Enthusiasts of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice for a long time desire to fix legendary train from 1936. Strela so-called Slovak Although the spring cleaning see through, but most would need to get rid of the rust and restore the interior and drive, which would cost up to twenty million.
Slovak strela overcome speed records, but in old age is no longer mobile and wither. In place of the driver’s museum director Lumír Kaválek. | Photo: Alexandr Satinský, Mafra
“Yes, overhaul is much needed to know, but unfortunately lacks necessary million,” said Director of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice Lumír Kaválek.
Slovak missile stands outside the museum under the shelter that this national cultural monument protected from the weather a little.
Above varnish increasingly prevails rust, condition of the roof begins to be acute, rehabilitation needed by the interior and drive.
Only basic renovations comes to about six million, if restorers started the Slovak strely thoroughly, suddenly, the amount jumped to about twenty million.
The train, which before World War 2 ahead of the development of many years, belongs to Tatra Trucks. It was bought last year Kopřivnice. A museum with her.
However, the current priority of investment in manufacturing and maintaining employment. “At present, expenditure on restaurant-conservation work we can not afford. Any activity to improve the condition of the train have our support, but at the time of restructuring the company, this support can have a significant financial dimension, “said spokesman Andrej Tatra Trucks Čírtek.
He added that although the rescue of the company on the right track, still struggling to make the Tatras was not just a museum.
Another route is therefore a subsidy. Before about six years ago kopřivnické museum lost in the battle for the support of the Lower Vitkovice areas.
And with other subsidies completely misses the shot. Once the Ministry for Regional Development announced a grant program for the national monument, there were just real estate.
In addition, grant programs for the period 2014-2020, which instead of counties to manage ministries, are not yet known.
“If the bullet did not touch, and lasts even ten years, maybe a little more. But the later the start, the costs will be higher, “said museum director Kaválek.
Author: Josef Gabzdyl
Zdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNewZdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNew
Zdroj: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=cs&tl=en&u=http://ostrava.idnes.cz/slovenska-strela-dal-rezavi-d1f-/ostrava-zpravy.aspx%3Fc%3DA140628_2078113_ostrava-zpravy_mav&usg=ALkJrhiAN68EVVTdIF6DYI1wPZifBWcNew

Enthusiasts of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice for a long time desire to fix legendary train from 1936. Strela so-called Slovak Although the spring cleaning see through, but most would need to get rid of the rust and restore the interior and drive, which would cost up to twenty million.
Slovak strela overcome speed records, but in old age is no longer mobile and wither. In place of the driver’s museum director Lumír Kaválek. | Photo: Alexandr Satinský, Mafra
“Yes, overhaul is much needed to know, but unfortunately lacks necessary million,” said Director of the Technical Museum in Kopřivnice Lumír Kaválek.
Slovak missile stands outside the museum under the shelter that this national cultural monument protected from the weather a little.
Above varnish increasingly prevails rust, condition of the roof begins to be acute, rehabilitation needed by the interior and drive.
Only basic renovations comes to about six million, if restorers started the Slovak strely thoroughly, suddenly, the amount jumped to about twenty million.
The train, which before World War 2 ahead of the development of many years, belongs to Tatra Trucks. It was bought last year Kopřivnice. A museum with her.
However, the current priority of investment in manufacturing and maintaining employment. “At present, expenditure on restaurant-conservation work we can not afford. Any activity to improve the condition of the train have our support, but at the time of restructuring the company, this support can have a significant financial dimension, “said spokesman Andrej Tatra Trucks Čírtek.
He added that although the rescue of the company on the right track, still struggling to make the Tatras was not just a museum.
Another route is therefore a subsidy. Before about six years ago kopřivnické museum lost in the battle for the support of the Lower Vitkovice areas.
And with other subsidies completely misses the shot. Once the Ministry for Regional Development announced a grant program for the national monument, there were just real estate.
In addition, grant programs for the period 2014-2020, which instead of counties to manage ministries, are not yet known.
“If the bullet did not touch, and lasts even ten years, maybe a little more. But the later the start, the costs will be higher, “said museum director Kaválek.
Author: Josef Gabzdyl
July 15th, 2014