Tatra Kopřivnice automaker is doing such a long time. Two years ago, the traditional Czech manufacturer of heavy vehicles in the auction because of debts, produced little, and the workers went to work only occasionally. After the departure of foreign owners, headed by an American manager Ronald Adams, who ruined factory, Tatra bought a pair of local entrepreneurs René Matera and Jaroslav Strnad.
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Build a seriously ill patient on his feet and return it to former strength were tasked with “flying” crisis manager Petr Karasek, who previously worked in the carmaker must Karosa (now Iveco) or in Pilsen Skoda Transportation, and Pavel Rusek, also a crisis manager, who own example company producing automobile parts.
Last year, the first under the new leadership, said Tatra 850 cars this year, wants to make them even more. The company’s revenues last year exceeded CZK 3.7 billion and its profit is approaching 500 million m before tax. Tatra managed to return to the lost key markets such as India, as well as establishing itself in new, such as in Saudi Arabia.
The company believes are recruiting new employees and invest. “We are going to invest 240 million into the machine tool, which is the largest investment in the plant for the last ten years. After many years automaker this year, the state paid the tax, and almost eighty million. The company that ran the gravedigger shovel, I think pretty good, “says CEO of Tatra Trucks Petr Karasek.
When here two years ago managerial tandem Karasek-Rusek came, the situation could not be worse. Kopřivnická almost factory producing. Parts suppliers did not believe her, because in the past they did not pay.Subscribers her again seen this as either debited or as linked to corruption – the latter was particularly the case in India.
Could considered one of the shareholders of the former Tatra British Indian Ravinder Rishi that India faced serious allegations of corruption in obtaining defense contracts. Indian state-owned company BEML, which is in charge of the local army weaponry, because she did not want to have anything to do with Tatra. Overall, the future for the North Moravian factory did not look good.Gray bark at each kilu
“When I came here, it looked a bit like here at Karosa in the early nineties,” he recalls Fuller and Army special for me, carrying a giant in Kopřivnice factory. Now in Karosa he learned to drive heavy trucks. Most of the buildings that we pass, was built in the 70s and 80s and I look like noise.The factory was established at a time when it was planned that it will annually churn out 15,000 cars. Times serial production for friendly states from the socialist camp, the Warsaw Pact countries, however, are long gone. Last year there were produced 850 cars from the former factory area is now used by only a third.
Original text: http://euro.e15.cz/archiv/tatra-investuje-ctvrt-miliardy-pred-dvema-lety-pritom-byla-na-mizine-1204447