters everything works differently. One can quickly get tired and suffering from a major headache and malaise. Correction succeeded at noon today, and we went to the bivouac, with little hope that we manage to limit the start of the next stage. Unfortunately it did not work and the start gate for us to stay closed.
I regret it very much, even though I know that this is exactly Dakar – beautiful, fascinating, relentless and cruel. After last year’s fourth place at Dakar and second place in Morocco, I felt the possibility of this new team on the Dakar to succeed. I wanted to free day to survive with minimal loss for the first five and then start to pull in the difficult stages that suits me. It did not happen unfortunately. I look forward and think of another event to humble ourselves.
I thank all the fans for their kind messages of tolerance for family and partners for their support.
It is much appreciated and we look forward again with you on your next adventure. “
Your Ales
Ales on yesterday’s technical problems due to which he had to withdraw from the race …
Ales Loprais and his expression of the Dakar 2016 …
“I apologize to everyone for communications lockout caused by spending the night in the bonding stage at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level, without the possibility of regular communication …
Yesterday’s stage was a bit strange. Probably previous heavy rains and the ever-present mud was signed on the electronics of our vehicles. Just before we left tire inflation system, then immediately after the start of the bottom row of gears and a bit over half the SS 4×4. However, the finish we dodriftovali only rear-wheel drive in very good time and I was happy that we did with the car, which was not 100% fit dragged into the goal. Then we went to the connecting leg of the marathon bivouac. In the mountains, at the highest possible point is blocked the left front wheel. We stopped immediately and the fault quickly analyzed. Unfortunately, there was so far from unknown reason damage to the front wheel hub bearings. This episode behind us and we nor any of the other participants, who stood with us, not with them. It meant one thing. Call assistance, which was at that time the US 600 km away and wait for help. Meanwhile, we have dismantled the wheel hub, erected tents at night, waiting for the morning help. Boys of service I navigated a satellite phone and sent them the GPS coordinates where to find us. They arrived after dark in the morning. At an altitude of 4000 meters everything works differently. One can quickly get tired and suffering from a major headache and malaise. Correction succeeded at noon today, and we went to the bivouac, with little hope that we manage to limit the start of the next stage. Unfortunately it did not work and the start gate for us to stay closed.
I regret it very much, even though I know that this is exactly Dakar – beautiful, fascinating, relentless and cruel. After last year’s fourth place at Dakar and second place in Morocco, I felt the possibility of this new team on the Dakar to succeed. I wanted to free day to survive with minimal loss for the first five and then start to pull in the difficult stages that suits me. It did not happen unfortunately. I look forward and think of another event to humble ourselves.
I thank all the fans for their kind messages of tolerance for family and partners for their support.
It is much appreciated and we look forward again with you on your next adventure. “
Your Ales

Aleš Loprais o včerejších technických problémech, díky kterým musel odstoupit ze závodu…

Aleš Loprais a jeho vyjádření z Dakaru 2016…

“Omlouvám se všem za komunikační výluku způsobenou nocováním ve spojovací etapě ve výšce 4000 metrů nad mořem, bez možnosti běžné komunikace…

Včerejší etapa byla poněkud zvláštní. Pravděpodobně předešlé vydatné deště a všudy přítomné bláto se podepsaly na elektronice našeho vozidla. Těsně před startem nám odešel systém dohušťování pneumatik, následně ihned po startu spodní řada rychlostních stupňů a kousek za polovinou erzety pohon 4×4. Nicméně do cíle jsme dodriftovali jen se zadním náhonem ve velmi slušném čase a já byl štastný, že jsme to s autem, které nebylo ve 100% kondici dotáhli do cíle. Následně jsme pokračovali spojovací etapou do maratonského bivaku. V horách, v tom nejvyšším možném místě se zablokovalo levé přední kolo. Ihned jsme zastavili a závadu rychle analyzovali. Bohužel došlo z prozatím neznámého důvodu k poškození ložiska náboje předního kola. Tento díl jsme sebou my a ani nikdo z dalších účastníků, kteří u nás zastavili, u sebe neměli. Znamenalo to jediné. Zavolat asistenci, která byla v tu chvíli od nás 600 km daleko a čekat na pomoc. Mezitím jsme demontovali náboj kola, postavili v noci stany a čekali na ranní pomoc. Kluky ze servisu jsem navigoval satelitním telefonem a odeslal jim koordináty gps, kde nás mají hledat. Dorazili za tmy nad ránem. Ve výšce 4 000 metrů vše funguje jinak. Člověk se rychle unaví a trpí velkými bolestmi hlavy a malátností. Oprava se podařila až v poledne dnešního dne a my se vydali do bivaku, s malou nadějí zda stihneme limit startu do další etapy. Bohužel to nevyšlo a brána startu pro nás zůstala uzavřena.

Mrzí mne to moc, ikdyž dobře vím, že tohle přesně je Dakar – krásný, fascinující, neúprosný a také krutý. Po loňském čtvrtém místě na Dakaru a druhém místě v Maroku, jsem cítil možnost letos v novém týmu na Dakaru uspět. Chtěl jsem do volného dne přežít s minimální ztrátou na první pětku a následně začít tahat v těžkých etapách, které mi sedí. Nestalo se bohužel. Dívám se dopředu a myslím na další event, který pokoříme.

Děkuji všem fanouškům za milé vzkazy, rodině za toleranci a partnerům za podporu.
Moc si toho vážím a teším se zase s Vámi na další dobrodružství.”

Váš Aleš Loprais