Tatraplan advertizing the human cannonball

T600_Project_Turned_Show_Car_Rear_resizeI bought the lot and with the help of a friend hauled it all back to my spread and started unpacking and sorting. Quite the “Mother Lode” indeed. I have sold a few extra bits to hungry Tatra owners trying to complete their restorations, and managed to buy another lot of parts from someone else and quickly am finding myself in the used Tatra parts business! As for the main car itself, I recently spent some time assembling it and preparing it for display at the annual VW Classic in Irvine California this past weekend.
In hopes of blowing some VW minds I decided to give it a slight drop job and bolt on some custom VW wheels on the front. And to fit in with the VW Freak Show theme of the main display this year, I hand painted some faded signwriting on it to make it appear as it was a promotional car for a fictional Human Cannonball performer, “The Amazing Karaznov” of the Moscow Circus Company.

The response was truly epic…More

One year old news on the same vehicle: http://bringatrailer.com/