Tatra plans triumphant return to Russian market

Posted: 9  7th  2010 15:34, author: CT24 (Automatic translation from http://www.ct24.cz/ekonomika/95364-tatra-planuje-triumfalni-navrat-na-rusky-trh/
T163JamalKopřivnice – Kopřivnice car Tatra slowly begin to recover from the crisis, during which the whole company had to stop the banks and big plans to expand abroad.  Particularly keen to return to Russia, which previously had been her biggest commercial market.  In order to avoid high import duties that its products more expensive for Russian consumers, wants its Tatra trucks mounted directly in one of the former Soviet Union. 
“To avoid pětadvacetiprocentnímu duty, which led Prime Minister Putin, and we once again managed to gain Russian market, we will conduct negotiations with potential partners in order to carry out assembly of Tatra cars in Russia or in another region of the Commonwealth of Independent States,” presented in the report to shareholders plan for its Tatra CEO Ronald Adams.
Rallying Tatra has bold plans on other continents.  In Southeast Asia it with potential partners in marketing and assembly in Malaysia.  The aim of cooperation is to be a quality supply to all countries in Southeast Asia.

Tatra escaped from the gravedigger shovel
Tatra last year due to the crisis ended in a loss of more than sedmsetmilionové, which was still 140 million more than in 2008.  But now the company begins to recover from the crisis.  “We can say that we managed to reduce costs and expenses, and that we are beginning to be successful in increasing our market share and sales. This is the winning combination necessary to enable the Tatra get back on top where they belong,” said Adams.

In South America, completed the car in-depth analysis and assumes that the countries that it opens the door to South American markets will be Brazil.  “We believe that this is a market for 400 to 1 000 trucks, plus military vehicles, which will be developed in the near future,” said Adams.
Currently, according to him represents the Tatra of the further development of a key role Saudi Arabia.  Its ground forces will buy the 3000 cars, 4×4, after which it will be during the five years following the contract for another 4000 military 6×6 and 8×8 vehicles. 

Tatra engineers also collaborate with Navistar and develop their first joint vehicle for the Canadian armed forces.  Stable market for Tatra also remains India.  Wants to enforce but also in Australia.

See also http://world-news.dxinginfo.com/2010/07/news-7102010.html