New CEO kopřivnické Tatra as of today devětačtyřicetiletý Petr Karasek. The companies operate from July as a consultant with the task of undertaking an in-depth analysis and propose a vision of the future Tatry. Endowed had a difficult task to enforce the Tatra worldwide as a unique manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the field. Více na:
Director-General was in Tatra vacant since the end of July after the departure of Ronald Adams . “The new CEO takes over operational management of the company, which temporarily gave Petr Rusek Chairman and Vice Chairman Radek Strouhal,” spokesman Andrej Čírtek.
“Petra Karasek waiting task to restructure the Tatra and direct it towards prosperity. We Jaroslav Strnad believe that is an excellent candidate for this role, “said the owner René Matera. Více na:
The owner of the car since March this year the company Tatra Trucks, which belongs to Czech entrepreneurs Strnad and Mater. The company won the Tatra at auction, where the company received for debts.
“It is essential that Tatra underwent intensive enough internal restructuring. If the function as a flexible manufacturer of unique specials, then it must match the structure of processes, organization and skills of employees. Changes that are ready, not always pleasant, but for survival and further development of the company are necessary. We will have a strong and direct communication both with staff and with the trade unions, “Karasek said.
New boss Tatry worked as a crisis manager for example at Skoda Transportation. For many years he also worked in Karosa High Toll (currently Iveco Czech Republic).
Specializing in landscape
The new CEO said that Tatra in the current market situation will not carmaker, which produces tisícikusové series of identical cars. “Its advantage is the ability to search and bridges the gap in the market and for them specifically develop and produce in smaller batches unique specials, which is a requirement for excellent mobility in the field,” Karasek said. Více na:
Rusek said that the automaker should focus on priorities that will make steady growth. “With the new CEO concur in the view of the Tatra Mountains as a unique venture that will specialize in long-term production of small series and individual highly specialized commercial vehicles, which will be the best in the world for its properties in the field,” said Rusek.
Čírtek stated that three months after the change in ownership the Tatra got back into the black when he posted an operating profit of almost 84 million on a turnover of more than 762 million crowns.
“New management is gradually earn back the trust of banks, suppliers and customers and the company under his leadership, the way to accomplish goals for this year to produce over 800 vehicles, which is a hundred percent increase compared to 2012,” the spokesman said. Více na:

The Director-General position at Tatra was vacant since the end of July after the departure of Ronald Adams . “The new CEO takes over operational management of the company, temporarily held by Petr Rusek Chairman and Vice Chairman Radek Strouhal,” spokesman Andrej Čírtek.
“Petra Karasek task is ton restructure Tatra and direct it towards prosperity. We Jaroslav Strnad believe that is an excellent candidate for this role, “said the owner René Matera.
Tatra Trucks, belongs to Czech entrepreneurs Strnad and Mater since an auction in March 2013. Their company won the Tatra at auction, where the company received for debts.
“It is essential that Tatra underwent intensive enough internal restructuring. If the function as a flexible manufacturer of unique specials, then it must match the structure of processes, organization and skills of employees. Changes that are ready, not always pleasant, but for survival and further development of the company are necessary. We will have a strong and direct communication both with staff and with the trade unions, “Karasek said.
The new Tatra boss worked as a crisis manager for example at Skoda Transportation. For many years he also worked in Karosa High Toll (currently Iveco Czech Republic).
Specializing in terrain.
The new CEO said that Tatra in the current market situation will not carmaker, which produces tisícikusové series of identical cars. “Its advantage is the ability to search and bridges the gap in the market and for them specifically develop and produce in smaller batches unique specials, which is a requirement for excellent mobility in the field,” Karasek said. Více na:
Rusek said that the automaker should focus on priorities that will make steady growth. It is a unique venture that will specialize in long-term production of small series and individual highly specialized commercial vehicles, which will be the best in the world for its properties in the field,” said Rusek.
Čírtek stated that three months after the change in ownership the Tatra got back into the black when he posted an operating profit of almost 84 million on a turnover of more than 762 million crowns.
“New management is gradually earn back the trust of banks, suppliers and customers and the company under his leadership, the way to accomplish goals for this year to produce over 800 vehicles, which is a hundred percent increase compared to 2012,” the spokesman said.
Categories: Tatra Works
October 2nd, 2013