Enthusiastic reactions on new TatraWorld website

Guido and Kees discussing the new website way back in 1987

Guido and Kees discussing the new website way back in 1987


After the new designed TatraWorld website went into the air just two weeks ago, we received lots of compliments both via postings and e-mails. A hot bath for us after a lot of work. Thank you. Most comments said the new design was more modern, faster and cleaner, just what we intended. Others asked us what happened to the posting on the old website. A good question, but some time was needed to assemble all the postings from my hard-disc, put them to order and to make them suitable for TW’s search engine. With some luck we succeeded and all the older postings are now easy accessible, either by the search engine or by scrolling down the year of your choice. We also were able to improve TW’s logo, making bit clearer.

With an average of 100 visitors a day on the old-style website, the new-style website seems to attract even more visitors with booming figures in the first days. The numbers are now cooling down, but they wiil stay higher compared to the old-style website mainly because somehow Google has shown interest in the new website.
Maintenance of the new website is much easier and postings can be put on TatraWorld from any computer around the globe.

So, stay tuned and we hope to see your online comments on featured stories.