August 25th, 2014
Preceding the Pebble Beach Concours d’Élegance was the Rolex Tour d’Élegance, held on August 14, 2014. Here, historic cars travel from Pebble Beach to Big Sur and back to Carmel. Here are some pix of the participants in the Tatra class.
Pavel Kasik
Kees Smit started the tour, but saw a Horch backing into him at an [...]
August 24th, 2014
From l to r: Pavel Kasik and family, Frank Kollinek and wife, Ken Uffheill, the Danny Barnett team, Barbar Frolich, Guido Smit, Paul Greenstein andn Dydia deLyser (and dog Harpo) the Lane Museum T 603 drivers, David Russell, John Long with wife and daughter, Kees Smit. Kneeling: Chris Oerstrom and Jeff Lane. All were enthusiastic, [...]
August 24th, 2014
The choice of the Jon Shirley’s 1954 Ferrari 375 MM Scaglietti Coupe was not a total surprise given its provenance, quality of restoration and undisputed elegance. It still sent a ripple through the knowledgeable crowd gathered before The Lodge overlooking the 18th green of one of the world’s most famous golf courses. This is the [...]
August 24th, 2014
Today, we have a chance to showcase a somewhat unusual photoshoot depicting two cars that are generations apart, but similar in its shape and form.First one is a Soviet era luxury vehicle (if there ever was such a thing) powered by a Tatra 603G V8 air-cooled engine with a displacement of 2474 cc, which develops [...]
August 24th, 2014
TATRA TRUCKS rise from the ashes following its predecessor’s bankruptcy seems to be continuing at a steady pace. The company already announced at the beginning of August that it had sold more vehicles in the first half of the year than expected and raised its profits estimate for the full year to 3 billion crowns. [...]
August 23rd, 2014
Historic racing cars to “Dessauer race weekend”
Klaus-Lothar Bebber: On October 3, it goes to the historic journey on the A9!
Dessau (db). What promises that one should also keep!
True to this old adage will be cashed on February 8, given the technology Hugo Junkers promise Automotive guild master Klaus-Lothar Bebber. The historical Hanomag diesel, with the [...]
August 23rd, 2014
Rumors were growing more and more these passed weeks concerning the possible return of the Russian Kamaz Master Team on the [AFRICA ECO RACE ]. Now it´s official: The Kamaz Team has confirmed their participation on the 7th edition of the Africa Eco Race (AER) with two racing trucks.
Remember, on the AER 2013, Kamaz had [...]
August 23rd, 2014
流线型车终量产 风阻探索不停歇
在先驱者们的感召之下,一场延续至今的车身外形的大革命打响了。史料记载,从2020年代起,、梅赛德斯等车企都开始了流线型原型车的制造。而在当时,最热衷制造流线型的,莫过于来自捷克的Tatra。这个品牌现在在中国被人戏称为“太拖拉”,而且更为我们熟知的其实是它的卡车。不过在20世纪二、三十年代,Tatra可是引领流线型造型的一代名家。这其中的关键人物是Paul Jaray,一位匈牙利裔的设计师。在与Tatra联手之前,他曾是一位优秀的飞艇设计师,而他研究的核心正是流线造型的应用。1927年,他建立了一家名为“流线型车身”的公司,专门进行流线型汽车车身的设计。此后不久,Tatra与他达成了合作。从1931年到1939年二战打响,Tatra共祭出了V570、T77、T87、T97这四款流线造型汽车。而T77也成为了世界上首款依照空气动力学原理设计的量产车。人们使用1:5比例的T77模型进行了实验,T77的只有0.2455。今天我们所开的汽车,大多数也达不到这个水平。除了流线型之外,T77还应用了独立、镁合金风冷V8、干式等等一系列在当时非常先进的技术,可谓炫目异常。
1937年款Tatra T97与1938年的
August 23rd, 2014
Insbesondere der Tatra 603, von 1956 bis 1975 im tschechoslowakischen Bratislava produziert, galt als sozialistische Luxuskarosse. Besonderheiten waren die ungewöhnliche Stromlinien betonte Gestaltung des Automobils und der luftgekühltenV 8-Motor im Heck. Das Fahrzeug, das meist von Staatsbediensteten und hohen Parteifunktionären genutzt wurde, wies 105 PS auf und brachte es auf Spitzengeschwindigkeiten um die 170 km/h. [...]
August 3rd, 2014
With two T 87s,Three T 613s and five T 603s and Some members in non-Tatra vehicles, the Tatra palet was well presented in a scène fulltime of British industrial hermitage.
For lots of Photos, please visit Peter Visser’s site.